Search results

  1. Mike

    Does anyone do custom installations?

    Sorry, been having issues with email! I responded to your pm.
  2. Mike

    Anyone Else Having Problems Posting to IPCAMTALK?

    Hmm, thanks for reporting. Looking into it.
  3. Mike

    IPCT Introducing IPCT DDNS! Free DDNS service!

    Yes it is free for 1 host name. Anything more than one requires an IPCT+ subscription.
  4. Mike

    Looking to hire someone to integrate Blue Iris

    I replied to your email @bifixit30911 We can help anyone who needs remote Blue Iris Support! You can set it up by clicking
  5. Mike

    Blue Iris registration

    I guess that was the solution! :)
  6. Mike

    Blue Iris registration

    Glad to hear. What was the issue?
  7. Mike

    IPCT DDNS tool down?

    Shoot me a PM, I'll remote into your pc. I bet there's a wrong setting.
  8. Mike

    Blue Iris registration

    Perhaps the key is being entered incorrectly? Shoot me a PM, I'll help you out.
  9. Mike

    IPCT DDNS tool down?

    Looks like a restart of BIT solved the issue.
  10. Mike

    IPCT DDNS tool down?

    Shoot me a private message, let me remote into your computer and check it out for you.
  11. Mike

    IPCT DDNS tool down?

    Thanks for the report. I am not experiencing any issues. Can you please try to restart Blue Iris tools? Perhaps the tool didnt update.
  12. Mike

    Unexpected data base error....

    Try this \/ and please let me know if that works.
  13. Mike

    IVMS software "Run Error"

    Bumping this old thread because I had a client of mine experience this error, and this solved it. Thanks!
  14. Mike

    Unexpected data base error....

    Thanks for the heads up. I was actually working on the store at that time, there were issues all weekend. Can you please tell me if they are resolved for you? Thanks, Mike
  15. Mike

    Cannot securely download .bvr files for BIcloud (multiple browsers)

    The files are safe, its your browsers being overly sensitive. You can still save the files, click on the up arrow, then "Keep". I have also submitted an appeal to Google for this, so thanks for bringing it to my attention.
  16. Mike

    IPCT-1-4-MP-BN1 just received - DOA

    Do not use the router to search for cameras, it won't find anything until they are on the same IP range. Use EZ Tools then change the IP address. You can download here - Tool—Zhejiang Uniview Technologies Co., Ltd. I just responded to your email that you sent 15 min ago as well
  17. Mike

    Blue Iris Tools - Weather Overlay, Watchdog & more!

    No, I'm having issues with the new version, it's under development though.
  18. Mike

    Unmasking IPVM

    3 sides to every story!
  19. Mike

    Sky Timelapse Using the Dahua - IPC-Color4K-X

    Very cool, thanks for sharing
  20. Mike

    Unmasking IPVM

  21. Mike

    Site other than WeatherUnderground?

    Check out BIT's wiki - Blue Iris Tools Help File
  22. Mike

    Site other than WeatherUnderground?

    Put in the Station ID that you want to use and keep the API key blank.
  23. Mike

    Site other than WeatherUnderground?

    It only supports WU right now, but you don't need an API key for BIT's weather functionality to work.
  24. Mike

    Non-AI cam advice (future Ex-Reolink user :) )
  25. Mike

    Amcrest AD410

    I'm using this on my AD410 for the main stream path without any issues. /cam/realmonitor?channel=1&subtype=0
  26. Mike

    Christmas Sales 2021

    Sale is officially up 4MP Starlight Ultra Low Light Motorized Varifocal Turret IP Camera IPC-T5442T-ZE - IP Cam Talk Store
  27. Mike

    Christmas Sales 2021

    Just a reminder that the sale will also be active in the IPCT Store! Thanks for supporting IPCT!
  28. Mike

    Blue Iris Tools - Weather Overlay, Watchdog & more!

    I am very due for an update, I apologize. The update system on BIT has been broken for a long time and that sucks. I'll try my hardest to push an update out before Jan 1.
  29. Mike

    Hello all from old guy

  30. Mike

