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  1. V

    Slow, unuseable OpenVPN connection to Dahua NVR

    The modem appears pretty decent, however a lot of people have problems using cctv devices on routers because they can't handle lateral traffic across ports. They are generally created to allow internet access and not have fast switching chips across the LAN ports. Traffic may be passing through...
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    Dahua NVR email test always fails

    Did you manually set the IP settings on the NVR or are you using DHCP ?
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    NVR POE NIC IP is changing device IP's on main router

    You should really consider a point to point link like the Ubiquity nanobeams that others are using. Are you able to move the NVR to the cameras side ?. This way camera traffic stays local. The wireless link should just carry the traffic. You could introduce a small switch at the...
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    NVR POE NIC IP is changing device IP's on main router

    Post a network diagram. The POE ports should be used exclusively for cameras. Your NVR should have another NIC interface to connect to your router.
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    Problem accessing camera web interface via SmartPSS 2nd NIC

    I wouldn't port forward in the first place, however I am already landing on the NVR interface (via the internet (P2P), no VPN configured on router). Port forward would only apply to the NVR, not the 2nd interface. Pity the NVR doesn't have a built in browser itself to access the camera segment...
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    Problem accessing camera web interface via SmartPSS 2nd NIC

    I've been here for a little while, but this is one of the few times I am actually in the deep end and need the forum's assistance :). I'm helping someone who has a Dahua DHI-NVR5864-R-4KS2 and I'd like to tweak their camera's exposure settings. In particular the shutter speed is too slow and...
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    IR light question

    940nm is used for covert reasons. No manufacturer would use it by default because their IR illumination distance specs will not be good.
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    AXIS P3717-PLE

    You need to create an onvif user on the camera itself. Google 'axis onvif' and see results. As an example, How to test ONVIF on Axis Cameras - Learn Here is another Microsoft Word - Axis Camera ONVIF Configuration - Uniview.docx ( Also ensure the camera time/time...
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    Milestone hardware replacement

    Your question doesn't really make sense. There is a replace hardware wizard but that is used to replace a faulty camera with another camera to keep the existing recordings. What actual hardware did you replace?
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    BI with Uniview Cameras dropping frames

    I specifically mentioned it was within the camera settings. My model is different to yours. Check that you have the latest firmware also.
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    BI with Uniview Cameras dropping frames

    I'm having some weird issues with newer UNV cameras and Milestone. I haven't had time to resolve them yet. Try turning on 'SVC' (Scalable Video coding) on the cameras under setup>video and audio> video and see if that helps.
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    Need nvr for axis cameras

    try this article. How to Enable ONVIF on AXIS Cameras — Not sure if "able to record motion" will be an issue.
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    Mains Powered Cameras (UK)

    Do some research on Powerline adapters, also know as EoP, Some of these have a POE output that could power your camera. These devices are generally not recommended but may get you out of a tight setup situation.
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    Uniview VCA detection breaks after enabling corridor mode

    :lmao: funny !!!!!, I use a few UNV cameras and am quite happy with them. The best you can hope for is a firmware upgrade.
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    How do I change the IP of my Dahua 5231?

    You could temporarily assign your computer an IP on the same segment as the camera such as Assuming you know the password, you could log in via the web interface and change the network settings. Change computer back to original settings once done.
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    New Fiber Run

    I've found Dahua do this when interconnecting their switches. It's a bit of a pain because I've needed to purchase a DIFFERENT model SFP on each end. Other experience I've had is that Cisco like to 'force' you to use their SFP's which can be very expensive, but it can be overridden in the CLI.
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    Replace failing hard drive

    I did something similar a while back using the GPARTED utility off a bootable USB drive to adjust and move some partitions. Was a bit fiddly but it resolved my issue.
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    Xprotect 2021 R1Release

    Sounds like you did a fresh install. How big was your setup ?, I assume you had to add all your cameras back manually. How many ? Did you have Rules/Alarms or other configuration that was lost ?
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    Xprotect 2021 R1Release

    I think if you do a fresh install on a nice clean WIN 10 machine you'll have no problems.
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    Xprotect 2021 R1Release

    I installed it over a previous installation and it also failed to install. I think i got similar errors, all pointing to the SQL Express database. It messed up my system and despite having a configuration backup, I was not able to restore to the old version because it complained of version...
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    New CCTV Setup with 32 CH + 16 CH NVR + 48 Cameras

    How will you support the system, or will you have someone technical nearby or on site ? I would want to have full remote support capability well thought out.
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    Multi-Camera Setup for familiy-holiday-home with only mobile network available

    Hello, Nice project. Do some research on Zerotier. I haven't used it but it seems promising. You will likely need it for a mobile connection.
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    New build 40 cameras 4K , what would you do ?

    Who originally did/designed the job, why didn't they complete it ?
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    Milestone Husky x8 and axis ip cameras ISSUES

    100 cameras on the one screen?, That's an awfully large number to display at once. Can your workstation handle it?.Have you configured live view with secondary streams? Do those same offline cameras work ok if viewing separately on another smaller view?
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    Latest 5 camera/2 pole Traffic LPR Installs

    looks like an Axis P3717 ? Nice camera
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    Vaccine Passports: THIS Is Where It Leads

    I think the global database is a bigger problem than the vaccine itself.
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    Stumped as to why Blue Iris Android app via OpenVPN will not connect

    Let's Encrypt certificates expire every 3 months I understand. Have you automated that process? because renewing it that often manually will be painful . Seems you have set it up overly complex. Can you not use self signed certificates ?
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    Mobile network

    Awesome video, thanks. Seems like your very own personal P2P system!. I don't use Blue Iris, and I don't quite understand the secondary adapter address that Zero tier creates. Is that address temporarily assigned like DHCP ?. When configuring the WAN setting in BI, wouldn't that eventually stop...
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    Dahua NVR issue

    Does the NVR have built in POE or do you have a separate switch ?. How long do the cameras go offline for (if momentary) ?, they usually take about 1-2 minutes to reboot if they lose power. What about play back?, is the system recording whilst the cameras appear offline ?
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    UNV Camera password - Purchased from ipctstore

    It's pretty unlikely the password is incorrect. The camera will force you to accept the EULA and then change the password at first log on before allowing you to proceed. What IP address is showing up on EZtools ?, have you tried connecting to the camera using a web browser to that IP address ?