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    What should I pay for EliteDesk, 800-G3 , i5 7500 3.4GHz, 16GB RAM, 256GB SSD, Win 10 Pro?

    Windguy, thanks for the tips on the screws. I've built dozens of PC's and the majority do not have rubber insulation for vibration so that shouldn't be an issue. I'm not sure however if the purpose of those is to insulate against vibration or rather to electrically isolate the drive from the...
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    What should I pay for EliteDesk, 800-G3 , i5 7500 3.4GHz, 16GB RAM, 256GB SSD, Win 10 Pro?

    I recently added a 4TB 3.5inch drive to an Elitedesk 800 G4. The biggest pain was that no HDD screws were included inside the case. The mounting cage required proprietary isolation/spacer style screws to mount the drive. I had to scrounge for something suitable in my spare parts box to make do.
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    New Cameras and Network Upgrade

    Nice work Tasous, time for a deserved Freddo Cappuccino.
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    IR Illuminators in 2019

    Illuminators still have their place. You can run an even faster shutter speed to reduce motion blur.
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    vlan tagging support

    What are you expecting from the camera or trying to do ?. Vlan tagging is something a Vlan capable switch will do. When a Layer 2 frame appears on the port, if configured, a tag will be added and encapsulated in the packet. A router or Layer 3 capable switch will route traffic between 2...
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    License Plate Reader - Axis Camera - Need Settings Help

    The image is a little over exposed for LPR, a little darker may help (similar to bigredfish). I was going to suggest speeding up the shutter, but at 1/5000 it's actually already very fast. Try 1/10000. Alternatively try reducing the gain a little further (below 12). You could also experiment...
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    Network Noob/initialize and change camera ip

    Is your Poe switch connected to the rest of your network/router while you are testing?, You may not have a dhcp server active (your router). You may need to manually check and configure your laptop IP settings.
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    Long Distance POE

    It's going to be really difficult. Can you actually buy cable easily at that length?. I wouldn't be joining cables. I'd also take the epoe specs with a grain of salt, they would probably only apply in ideal world conditions. You would also need to look at very low powered Poe cameras, no IR etc
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    Network from Barn to House

    Make sure you can ping the access point from your barn. Also, if connecting to the wap in the house, you should pick up a dhcp address from your barn router. Check that the ptp link is actually in bridge mode, both ends of link should be managed on the same subnet.
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    AXIS P3224-V MK 11..What am I doing wrong ?

    You did see it !!:), its the 'control button' at the bottom of the arrow in your photo. You can freely download the manual from the axis web site - AXIS P3225-LVE Mk II Network Camera To reset, from the manual, remove power, hold down the button while reconnecting power, hold for 15-30 seconds...
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    AXIS P3224-V MK 11..What am I doing wrong ?

    When the camera is initially connected to POE, the internal LED will go orange, this is good. It usually goes out after a few seconds (10-15). I've also had the device manager not find some cameras occasionally. I found that stopping and restating the Axis device manager service allowed...
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    Looking for camera suggestions (35 ft identify?)

    pixels per foot, the more pixels the better for recognition or identification. Here's a bit on the topic- The PPF / PPM Video Surveillance Guide Pixel Density, PPM and PPF in Video Surveillance
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    Dual NIC Set-up issues

    The camera subnet IS different 172.168 (yes looked very similar), and yes I agree.
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    Server Rack..How would you clean this up?

    I like to be able to trace where a cable goes to/ comes from. Personally I would use short cables.
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    NetTime Setup with Firewalls

    Excuse the silly question, have you configured the new NTP settings on each camera to point to the net time machine? What cameras are they and is your timezone correct ?
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    NetTime Setup with Firewalls

    That doesn't make sense. Do your cameras have synchronised time to your nettime PC ?, if so seems the nettime is working ok. The firewall will only disallow external connections to the internet, in which case Nettime will show that sync has failed. (I stand to be corrected, perhaps the...
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    NetTime Setup with Firewalls

    There is an option in the settings to "Allow other computers to sync to this computer". If you tick/check that option, the cameras can sync to your internal network. From the timesynctool web site FAQ- "I have configured NetTime to provide time to other systems, but it's not working: Ensure...
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    Dahua IPC-T5442TM-AS-LED review

    Great review Wopi. Can you elaborate on the use/purpose of the LED ?. Can this illuminate under a schedule or on events such as line crossings etc ?
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    Anybody use OpenVPN server on Windows

    When I initially configured OpenVPN, on the first occasion I right clicked on my server configuration file (server.opvn) and started it with the 'start OpenVPN on this config file'. Once I confirmed it was operational, I got it working as a service without any problems and I didn't have to do...
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    Anybody use OpenVPN server on Windows

    I think you did pretty well for getting it running in a single day. I've almost got mine going after several days and yes it was painful. I hope to have it completed properly soon. I've got a few friends that I'm helping out and they are not in a position or willing to change over their router...
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    Extreme Backlight

    You could try using custom exposure zones. You highlight a specific area and the camera will adjust for the region selected. The other part of the image may be washed out but at least exposure may be ok where required (eg internally).
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    Email Bug fixed Firmware for

    I just upgraded a IPC-HDW5231R-ZE & IPC-HFW5231E-Z successfully (both from Andy). Gmail now back in business.
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    Banned Chinese Security Cameras Are Almost Impossible to Remove

    Easiest solution for these installations is to completely remove them from any other business network and internet. The cctv industry needs a new acronym, it's no longer closed circuit.
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    Why is cloud based video surveillance?

    These cloud providers (middlemen) likely want an ongoing revenue stream monthly subscription!
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    Cleaning Up Image

    Shutter is way too slow without incurring motion blur (particularly at night). Use 1/60 or higher. For LPR you'll need to go even faster. You may need to add additional light if the resultant image is too dark (add white light or IR).
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    Help with nvr p2p device offline.

    Can you supply a network diagram showing the subnets and IP address ranges ?, It is not clear how the NVR connects to the office, Is that via another private wireless link (bridge) between yourselves ?
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    Andy’s fancy cameras install

    You'll have to experiment with a few of the settings. Try enabling WDR or BLC under backlight settings.
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    Chinese camera from WISH. (Check the photo)

    Nice work RadioDJ but that seems like a lot of hard work, I'd rather enjoy my Frappe.
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    email notify

    I'm a little late to the party but I finally got wireshark capturing packets correctly on a different PC. When I compare mail test sending using Hotmail (at bottom), there is a lot more TLSv1.2 activity shown compared to Gmail (at top). So the question remains, I hope new firmware will...
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    email notify

    I'm running this f/w - Device TypeIPC-HFW5231E-Z System VersionV2.800.0000005.0.R, Build Date: 2019-03-25 Unfortunately I could not get wireshark working for me to get a capture. Promiscuous mode was enabled by default. Not sure if my NIC supports that mode (an Intel I219-V, with latest...