Chinese camera from WISH. (Check the photo)


Dec 28, 2018
Athens, Greece
Hello to everyone.
If someone of you, has this specific doorbell, I would like to ask him a question.
After the photo, you will see the question


The Question:
At the moment, I use IP Camera Viewer 4.07 to control/view the three IP Cameras I have installed.
I am thinking of buying this doorbell. But before that, I want to be sure that my program will communicate with the doorbell.
If someone uses this doorbell, can he download «IP Camera Viewer» and tell us if the doorbell is "autodiscoverable"? It's easy to check this. Just "add camera" and see if it can discover the doorbell.


I believe that the doorbell is not autodiscoverable.
If it is... it will be fine.
As you all wish, it would be great if we could monitor our doorbell all the time.
Thanks for the time you will spend to check it and thanks for reading my post.
I bought this camera and I have it in my hands.
You are right,,,
The camera is not Autodiscoverable.
Yes, is doesn't support ONVIF...
And yes, when you press the button, you have ONLY notification on your phone.
The classic bell that it's installed at my home, don't bell.
But I am electronic engineer. I will make a post describing how I did solve this.
When you "disassembly" the back cover, you see this...

All you have to do, is unscrew the central button

Then, you have to connect a cable here.
(the left upper and left lower pins, are connected straight to the ground of the system).

This means that you can take the command through this cable.

Let's see how can you use this command.

You can connect a small relay (mine is a 5v relay).
On the "coil" of the relay you will connect (on the first pin) the positive pole of the battery and on the other pin of the coil, you will connect this cable that is displayed on the previous picture.

The switch of the relay should be connected on this point of the doorbell

Pay attention of the switch of the relay.
You must use, the side of the switch that closes circuit, when the coil of the relay has power.


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This is the relay I used.
The conductors with the green numbers, are the coil of the relay.
The blue conductors are the switch part of the relay.


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If someone wants to do the same, he might need to add a resistor through the coil of the relay.
Why this?
Well, in my case, when I pressed the button of the doorbell, the bell inside my home, was activated for almost 10 seconds (yes, in these 10 seconds the doorbell button was released).
Putting a resistor of 22 Ohm through the coil circuit, the relay is activated, ONLY when you press the button of the doorbell.
I have checked the you can use between 15 ohm and 39 ohm.
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I will attach two "night" photos of this camera.
Yes, on daylight the quality is better.
On the following photo, is with the light at my garage enabled.

This is the photo with the night vision of the doorbell

Here you can see a photo with the daylight. Keep in mind that's it's a sunny day and everything looks too bright. Later, I will try to show you a picture, when the sun goes at the side of the door.

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Thodori i bought the small relay from Fanos.
The same message in greek now:

Θοδωρή γειά σου. Από τον Φανό το αγόρασα (Σολωμού 39), στα Εξάρχεια.
Έχε μαζί τη φωτογραφία και αν χρειαστείς βοήθεια, πες μου.
Dear Mr. RadioDJ105,
thanks for your reply!
I am very happy for this guide!

Two questions:
  1. Is it necessary to use this doorbell with batteries in case I will connect it with the existing cords removing the old classic doorbell?
  2. The resistor should be connected between the coil no.1 and the positive pole or between the coil no.2 and the main button of doorbell (which I'll connect using a cord)?


PS in Greek language:
Βασίλη με συγχωρείς αλλά είμαι λογιστής και άσχετος με τα ηλεκτρονικά. Θα σε ζαλίσω με τις ερωτήσεις μου μέχρι να τα καταφέρω με το κουδούνι!
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I use these batteries, so in case of a power failure, the camera of the doorbell, will still work.
If you use the existed power, then if power shut down (or someone, cut the power), you will not be able to see who was on your door.
On the next question, the answer is simple: It's the same. Resistors don't have polarity.

In Greek: Αν βάλεις μπαταρίες, θα ξέρεις πως ακόμα και σε διακοπή ρεύματος, το θυροτηλέφωνο θα συνεχίσει να καταγράφει, κάποιον που θα χτυπήσει το κουδούνι και βέβαια θα τον γράψει και στην κάρτα SD. Προσοχή με τις μπαταρίες. Θέλει ΜΕ κεφάλι. Μην πάρεις ΧΩΡΙΣ γιατί δεν θα παίξουν. Τις μπαταρίες τις αγόρασα από ένα μικρό κατάστημα/εργαστήριο σε ένα δρόμο παράλληλα στην Λένορμαν πολύ κοντά στην Εθνική Οδό.
Την αντίσταση την έβαλα, γιατί πατούσε κάποιος μία φορά το κουμπί και το κουδούνι χτυπούσε 4-5 φορές (στα καπάκια).
Αν δεις τη φωτογραφία, δείχνει ακριβώς την καλωδίωση για την αντίσταση. Δεν έχει σημασία αν θα την βάλεις στη μία θέση που γράφεις ή στην άλλη.
Σημασία έχει, πως πρέπει να μπει "σε σειρά" με την τροφοδοσία του πηνίου του ρελέ.
1. The resistor can be smaller. I think that 1/4 Watt will work fine (keep in mind that there is not too much space inside the doorbell).
2. I am not sure, if the specific relay will work for you. Let's hope that it works.
3. Finally, make a call before you buy the battery, just to check that it's not "flat" on the top.
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Sorry if this is off topic but I'm new here and I have a question about this P doorbell camera. I bought this exact same camera from wish, and I'm having a problem getting it ready. I have new batteries in it fully charged. Ive tried two sets of batteries, all new, fully charged Samsung 18650s. It won't start unless I also have a USB cord plugged into it, hooked up to either a battery charger or an Anker powerCore battery pack. I'm not able to hook the camera up to my existing doorbell right away, so I wanted to use the battery method of using it. But apparently it isn't going to work with the batteries in it. I contacted wish, and got no help except they did refund all of my money already. I've only had the thing for about a week. I also don't have to return the camera. So I'm still monkeying with it trying to get it to work. Any ideas or suggestions? I appreciate all the help I can get.
Hi there. It looks like there is a problem with the batteries.
Actually, there are two types of battery. The "Flat" one and other that have a small "Head".
I have try the flat one, and my doorbell had the same symptoms like yours= Didn't work at all.
I am affraid that you have to return your batteries.
Check these photos. The first time I bought the green coloured batteries and it didn't worked.


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FYI - I would recommend avoiding WISH, too many scams on it imho

Here's an example of a typical WISH scam / fraud ( old GPU flashed to claim to be a newer GPU ... )
Hi there. It looks like there is a problem with the batteries.

Thank you very much for your reply! I had tried a different brand of batteries, but they were also flat top. Never occurred to me to try button tops. I use 18650s in several devices, and I happen to have a few button tops on hand, but as bizarre as it seems, there is actually a slight difference in length between button tops, albeit slight (see photos below). The longer ones don't fit, and I only have one of the shorter ones here, So, I'm going to have to buy more. Mind telling me where you ordered your pink button tops from? Again, thanks for the help!battery2.jpg battery1.jpg battery2.jpg battery1.jpg battery2.jpg
Unfortunately I bought these batteries from an e-shop in Athens (Greece). I am sure they can't post these for you. However, I can give you the exact type of batteries, when I return back to my base (now I am on vacations).