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  1. I

    Dahua day/night switch utility - DahuaSunriseSunset

    I am already using the "Seconds Between Lens Commands" set to the default of 4 seconds. I'll try changing the default to 5 seconds and see if that makes a difference.
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    Dahua day/night switch utility - DahuaSunriseSunset

    I read through the past few pages to see if my specific problem was mentioned and didn't see it. The problem only recently started after having run the utility for some months successfully. Specifically, the problem is affecting my LPR camera (Dahua 5241-Z12E) and then only the Focus setting...
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    Unlawful Dumping .... With a Twist.

    Absolutely correct. It's a combination of several factors, the main ones being the change in demographic over the past 50 years in this area, the erosion of the nearby mall over time, and now the lack of law enforcement to address property crimes. The tags I saw from the clothing were from...
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    Unlawful Dumping .... With a Twist.

    How come you are always so good at thinking like the thieves .... hmmmmm. ;)
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    Unlawful Dumping .... With a Twist.

    And yet another twist. I just heard from the neighbor that they had peeked in the bags. Inside was new clothing still with tags on. It now seems the original person dumping the bags was a thief who arranged for subsequent pickup of the stolen clothing.
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    Unlawful Dumping .... With a Twist.

    Mid-day on Monday the 21st, security cameras captured this woman dumping several bags of trash behind the fence of a nearby neighbor. I managed to get captures of the vehicle and the license plate as well. You can see the video at this link to my OneDrive account ->...
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    Build an affordable P.A. system for my driveway?

    +1 In my state. it's called an "Injunction Against Harassment", but the idea is the same as a Restraining Order. Your videos played in front of a judge should result in a Temporary Order. Then if he contests it, you present your case to make the Order permanent. You have a strong case. I expect...
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    Short Dress ...

    Short dress, tight top, chin diaper, tennis shoes, and yes, tiara. All in pink. The latest trending fashion for people carrying signs who say they don't want attention ... :lmao:
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    Short Dress ...

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    Short Dress ...

    LOL ... Maybe that's why she had to specify on her sign.
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    Short Dress ...

    Saw this one come into the alley today .... Couldn't help but notice the large sign she was carrying and thought it odd, to say the least. A few steps further and I could take a better photo.... Still couldn't figure out if she was carrying a sign or a homemade sunblock or ???? wtf knows...
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    Face of a Thief

    No, that guy was younger, I believe. Then again, my ability to discern age is not all that great.
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    Female Urinator ...

    More people urinating in the alley (public urination is illegal in my city) ... this one acted a bit bizarre. She specifically sought out a fully-lit alley and then she stopped at other houses nearby and was driving without headlights for a short time. Drunk maybe. Video on OneDrive is here --...
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    Face of a Thief

    The guy in the photo came through the alley today. As he turned the corner into the alley he pulled a pair of Wrangler jeans out from his baggy clothing, proceeding to tear off the tag and casually tossing it into the alley. This one is unusual with essentially zero reaction to the cameras and...
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    Public Urinators

    My boy just finished up TBS couple months back. He said they are housing Afghan refugees at Upshur now. For their WAR (final TBS training exercise) they were told to move because the gunfire was disturbing the Afghanis at Upshur.
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    best solar flood lights

    So far my short term review of this solar light found at Amazon has been good .... You can see it in operation and alongside some AC powered floodlights in my earlier thread found here ... A Bit...
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    Bear Spray 1 - Trespasser 0

    I've read various and sometimes conflicting things about how bear spray compares to standard pepper spray. All I know is, the occasions I've used the bear spray, the receiving party was disinclined to continue the aggression very quickly. Not instantly, but within a couple of minutes. The mist...
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    Bear Spray 1 - Trespasser 0

    And I only post a fraction of the activity. Some are worse, but for a variety of reasons I don't post those. Many are less significant (or less entertaining) than those posted. Growing up in this neighborhood it was nothing like this. Not even close. It's been eye-opening since moving back about...
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    Bear Spray 1 - Trespasser 0

    I had to chuckle at seeing this guy coming through the alley today .... I'm not sure if he is trying to protect from bear spray or merely hide his identity. The tats probably ID him, so maybe its the bear spray .... who knows???
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    Public Urinators

    I can too .... if it were a one-off event .... and I have. But as I wrote, it was one of three incidents the same day and it's becoming all too common. Having traveled extensively and lived in third-world countries, I know what it is to have to hold your breath whenever you walk past a known...
  21. I

    Bear Spray 1 - Trespasser 0

    Some may recognize my yard from the previous post when a girl went clambering through my property (Woman Walking Alone, Late at Night, in a Dark Alley ...). Last night had another trespasser deciding to use my property as a thoroughfare, only this time I caught up with him in the act. Once...
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    Public Urinators

    Public urination is a crime in my state, and in most states, since it involves indecent exposure and can be considered a health risk. Further, the alleys in my city are closed to non residents. Those in the photos are trespassers. I find it disgusting that people will make a toilet out of my...
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    Public Urinators

    Yes, urinators is a real word :). Caution NSFW! Link to the file on my OneDrive ... Pisser2022-02-18HiRes.mp4 Several thoughts ran through my mind when I saw this young guy on security cams today, including, Really too bad the wind was light today .... Man, what a bladder capacity! Never...
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    Burgaria Interruptus

    That whistle was just that - a small bird making natural noises. @looney2ns suggested I turn off the noise filter on the external microphone, so I've done that in the hopes it will result in some cleaner audio. No, I was not online in real-time watching the event. The cameras alerted me and I...
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    Burgaria Interruptus

    Two of the cameras alerted me to their presence. That prompted me to open BI on my phone. I then saw what they were up to, so I used another phone app to set off the siren. A bit over a year ago I was stuck overseas during the pandemic. Some guy had jumped the 8 ft block fence and was trolling...
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    Burgaria Interruptus

    Soundtrack came from an external microphone, one of two (2) externals I am using (in addition to on-board mics in a few other cameras). I did as you suggested. Hope it clears up the audio some. As it is right now, before the change you suggested, it seemed really 'brittle' (for lack of a better...
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    Woman Walking Alone, Late at Night, in a Dark Alley ...

    You're probably correct, though given the demographics of the immediate area and the fact that alleys in the city of Phoenix are supposed to be closed to non-residents, my direct experience is that almost all those who run when the siren sounds are likely to be actively engaged in some criminal...
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    Woman Walking Alone, Late at Night, in a Dark Alley ...

    The ones who bolt are conditioned to run from sirens, which tells you a lot about them. A very few will look around quizzically to find the source and then they walk away normally.
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    Woman Walking Alone, Late at Night, in a Dark Alley ...

    The loudest siren I could find on Amazon. Supposedly rated at 120db.
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    Woman Walking Alone, Late at Night, in a Dark Alley ...

    In this case, it worked out that way. My guess is she was quite 'high' on something and panicked when the siren sounded. At that point, she was no longer thinking rationally, hence, the scramble to get into the first open (unfenced) location where she could hide.