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  1. I

    Enterprise Switch Setup ?

    The serial connector on the switch is RJ45. I did order the DB9 to USB adapter, so if all goes well they both arrive tomorrow.
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    Enterprise Switch Setup ?

    That looks like it might be the answer. Unfortunately, I did not receive the cable with the switch. Fortunately, Amazon is only a few clicks away. Tomorrow I receive this ... Only problem is, I don't...
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    Enterprise Switch Setup ?

    Yes, I did the reset already to clear any previous settings. Still just trying to gain the most basic access.... And feeling pretty stupid .... LOL
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    Enterprise Switch Setup ?

    I received a used Supermicro managed 48-port POE switch just recently and am stumbling with the initial configuration. I have reset the switch to factory defaults. Right now, all I want to do is access the switch's built-in web page for administration. The manual says this: The switch includes...
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    DeepStack Case Study: Performance from CPU to GPU version

    Pretty big difference between the 1050 (640 cores - NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 Specs) and the 1060 (1280 cores - NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 6 GB Specs). Just FYI
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    DeepStack Case Study: Performance from CPU to GPU version

    I got the 1060 w/3mb RAM and am currently running OpenALPR and DeepStack on the GPU with excellent results. If I were doing it again, I'd buy the 1060 again only with 6mb RAM instead of 3. OpenALPR only has 1 camera feed at this time, soon it will double. DeepStack is analyzing feeds from 10+...
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    Thief Stealing Dirt ....

    There is something fundamentally wrong with people, of any culture, who steal without need. They steal because they are vermin. Roaches who infest an area and take from others without conscience or need. How else to explain someone driving a late-model Toyota Highlander (valued at more than...
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    Review - Dahua SD49225XA-HNR 2MP 25x Starlight + IR PTZ AI Camera with Deep IVS & SMD Plus

    :) .... I thought there might be a model designation or hardcode to distinguish different generations of the product, but maybe not.
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    Review - Dahua SD49225XA-HNR 2MP 25x Starlight + IR PTZ AI Camera with Deep IVS & SMD Plus

    Maybe a silly question, but how does one know if the 49225 they have is a "factory-enabled" version?
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    Illegal Trash Dumping

    I had not thought of that before, but your posts along with sebastiantombs have given me more to think about. Thank you.
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    Illegal Trash Dumping

    Some time ago Phoenix changed the designation, and ownership, of the alleyways. They (the City) retain right-of-way for public utilities, but ceded ownership to adjacent property owners up to the mid-point of the alleyways. I wasn't living here then and I never asked my folks about the...
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    Illegal Trash Dumping

    Your posts have given me some new ideas. Yes, that fence is made of hollow concrete block. The 'posts' are fairly thick, but the 'fabric' is quite thin. Crumbling of the blocks has been a concern. The current camera is a small Hikvision bullet weighing probably half a pound. The PTZ is a 10...
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    Domestic Violence Incident

    Fastest response I have seen so far from Phoenix Police at less than 5 minutes, but still too late to catch the abuser. While posting a response here to my Illegal Dumping thread, I heard some commotion outside. Quick review of the cameras showed a couple in the middle of an argument out in the...
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    Illegal Trash Dumping

    I haven't looked at sat mounts as my location doesn't lend itself too well. This is the thread showing lot and house layout and mount location ... Suggestions for PTZ Installation Welcomed Any and all suggestions welcomed, as I am stalled on it at the moment.
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    Illegal Trash Dumping

    He drove right past the bullet cam. They catch him 'coming and going' ... :) Here are a few .... The PTZ would be extra cool as, like you say, it will show action and identity all in the same FOV.
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    Illegal Trash Dumping

    I agree completely. In fact, I have a SD5A425XA-HNR just sitting here for about a month now while I determine how to get a pole or post mounted to support it (subject of a different post I made a while back asking for ideas). It would have proved especially helpful today. While posting here, I...
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    Illegal Trash Dumping

    AZ and TX seems to have quite a bit in common politically. I wish we'd do away with State Income Tax. There is a littering hotline where this can be reported. The only thing they do is send a letter to the address on file to tell them someone saw them littering. I did do an online search for...
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    Illegal Trash Dumping

    Yeppers. Went out to confront them after the 4th time they did it, and missed them by about 1 minute. Reported the plate and sent photos to the City. This isn't the first time I've reported illegal dumping. In fact, it was the reason I put up the "Alley Cam" in the first place a few years ago.
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    Illegal Trash Dumping

    Difficult to understand the motivation of people to do this kind of thing. The city offers all residents ample opportunity to take this kind of trash to a dump site at no charge. Still, people with no respect for others or the community/neighborhood where they live/dump continue to dump their...
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    Supermicro Managed POE+ Switch - Anyone Familiar?

    Really appreciate the great information shared by you guys. Doing a quick search and I find that Aruba 2500 48-port POE switch on Ebay in the $100 range. Specs seem excellent and I particularly like the redundant power and fan tray replacement options. If the Supermicro switch (supposed to...