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  1. I

    Best way to plug 5/8 inch holes from pre-terminated cat5 cable runs?

    Interesting! Do you mean this one?
  2. I

    Best way to plug 5/8 inch holes from pre-terminated cat5 cable runs?

    Thank you, is there a particular product or brand you like best?
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    Best way to plug 5/8 inch holes from pre-terminated cat5 cable runs?

    In a perfect world, I would have done things VERY differently. My installation is far from "professional" and frankly some of it is kind of embarrassing. :oops::facepalm: But ya gotta learn sometime, and well, let's say next time I'll do it "right." In the meantime I'd like to eventually go...
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    Best way to plug 5/8 inch holes from pre-terminated cat5 cable runs?

    Unfortunately, nothing handy or accessible! I may take a shot though when/if I decide to plug these up!
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    Best way to plug 5/8 inch holes from pre-terminated cat5 cable runs?

    Hi guys -- trying to clean up my installation here and there, and I have 5/8 inch holes from running pre-terminated cat5 cables. There's obviously relatively large gaps remaining after running the terminals through the holes, so I'm wondering what's the best way to temporarily or...
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    SATA PCIe card recommendations?

    I've never tried that brand before. I hate when they aggregate so many models under one entry, all of them with different configurations and chipsets... in this case seems like padding the numbers to me. I tend to be skeptical when I see that. Personally, I'd go for IO Crest -- a brand I've...
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    SATA PCIe card recommendations?

    I've done this primarily for UNRAID, haven't needed this for BI since I don't need that many drives on BI. But it stands to reason that it would work just as well for BI as for UNRAID IMO. My UNRAID machine was busy 24/7 for a loooong time. When I was building that UNRAID machine, I did some...
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    Blue Iris CPU options - Dell Optiplex i5-6600 or i7-7700 or i5-8500? Recommendations?

    Thank you all, really great feedback. I know the i5-6600 will technically cover the job, but I think there are increasing positives to using the i5-8500 for BI. I hadn't considered power consumption 24/7, for example, which I agree the i5-8500 will ultimately be a better/smarter option. Given...
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    Blue Iris CPU options - Dell Optiplex i5-6600 or i7-7700 or i5-8500? Recommendations?

    Good point. I don't use Win11 at this point, but the EOL for Win 10 is Oct 14, 2025, if Microsoft doesn't change anything before then. (Windows 10 Home and Pro - Microsoft Lifecycle) So if I stick with the i5-6600 or i7-7700 for BI, then I've got a good 2+ years to cross that bridge. My goal...
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    Blue Iris CPU options - Dell Optiplex i5-6600 or i7-7700 or i5-8500? Recommendations?

    Thanks, yeah, it would be preferable to give myself the better CPU for personal/audio/work stuff. And to clarify, while I DO have other computers I already use (for more demanding purposes with a decent GPU for video stuff, etc.), I would still like to give myself the better CPU of these...
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    Blue Iris CPU options - Dell Optiplex i5-6600 or i7-7700 or i5-8500? Recommendations?

    Hi guys -- I'm revamping my setup, and I own three old little Dell Optiplex machines I can use. Which one should I use for Blue Iris? I'm planning on reformatting all of them, so now is the time to pick which one does what, and then I'll stick with this for a few years. (Blue Iris was...
  12. I

    Possible dumb question about using Axis V-rated indoor cameras outdoors?

    Good to know, thank you! Impressive that it's been treating you so well for 3 years! Gives me a bit more confidence that my experiment with my Axis will work out okay. Cheers!
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    Possible dumb question about using Axis V-rated indoor cameras outdoors?

    Yep, the build quality is precisely why I posted the question. Good to know about those $50 cameras outside working well for some folks. So I think I'm going to give it a shot! Thanks again, guys!
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    Possible dumb question about using Axis V-rated indoor cameras outdoors?

    Indeed, yes, i'm not married to Axis, although I do like them. I'm also a fan of making things last, so I've got no problem buying older/used cameras if they still work great. And if I can get a good deal too, why not? And since the build quality of these Axis "V" cameras is really good, I...
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    Possible dumb question about using Axis V-rated indoor cameras outdoors?

    Haha! Yep, I figured I had two separate questions for two threads, but you are correct, I picked up some old Axis cameras, and yes, thankfully, I got them for dirt cheap. Irresistibly cheap. They don't have all the fancy features of some newer gen cameras from other brands of course, but they...
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    Is it safe to keep using old Axis cameras even though support and updates have expired?

    Okay, that's very helpful. Thank you. I have pfSense set up in front of all my computers, and inside pfSense, I've divided up the computers into groups in their own VLANs/subnets (apologies if I'm mixing incorrect terminology). I have one VLAN dedicated to the cameras and BI. So in theory, if...
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    Possible dumb question about using Axis V-rated indoor cameras outdoors?

    Ahhh, I didn't think of that. Things can get very humid around here too. So there's some risk factors I have to consider. Do you think if the camera does develop condensation that it might short out or damage the camera? Or worse yet my network hardware? I'd probably be willing to test the...
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    Is it safe to keep using old Axis cameras even though support and updates have expired?

    P.S. BTW, very interesting idea about dual NIC approach on the BI computer... I might look into that.
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    Is it safe to keep using old Axis cameras even though support and updates have expired?

    Thank you for that feedback! I'm still fairly new to Axis products, and definitely don't want to tempt fate and open up a big security problem. As for never touching the Internet... the subnet that my cameras are on technically CAN touch the Internet, since I have my Windows/Blue Iris machine...
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    Possible dumb question about using Axis V-rated indoor cameras outdoors?

    Maybe a dumb question, but I was thinking of installing one of my V-rated Axis indoor cameras outside. I know it's not "VE" rated and so it's not weather proof or as beefy as the "E" cameras, but it still seems pretty tough, and if I choose a spot under a covered porch area where rain will never...
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    Is it safe to keep using old Axis cameras even though support and updates have expired?

    Hi guys - I bought some old Axis cameras (don't have model handy, but I believe part of the M30 series) and when I checked the Axis website, I discovered the hardware is discontinued and support expires pretty soon too. So I won't be getting any security updates for the firmware soon. I was...
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    New user trying to figure out an affordable POE-based Blue Iris system that doesn't use companies like Dahua, Hikvision or Reolink

    Hey guys, want to say thank you again for your help -- I just spent some good time on the Axis website and reading many reviews, and I've decided to go with a gradual roll out of Axis cameras. As I mentioned in my OP. I currently have a lousy Nest system and I'm going to phase that out over...
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    New user trying to figure out an affordable POE-based Blue Iris system that doesn't use companies like Dahua, Hikvision or Reolink

    Thanks for your thoughts, @icpilot! Indeed it has been surprising to see how this IP camera market is so lopsided and filled with questionable products, it's worse than I imagined. In other areas that are down my lanes of expertise, I haven't seen this kind of lopsidedness and dominance by just...
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    New user trying to figure out an affordable POE-based Blue Iris system that doesn't use companies like Dahua, Hikvision or Reolink

    I do sincerely appreciate your perspective and time on this thread. We just see things differently. I think the conversation has been great and useful overall, with some fun accusatory assumptions as the side story. Overall, lots of info I've learned, and I'm grateful for the suggestions. The...
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    New user trying to figure out an affordable POE-based Blue Iris system that doesn't use companies like Dahua, Hikvision or Reolink

    Love this post, love the assumptions, lots of judgment in this forum from some members. :banghead:
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    New user trying to figure out an affordable POE-based Blue Iris system that doesn't use companies like Dahua, Hikvision or Reolink

    Nope, don't work for the government, but yes, I have used BleachBit, big fan of open source software.
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    New user trying to figure out an affordable POE-based Blue Iris system that doesn't use companies like Dahua, Hikvision or Reolink

    Adding Bosch to the research list... Axis is current front-runner though. The primary "compromise" I think I'll have to make is cost. I'll just have to pay more, spread it out over time, start with fewer cameras, etc. But Axis is looking promising. Bosch refurbished has potential too. Saw some...