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  1. J

    Smart TV

    not really sure it's a lg tv .
  2. J

    Smart TV

  3. J

    Smart TV

    I don't have a NVR its a single camera connected to a router via ethernet cable . i can get the dahua browser on the tv but it needs a plugin to view. i did try ipcamviewer but that would not download via google playstore. i do not need to access the cameras settings it's only for viewing. why...
  4. J

    Smart TV

    Hi.. its not a NVR its a single dahua ptz camera connected to a router. and as i said the smart tv won't load the dahua plugin,
  5. J

    Smart TV

    thankyou.. i take it that ip camviewer is a app that i can download. and just put my local ip address for the dahua cam,
  6. J

    Smart TV

    This is the version info maybe someone can tell from this if it's genuine or not.. and also if they is a newer firmware and how to get the firmware, Device TypeDH-SD42212T-HN System Version 2.623.0000000.7.R.R4.1217.3S.NR, Build Date: 2018-11-24 WEB Version ONVIF...
  7. J

    Smart TV

    i got the camera from a uk seller i think it is a genuine dahua not a chinise import but i can't be 100% sure
  8. J

    Smart TV

    were do i find the latest firmware for my ptz camera. its a DH-SD42212T-HN this is the firmware i have on it from the factory 2.623.0000000.7.R, Build Date: 2018-11-24. also are they any videos showing how to upload firmware. as i dont know the way to do it,
  9. J

    Smart TV

    Don't know anything about this maybe someone can confirm this .thankyou
  10. J

    Smart TV

    i'm not using BI just dahua web browser on my local ip address
  11. J

    Smart TV

    Hi just wondering if anyone knows how to view a dahua camera on my Smart tv. the tv is connected to the web . i put in my local ip address for the camera. the tv loads the dahua web browser no problem. but on the live view its asking to download the plugin. this is were things go wrong it won't...
  12. J


    i found this pic on one of your reviews of the same ptz cam i have. it only as the black white and red wires for audio so i'm asumming it will work the wires are the same on the microphone so should be ok if i just join the wires like for like will it work or do i need connectors for it to work,
  13. J


    I'm looking for a really good micrphone for my sd42212t-hn ptz. as anyone tried this one. and would it work ok with my sd42212t hn,, Dahua DH-HSA200
  14. J

    Review-Dahua SD42212T-HN 2mp Starlight 12x PTZ

    it does work straight out of the box its a brand new camera. but i dont think that will be your problem. he's based in the uk so i cant see him shipping one out to canada,,
  15. J

    Review-Dahua SD42212T-HN 2mp Starlight 12x PTZ

    more or less the same a great price to,
  16. J

    PTZ presets

    thankyou i will have a look and see if this works for me. now on to youtube to see if theres any tutorials on this,
  17. J

    PTZ presets

    Hi Before i start looking all over youtube i thought i'd ask on here first.. is it possible to have the preset to start tours so that i can set it to go to a preset area from a set position and start at a preset time. and stay focused on that area for a preset time. so say start from set...
  18. J

    Dahua login promt

    i dont seem to have the auto logout feature . so i wont be able to stop the timeout which is annoying, you were right about the sliced mountain thank-you..
  19. J

    Dahua login promt

    Hi does anyone know how to stop the promt login i keep getting on dahua interface. after around 15 minutes if i haven't used the ptz or other functions i get the login promt is they a way to stop this i cant find it in settings.. and 1 other thing i'm using gdmss lite for away viewing p2p. but...
  20. J

    Showdown At The Feeding Station

    great vid.. Dwight good left hook but you should have used your right. for the knockout blow,
  21. J

    Review-Dahua SD42212T-HN 2mp Starlight 12x PTZ

    If anyone is interested the person i got mine of as another one on ebay this is in the uk but you could grab a great cam at a bargain price, Dahua PTZ DH-SD42212T-HN | eBay
  22. J

    out with the old in with the new

    That's actually not bad considering all the different items in the FOV at varying distances from the cam. Your old cam was a fixed lens cam, so it wouldn't have the focus issues, unless it wasn't focused properly at the factory. I don't recall for sure, but look in the settings in the cam, and...
  23. J

    out with the old in with the new

    thank-you its a shame about the auto focus its the only thing that lets the camera down. in my situation i suppose it would be the same with all ptz's. painting the wire is not something i would do with the birds in they. they chew and rub they beaks on the wire so its something i would be...
  24. J

    out with the old in with the new

    thank-you i will look at getting one of these microphones not sure if i can in the uk. i like Eclectus to. i did tweak the colour a bit the white was reflecting a bit to much i will adjust more for light conditions,
  25. J

    out with the old in with the new

    As the title says i replaced a existing fixed focal camera for a ptz in my aviary. its a DH-SD42212T-HN 12 times zoom. a lot more than i needed but i got a very good deal so it was a no brainer. i have a few things i could do with some help.. feed back on.. 1 the auto focus is not very good. any...
  26. J

    Review-Dahua SD42212T-HN 2mp Starlight 12x PTZ

    it might be ok when i set it up outside. ia'm just messing around with it indoors before i put it in place. this is the version i have i.m a bit wary of firmware upgrades . System Version2.623.0000000.7.R, Build Date: 2018-11-24
  27. J

    Review-Dahua SD42212T-HN 2mp Starlight 12x PTZ

    Hi Looney2ns i know you said you had trouble with the focus beyond 9-10 ia'm having the same problem i have to manually focus it . did you find a solution to this problem i have it set to auto focus. any other settings that will help resolve the focus issue,
  28. J

    Review-Dahua SD42212T-HN 2mp Starlight 12x PTZ

    Thankyou aristobrat. all sorted and working now quite easy really i was just having a senior moment. i just have to put it in place now . it seems to be a cracking little camera. i need to sort some audio out for it ,
  29. J

    Review-Dahua SD42212T-HN 2mp Starlight 12x PTZ

    Thankyou i cant find the ip address any idea's
  30. J

    positive x negative

    Hi before i power up i just want to be sure these wires are in correctly . red=positive black=negative camera side black with white stripe=positive black=negative power block