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  1. tech101

    DS-2DF9C453LXG-LW 4 MP 53X PTZ Dual-sensor, 1/1.2" progressive scan CMOS

    Hikvision DS-2DF9C453LXG-LW 4 MP 53 × Network PTZ Camera belongs to the DarkFighterX camera family. With the patented dual-sensor design, it is able to process color and brightness independently and outputs one FULL-COLOR image. This series of cameras can be widely used for wide ranges of...
  2. tech101

    Suspects casing and returning later in the night.

    Last night, someone stole a Corvette from our street. Did get the getaway vehicle on camera hours earlier while they seem to be scoping the area, and then they returned at night.
  3. tech101

    I like this PTZ.. HikVision - DS-2DF8C260I5XG-ELW 1/1.2" progressive scan CMOS @ 2mp.

    I'm not sure how I missed this, but I really like this PTZ. On paper, it seems like it should be a really good camera. What are your thoughts on this, guys? @wittaj , @bigredfish , @Parley I...
  4. tech101

    Individuals driving around in ski masks late at night

    Individuals driving around in ski masks late at night.
  5. tech101

    Mail Theft

    Suspects stole mail from neighboring mailboxes last night.
  6. tech101

    Suspect Checking for Unlocked Vehicles.

    Suspect Checking for Unlocked Vehicles in the evening
  7. tech101

    Two Suspects Stealing a Hyundai- 10-24-2023

    Two Suspects Stealing a Hyundai. Did speed up the video so it does not get too long.
  8. tech101

    Another Stolen Hyundai/Kia.

    Suspects appear to be driving another stolen Hyundai/Kia and are believed to be breaking into vehicles in the neighborhood. Also from A Neigbhors Ring Cam..
  9. tech101

    Amazon Prime or Amazon Crime

    Seems like about 12 ft. I am glad this was not any of Andy's Package.... Delivery Pic
  10. tech101

    Multiple Suspects Casing Neighborhood

    Multiple suspects conducting auto burglaries in the vicinity, operating from a White Hyundai Sonata. These suspects were observed casing the area, driving around multiple times on the same day. Their activities were tracked before they eventually broke into a neighbor's vehicle. The license...
  11. tech101

    Pre-Trigger Record time 5.0 Sec ?

    Hi, I just noticed that, for some reason, almost all my cameras are set to pre-trigger record time of 5.0 sec. I did try to change it to say 2.0 sec, but they keep reverting back to 5.0 for me. Anyone else having this issue ? Or am I missing something, or maybe I'm dealing with some corruption...
  12. tech101

    Vivint LOL

    As Vivint guy approached the front door, seems like They figured Andy's / IPCT system clearly have way more advantage than any system they could sell. LOL I am glad he decided not to even bother knocking on the door. LOL I think at one point he was trying to count the cams lol
  13. tech101

    Tools were stolen from the truck of a solar contractor.

    While I was having a solar company install some panels on my roof, these guys made multiple rounds and on the third time, they stole the tools from the bed of the contractor's truck. The same suspect vehicle was seen in the area back in January with the same license plate, so I am guessing that...
  14. tech101

    Another Solicitor Avodied :)

    wanted to share another video where possibly another individual was trying to sell something was avoided. I just did not see anything on his hand or any badge on him. Anyhow, a good thing he never knocked on my door. I have more cams on the front door, 1 mounted at 2-3 ft:) Thank you IPCT &...
  15. tech101

    I guess he figured I don't Need any help with the Cameras

    So I think this guy was with some SmartHomePro company selling Vivint security cameras. I am glad he figured out I didn't need those cameras.
  16. tech101

    Amazon Delivery Driver

    Cool Amazon Delivery driver haha Hope he is around next time I need to dial and test tracking. lol
  17. tech101 May 1 2022 - PTZ Control Feauture

    So I just wanted to share this here in case someone else like me finds this useful. So I always loved one of the features in the Dahua Web UI of PTZ cameras where I could select a part of a screen and it would pan, tilt, and zoom in that area of selection. I requested this feature from the...
  18. tech101

    Almost Crashed Into The Bins (Close Call)

    This individual is either drunk / High or Distracted always.. Seems like last month was almost the same thing.
  19. tech101

    Ideas for Minimizing PTZ Motor Sound When Returning to Preset.

    So, I just thought today late at night when the camera is auto tracking all is good specially when it is slow-moving target, However When the camera returns it makes noise as it is returning fast back to what ever the preset. Question how do you guys mitigate this Motor Sound ? Any Solution ...
  20. tech101

    Neigbhor Saves The Day - Suspects Casing Property/Vehicle.

    So couple of suspect earlier was making rounds in what appers to be the Blue Tacoma Truck After some time they stopped by my house and started walking toward my parked vehicles on the driveway. However Thanks to an awesome neighbor who saw the whole thing and intervened right away. Suspect than...
  21. tech101

    iDS-2SR8141IXS-AB(40X)(T2) - PTZ with Radar.

    I was looking at this PTZ and was wondering if anyone here has tested this or have this to tell us how the tracking is on this PTZ since this one has a Radar. Here is a promotional video I found...
  22. tech101

    AB 1139 - Greedy California Corp. & Politician Introduces Another Bill

    Just got the campaign email to Say No - Sounds Like For us in Norther California PG&E - Profit Greed & Evil is at it again !! Customers' investment in solar energy is at risk, and others who choose rooftop solar in the future may be blocked from accessing the same benefits due to a...
  23. tech101

    Got my Blueiris PC in the Rack now.

    Finally wanted to do this for the longest time. Got my Blueiris Setup in the rack. LOL now once this PC goes out of service will definitely love to get a Rack mount Chassis so can fit Drives and PC in one nice setup.
  24. tech101

    Blueiris Bottom Recording bar question.

    Hi I just recently added another camera. I notice like a split line if you wanna call it on the playback/recording bar at the bottom. Does anyone know what does this represent/mean ?
  25. tech101 - Direct Deep Stack Integreation in BI YAY !

    Just noticed this just got released with Direct Deep Stack integration will definitely be testing this anyone else testing this ? Very Exciting Stuff :)
  26. tech101

    How Do I Move Alert Tab to Left Side ?

    LOL, I think I accidentally moved the alert tab to right side of the monitor. I cannot figure out how to move it back to left side.
  27. tech101

    Sony Announces new Sensor - IMX661 (Medium Format)

    I almost last week bought the GFX100, I always wanted to own a medium format camera for photos. Glad I did not Sony announced a new sensor possibly for Fuji New Medium Format cam which might replace the GFX100 This one also is a global shutter. Off course this is not going to be the sensor...
  28. tech101

    Seems like some teenagers were pissed of @ Auto Track

    After 2 years today finally I had some Kids/teenager who seems to not like so many cams I got or the Auto track of the PTZ. They were just showing middle finger to the camera and all worked up about the camera and left. Anyhow As long they can keep it to themself I wont really care. Was...
  29. tech101

    Possibly Guy going thru mailboxes late at night - 3/2/21 ?

    It seems like he was going thru mailboxes not sure. I wish I had a bit more clear footage. Also any recommendation on any settings for my PTZ seems like Auto Track did start but failed :( .. I recently added a security motion light however seems like I cannot find a happy setting so it does not...
  30. tech101

    Suspects Checking cars Last Night - Reported to LEO.

    I was going thru video or triggers last night before going to bed. I noticed this 9 mins after the fact Wish saw it a bit sooner. Anyhow there is not much though even if that would have happened, Since Thanks for the great California laws passed by voters. Its funny when people in...