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  1. D

    Deepstack not pushing alerts at night

    In the deepstack settings in your camera trigger tab, how many real time images are you sending to deepstack and how fast (1s,750ms,500ms,250ms)? And are you using deepstack GPU or CPU?
  2. D

    Deepstack Detecting Cats as People (70%+ Confidence)

    This is common for me too. I'm in the process of training my own model from my own images I collected from my cameras hoping that this can help with more accurate detections. For your situation I might try to increase the min object size under the motion sensor settings. Making that larger can...
  3. D

    Detect/ignore static objects

    Have you tried enabling object detection? In your camera settings, under the trigger tab, click Configure in the Sources area. Then enable object detection. Click edit and here you can set it so motion won't be triggered unless the object travels a certain amount of pixels. This may reduce false...
  4. D

    Help debugging - motion found, person:89%, no alert

    You might also want to try to disable "Use main stream if available" under Artificial Intelligence in the trigger tab. For me, when this option is enabled, for some reason blue iris can't send the images every 500ms like I had it set and so it was dropping images and resulted overall in reduced...
  5. D

    Can't get alerts or recording from MJPEG stream

    I have tried deleting and re adding and that did not change anything at all. I could post a screen shot of my Record settings if absolutely necessary but they are all default. Only thing I set is pre-trigger buffer to 5sec. Everything else is default. I should note that adding any RTSP camera...
  6. D

    Can't get alerts or recording from MJPEG stream

    I have a camera that I can only use an MJPEG stream on and when I added the camera to blue iris exactly as I have with the other 8 cameras I added I noticed that no matter what settings I use or what I try to change I can't get the darn thing to create alerts to the timeline or even record...
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    5.5.0 - September 13, 2021

    Is anyone else still having the issue where blue iris won't send the set amount of real time images to deepstack? I've had to run (6/11/21) in order to be at a point where AI alerts tend to work the best presumably because blue iris is actually sending multiple real time images to...
  8. D

    Having trouble with short lived motion events and deepstack. Problem seems to be on blue iris side.

    That's interesting. I've also had problems where deepstack clearly can detect a person but blue iris returns nothing found probably because of that issue you're having. But for me that's rare. That could possibly be part of the issue I'm having but for the most part I don't notice a lag that...
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    5.9.11+ and Dahua 4MP cams

    Have you tried deleting the camera and readding it? I've updated to newer versions and had some cameras start to act funny and deleting the camera then readding it fixed the issue. You can even use the same settings but maybe leave it default first just to see if anything changed then add back...
  10. D

    Having trouble with short lived motion events and deepstack. Problem seems to be on blue iris side.

    I've been having issues with short lived motion events not being able to detect objects that it should be detecting such as a person. If I go outside for only two or three seconds then come back in quick, blue iris will almost always cancel the alert due to "nothing found". So blueiris must be...
  11. D

    Will deepstack work with a YoloX model?

    I'm collecting images from my cameras to train my own custom model for better accuracy and was initially planning on using the YoloV5 trainer that comes with deepstack but I also saw that YoloX is out and apparently is much better than YoloV5. So I was wondering if deepstack would work with any...
  12. D

    How to properly set up crossing from one zone to another

    Is there any detailed information out there on how to set up motion crossing zones properly. Trying to imitate line crossing by setting up two motion zones, an A zone and B zone with an empty line between so no zones overlap, and under object detection I have the zone crossing set up as B > A...