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  1. J

    Dahua turret set screw

    #10-32 Socket Set Grub Screw Cone Point 18-8 Stainless Steel Screws - QTY 25 | eBay is what I ordered
  2. J

    Dahua turret set screw

    Yes, don't forget that either!
  3. J

    Dahua turret set screw

    Well, just confirmed that the thread IS #10-32. I have a bunch of equipment rack screws (which are #10 - 32 threads per inch) from my audio/video tech days and the thread fits the screw hole perfectly. So, a #10 - 32 set/grub screw with a length of 3/8" (or 10mm) is what is needed. Don't forget...
  4. J

    Dahua turret set screw

    I would have thought it to be metric since it is made overseas, no?
  5. J

    Replacement set screw for older Turret cam?

    Does anyone know the thread size?
  6. J

    Fixed lens turret smaller in size than a varifocal?

    Thanks for confirming that it is completely normal (unlike myself :drool:)
  7. J

    Fixed lens turret smaller in size than a varifocal?

    One more thing regarding the IPC-T54IR-AS-S3, does it normally get warm to the touch during operation? The one I have feels like the outside of a mug with hot coffee in it. Normal?
  8. J

    Replacement set screw for older Turret cam?

    I lost the set screw for my IPC-T54IR-ZE today. Anyone know where I can acquire a replacement?
  9. J

    Property marker LPR camera

    Thanks. Lets hope it works out the way it was designed :rolleyes:
  10. J

    Property marker LPR camera

    After seeing the mailbox camera LPR thread, I had a thought to design a property marker post LPR installation at the end of the driveway using a varifocal turret camera hidden in a vinyl fence post designed to look like a number marker post. Camera is a used Empire tech IPC-T54IR-ZE that I...
  11. J

    Fixed lens turret smaller in size than a varifocal?

    I must be at the point in my life where I officially hate change. These new designs were engineered by those who say, I know it ain't broke, but we're going to fix it anyway! It needs a refresh! Has no one ever heard of the K.I.S.S. rule in design?
  12. J

    Camera suggestions for dark areas at night

    The 12 to 13mm would still be ok, I think. I'm trying to replace all these 8MP 1/2.8" sensors as they are crap in low light situations. The one at this location is over 5 years old, and it will need to be replaced sooner than later anyway. I really see no advantage to 8MP sensors for my use and...
  13. J

    Fixed lens turret smaller in size than a varifocal?

    I did find a setscrew in the back where can be quite difficult to access depending on the install. Why did they change the mount design? It was perfect! Not a fan of the new mount
  14. J

    Fixed lens turret smaller in size than a varifocal?

    Just received my first EmpireTech IPC-T54IR-AS-S3 fixed lens 3.6mm turret camera and first thing I notice is that the camera housing is quite a bit smaller that the EmpireTech IPC-T54IR-ZE I have. The second thing I notice is the mount is completely different. There really is no way to lock the...
  15. J

    Camera suggestions for dark areas at night

    Ok, just checked the zoom on the current varifocal LOREX camera at this location. With it zoomed to max (12mm), the FOV is perfect for what I want, so I have some wiggle room with the Z4E which is 8 - 32mm zoom
  16. J

    Camera suggestions for dark areas at night

    It would definitely have to be the Z4E, I just have to experiment to see if the 8mm setting will work. I haven't seen any IR blasters that have the distance that the bullet cameras have. Not to mention the current camera is a LOREX 8MP 1/2.8" sensor which is 5 years old and has horrid low...
  17. J

    Camera suggestions for dark areas at night

    Hmmm.... looks like the max lighting distance on the Z4E is twice that of the ZE. Bummer, the Z4E has similar light distances to the SPTZ camera. I'm going to try and experiment with the zoom on the existing camera today to see if zooming into the max and roughly 2/3rds zoom (which would be...
  18. J

    Camera suggestions for dark areas at night

    The Z4E would be a bit too long at 8 - 32mm, but the EmpireTech IPC-B54IR-ZE-S3 has the same range (2.7 - 12mm) as the current camera with more IR lighting similar to the SPTZ camera
  19. J

    Camera suggestions for dark areas at night

    Ok, so I did a little experimenting with adding IR light from an existing SPTZ camera by facing it in that direction. Seems to make a noticeable difference in exposure. 1st shot is the original, second shot is with the SPTZ camera IR light added. Now the SPTZ camera is 230 feet away from the...
  20. J

    Camera suggestions for dark areas at night

    Attached is about what I am hoping to accomplish. This is cropped about 10 to 15 percent of the original (30-to-35-degree FOV). The exposure has been adjusted to reflect what I hope to achieve. The turret camera that is there now is a varifocal lens 2.7 - 12mm? It is zoomed in roughly 40 - 50%...
  21. J

    Camera suggestions for dark areas at night

    For this location, the calculated FOV is roughly 36 degrees, so a varifocal lens would be needed. A fixed lens would be short for the location
  22. J

    Camera suggestions for dark areas at night

    As it is right now, I can observe and at least recognize the type of vehicle (car, truck, SUV) and make out people walking by and get a pretty good idea on their gender, height and build. The area does not have enough light to show enough detail to make positive identification of something at...
  23. J

    Camera suggestions for dark areas at night

    Ok, tried the Dahua N45EFN2 at this location and there is not enough light to run this camera here. The image was noisy no matter how much I tried to make adjustments and since this is a color only camera, I can't run the white LEDs here because they point into oncoming traffic. The...
  24. J

    Old dog needs new tricks

    My neighbors would just love to see something like this contraption in my driveway. I have enough visible cameras set up already LOL
  25. J

    Dahua IPC-HDW5241T-ZE still available?

  26. J

    Random things seen by cameras

    Always interesting to know the camera particulars, like what cams for LPR? Installation? The settings on the overview camera, because it's doing a great job with the shadows
  27. J

    Dahua IPC-HDW5241T-ZE still available?

    Here's a question. I have a used Empire Tech IPC-T5442T-ZE that I picked up for $30, would that be a good candidate for this purpose?
  28. J

    Random things seen by cameras

    Sure doesn't look that way to me, but I see red flags everywhere :rolleyes:
  29. J

    Dahua IPC-HDW5241T-ZE still available?

    It sure looks that way. The 5241 has a much lower lux rating according to the specifications. Could be a typo too. I'm looking for a turret camera that has similar specs to the B52 Z12. I know it will not have the 12X zoom, but I intent to use it as an LPR camera concealed in a pvc post at the...
  30. J

    Dahua IPC-HDW5241T-ZE still available?

    Pretty sure its this one, but check with Andy to be sure. I can't keep up with 3 sets of part #s I'll have to check with Andy. Seems some of the specs between the 2 are different