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  1. NoloC

    Hi from CA. Test locations w/ 1 camera, no NVR, questions

    Did you click on "Search"? Blue button under the record tab. It will search the dates selected. Default is the current day.
  2. NoloC

    Plane down in DC

    That flight path tracking is MLAT and will not be very accurate. It is typical for MLAT aircraft paths to appear jagged like that. I spend too much time on ADSBx...
  3. NoloC

    Blue Iris playback recordings are really choppy

    Try switching the camera from H265 to H264H. Helped mine
  4. NoloC

    Funny / Satire

  5. NoloC

    Blue Iris imposed on a television channel

    Not possible. If he is watching Direct TV, then his "TV" is not really a TV, but rather a display device probably on HDMI input 1. Now if you could get Direct to put it up on their Satellites. Cause that is what he is watching - Satellite TV. If you were on some older CATV system you and were...
  6. NoloC

    Interfernce to HF amateur Radio

    Hi Shep. You'd probably be better served asking in a Ham forum as this is more of a generic "interference" question rather than an "NVR -POE" question. Start by determining which device is causing the interfence. Unplug cam lines at the nvr one at a time. The NVR may need a ground. RF chokes...
  7. NoloC

    Mini-Review - 5241-Z12E-S2 - Replacement for the 5241-Z12E

    Just had my older Z12E get water inside the lens. Upon search here seems to be common problem. Wondering if this newer model has an upgraded seal to prevent moisture issue? Also is an S-3 Z12 coming soon?
  8. NoloC

    Pandemic threat? Anyone else concerned?

    Any theory on why South Africa? Didn't I just see a post citing the low death rates in these countries? No doubt we will hear it is because of the low vaccination rate. Can't help but wonder if it came from Wuhan lab.
  9. NoloC

    Using mini pc for viewing BI

    And no RTSP. Thanks!
  10. NoloC

    Using mini pc for viewing BI

    So no issues with these firesticks on wifi? Or do you use the ethernet adapter?
  11. NoloC

    Natural Gas Generators

    This is a pretty good forum for generator advice. Power Equipment Forum
  12. NoloC

    US Elections (& Politics) :)

  13. NoloC

    Why is the old term "Footage" used in this day and age.

    I for one do not think we should needlessly use up this forum's bandwidth discussing footage of this type. But I may chnage my mind momentarily.
  14. NoloC

    US Elections (& Politics) :)

    Hey Q. Been a while. I haven't been here for about 8 months. How things have changed! Sure I am not missing your contests or Cat and little shit dog (chihuahua) videos. I always thought you were an ass hole and glad to see that seems to be the general consensus. I would guess you still think...
  15. NoloC

    I'm against CCTV unless its my own. Just me?

    So I ran into this on "Banggood". Sorry not what you are thinking but also pretty interesting device. N8 4G 3G 2G WIFI Handheld 8 Band GPS Anti Tracker Global Universal
  16. NoloC

    Pandemic threat? Anyone else concerned?

    So I used to work with a lot of "Engineers" in television and Hollywood. Many were morons and they were usually in charge due to there political prowess. Bad Engineers, great Bull Shitters. But my fellow workers and I always said " well at least they didn't go into Medicine". God help us if...
  17. NoloC

    Pandemic threat? Anyone else concerned?

    Question for @Frankenscript and @Arjun . You spend a great deal of time posting here. And probably even more time coming up with your posts. Do you have jobs? And if so, does your employer know how much time you are spending here while billing him/her? If you say it is on your "off time" ...
  18. NoloC

    Installed a small system this weekend and one cam IPC-HFW5231E-Z12E 2MP 5.3mm ~64mm seems to have issues

    So this may be an obvious one but is the protective clear plastic cover removed from lens? I just got the same camera , actually 5241 version, from Andy and was in such a hurry to install, I forgot to remove the cover!
  19. NoloC

    Pandemic threat? Anyone else concerned?

    BTW did anyone else realize that was Chelsea Manning under that mask?
  20. NoloC

    Pandemic threat? Anyone else concerned?

    I think it is all about penis size now and Q seems oddly threatened, or not.
  21. NoloC

    No cameras showing in Blue Iris (or when troubleshooting SmartPSS)

    So op, look at post 2 here by @SouthernYankee and answer his questions which has not been done. @Mikk36 read your own post as to your advice to put the pc on a different subnet than the cams and disable the second nic. I'm out.
  22. NoloC

    No cameras showing in Blue Iris (or when troubleshooting SmartPSS)

    The instructions given above will put the cams on a different subnet than the PC. Do not do this. Guaranteed not to work. Assuming all devices are now on the same network.(NIC)
  23. NoloC

    No cameras showing in Blue Iris (or when troubleshooting SmartPSS)

    When you say you changed the camera ip to, it sounds like you did that in BI? You realize that won't change the actual camera ip. You need to do that with a browser or the config tool.
  24. NoloC

    Mini-PTZ Give-Away Qontest

    Millenials are a very different generation from those that have come before through no fault of their own. It is not as easy as "that's what every older generation has said". Because they are so challenging to manage, companies are training managers on how to deal with them. This video featuring...
  25. NoloC

    PFBlocker for PFSense

    @Sparkey sounds like you have open ports? Port forwarding generally a bad idea. Any particular reason? Most of us set up OpenVPN for remote access and do not expose any ports.
  26. NoloC

    hik and dahua camera both stopped working

    If it was poe powered you might see if it works on the 12vdc power input. I have had this happen and used a poe splitter to power the cam.
  27. NoloC

    Reflection at night on HFW2831T-ZS

    Tilt down and zoom in might help in addition to what @looney2ns says.