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    Hikvision DS-7600NI-I2 (DS-7608NI-I2 or DS-7616NI-I2) H265/4K/12MP

    Found any way to buy the H.265 NVR?
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    Have you bought from?

    alastairstevenson is right, they are distributor works with installers and resellers. As far as i know, many installers in my country works with DSDCCTV because ofafter sale service and fast delivery. My 76NVR bought in 2013 has POE problem, shipped the board to them a month ago and get it back...
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    NVR region change?

    Changing the MTDBLOCK0 seems not work as cameras. [root@dvrdvs hkvs] # df Filesystem 1024-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on udev 87140 4 87136 0% /dev /dev/mtdblock2 13520 13520 0 100% /home/hik /dev/msa1...
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    Custom Firmware Downgrader 5.3.0 Chinese to 5.2.5 English

    Great work Whoslooking, thanks. I just tftp with your firmware, all english now ,works well with nvr. Great news for all member in the forum, big thanks.
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    Hikivision firmware 5.3.0

    Hi Whoslooking, good job. I can test the modified firmware for you and share the result to you and forum members liked I did for alastairstevenson. The camera is in chinese 5.3.0 now, so it is not useful for me. Thus any test are welcomed even at risk of brick.Best regards
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    Hikivision firmware 5.3.0

    Hi whoslooking Have you ever try it? alastairstevenson customized a 5.3.0 firmware with full version busybox, and i uploaded on a 5.3.0 chinese camera, it will not boot up, seem some checksum in the firmware and not that simple?
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    Hikvision DS-2032-I Console Recovery

    There is file named Hroot.img in the firmware 5.3.0, delte the first 64 bytes of it. Then extract the intrid file from it and you can found there is a comand to run psh before run ash. I was finding a way to inject telnet demone, but failed because of the hroot compress problems.
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    Hikvision upgrade firmware to 5.3.0

    my camera is 5.3.0 on sticker. Step 1, I run the offical chinese 5.3.0 download from hikvision website.As showed on SADP Step 2 i test SSH to provide you the hard informations Step 3, I run tftp and wait Step4 try telnet, but seem nothing
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    Hikvision upgrade firmware to 5.3.0

    Is you camera runing with 5.3.0 ?, then you TFTP it with 5.3.0 again
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    Hikvision upgrade firmware to 5.3.0

    Not use DHCP
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    Hikvision upgrade firmware to 5.3.0

    It is a chinese tftp folder provided by aliexpress reseller. The fold was named with chinese by him
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    Hikvision upgrade firmware to 5.3.0

    Hi Whoislooking, When after tftp complete, i did not close it and run the putty to to telnet. But as the picture showes, not availble, anything I missed?
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    Hikvision upgrade firmware to 5.3.0

    My cameras are 5.3.0 without mtd changed, No telnet. So i tftp it with 5.3.0 chinese firmware again, not close the tftp after upgraded complete. But still can not telnet or FTP. Any solution?
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    Hikvision upgrade firmware to 5.3.0

    BusyBox v1.19.3 (2015-03-20 20:49:18 CST) built-in shell (ash) Enter 'help' for a list of built-in commands. BusyBox v1.2.1 Protect Shell (psh) Enter 'help' for a list of davinci system commands. It allows ssh, but some commands like cat df ls are not allowed.
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    Hikvision upgrade firmware to 5.3.0

    I got my 5.3.0 camera tftp with 5.3.0 chinese firmware, do not close tftp and telnet, It was not active on
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    Hikvision upgrade firmware to 5.3.0

    I got 2 piece of 5.3.0 camera, it does not telnet anymore. So there is no way to dump it.
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    Hikvision upgrade firmware to 5.3.0

    Here is the chinese 5.3.0 firmware from aliexpress reseller The drop link:
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    Hikivision firmware 5.3.0

    yes, How can do that? Can the telnet be added on the new firmware? So mtd change can be enabled
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    Hikivision firmware 5.3.0

    It is chinese region camera i bought from Ali, the manufatory time is 17th Apir. The sticker is 5.3.0, but runing 5.2.5 version firmware. When i updates with 5.2.0 5.2.3 5.3.0 firmware by TFTP, all failed. Stopped at "complete digicap.dav transmit", did not show "upgrade completed". I tried to...
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    Hikivision firmware 5.3.0

    Hi Alastair, it can not be installed with lower firmware by tftp. It will bricks, . It will not show TFTP upgrade completed. I try on a 5.3.0 on sticker,run 5.2.5 version manufactoried on 17th Apir camera. Can not found on SADP. So friend on forum be careful with upgrade to 5.3.0. If the...
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    HIKVISION mtd Brick Recovery Guide

    Big thanks to whoislooking, now 3 bricked cameras are recovered. Althoug chinese only, but you new post about mtd hacking will solved the problems. Thanks
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    HIKVISION mtd Brick Recovery Guide

    HI Whoslooking Thanks for you post. I tried the steps, but shows: # cat mtd5_temp > /dev/mtdblock5cat: write error: No space left on device. Any advise? thank you
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    Hikvision Permanent Region Change

    Thank you my friend, after brick 2 cameras, i think i would rather not to do it by myself. Just share the files, and let smart and professional people do it.
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    Hikvision Permanent Region Change

    I have to 2 pieces of hikvision ds-2cd2532f-is bought from the aliexpress,it is labeled with 5.2.8,but run 5.2.0 firmware. I will share the mtd5 and mtd6 files on dropbox
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    Hikvision Permanent Region Change

    Hi Alastair In this way, also need to be careful with checksum?
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    Hikvision Checksum

    Is there any tools to analysis the checksum?
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    Hikvision Checksum

    It seems a little problem with hikvision ds-2cd2732f-is with 5.2.5. Did i do something incorrect?
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    Hikvision FIRMWARE TOOLS - change language, extract files and create own firmware

    The firmware is provided by CBX? i upload it but not works, he has limited the MAC address
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    The Solution of hikvision 5.2.8 cameras problems

    why not invite CBX to analysis the programs.