Custom Firmware Downgrader 5.3.0 Chinese to 5.2.5 English


IPCT Contributor
Oct 3, 2014
To restore functions removed by 5.3.0

For Versions 5.3.0

NOTE: This is not for 2cdxxx0 or xxx5 models

Allows Chinese region Cameras to become English to work with your NVR without the region mis-match issue.

Tested with my own cameras.


TFTP or Web update via the GUI

Telnet restored

Please remember this is a Ghost Firmware and does not change the region of the camera.

Your Chinese camera is still Chinese, but works like a US/EU model.

If you update to another firmware it will be Chinese!

All the normal warnings use at your own risk.

Big thanks @wzhick Downgrader.rar?dl=0

Updated with EN and CH version so you don't have to use any tools.

Dropbox - Custom downgrader

Enjoy and Enjoy for Free:cool::cool:

Please post what cameras you used this on to help others

UPDATED: Now with 4 Lines Intrusion detection 02/10/15

with Thanks to @DemonicHawk for this addon Downgrader 4lines.rar?dl=0

If your camera has a firmware sticker below 5.2.5 (not including), you don't use this one. If you read the posts you will understand.
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Lol, effin sweet!
Though I have no current need for this I still get excited when the team wins one.
Makes me want to buy another camera anyway just to get a better smell of the victory.
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I did this trick but i still got CN language.
Can You tell me how Can I go back to English language?
Now I can upload older firmware but always i Have only Chinese language
Are you now on 5.2.5? if you are now on 5.2.5 you can follow the mtd hack guide.
Could I please confirm about the procedure for doing this upgrade:
- 5.3.0 enable DHCP by default, do I need to manually set the camera IP to
- Do I connect the camera directly to the computer or via a switch?
- If I connect the camera directly to the computer, do I need to use a crossover cable?
- My camera come with 5.3.0 Chinese by default, I thought that this firmware cannot be downgrade?

Thank you!
Connect you camera and pc to switch or router set your pc ip to, turn off your wifi.
Run the tftp application and then power the camera and let the magic happen.

Yes they did say it could not be downgraded didn't they lol
Try to clear the browser, as this is a multi language firmware. But if your still not getting the language selection box, follow the guide for the mtd hack.
Will this tool change a 5.2.8 Chinese to english language, or am I being too hopeful and will have to try the mtd hack?
Yes but this firmware was designed around a 5.3.0 to get it back to 5.2.5 if you are on 5.2.8 all you have to do is the mtd hack and it will become English.
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Great work Whoslooking, thanks. I just tftp with your firmware, all english now ,works well with nvr. Great news for all member in the forum, big thanks.
Yes but this firmware was designed around a 5.3.0 to get it back to 5.2.5 if you are on 5.2.8 all you have to do is the mtd hack and it will become English.
@whoslooking with Your pack I should only do Your trick and my chinese 5.3.0 2332 cam will become a 5.2.5 full English language cam or should I Do something more?

I ask about it because in Readme file there is
1. Rename the firmware to digcap.dav
2. Put the firmware under the same folder of this TFTP
so do I have to put there my own firmware or there is already a good 5.2.5 firmware?
@whoslooking with Your pack I should only do Your trick and my chinese 5.3.0 2332 cam will become a 5.2.5 full English language cam or should I Do something more?

I ask about it because in Readme file there is so do I have to put there my own firmware or there is already a good 5.2.5 firmware?

I've already done all the work for you, with your 5.2.8 Just use the mtd hack guide which is in the sticky section of the forum. If it's a 5.3.0 just follow the standard tftp recovery instructions with the file I have posted.
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Great work Whoslooking, thanks. I just tftp with your firmware, all english now ,works well with nvr. Great news for all member in the forum, big thanks.


Another win for the forum, Hopefully this will help move us forward.
without @wzhick Hiktools this would have not been possible.
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I've already done all the work for you, with your 5.2.8 Just use the mtd hack guide which is in the sticky section of the forum. If it's a 5.3.0 just follow the standard tftp recovery instructions with the file I have posted.

I can't seem to get it to work. Could you please confirm the following steps are correct? My camera is DS-2CD3410FD-IW come with default Chinese version of 5.3.0 Build 150327
- Assign the computer IP
- Run the TFTP server from the zip file
- Reboot the camera
- I can see it connected > Try to transmit > Resend required > Complete transfering > ... and then nothing
- I can go to the IP and the camera is still in Chinese.
Please help :)
@whoslooking ok thanks. I will do this process again today. When I did It yesterday it downgrade my 5.3.0 Chinese to 5.2.5 (and that was success because before that i can't downgrade anything) but language stays Chinese without change option
This is not for 2cdxxx0 models it's for 2cdxxx2
I have yet to find a firmware for that model below 5.3.0
Downgrade a 2632 05/2015 from 5.3.0 to 5.2.5 !!Great work ! Work perfectly in multilanguage! Thanks!