To restore functions removed by 5.3.0
For Versions 5.3.0
NOTE: This is not for 2cdxxx0 or xxx5 models
Allows Chinese region Cameras to become English to work with your NVR without the region mis-match issue.
Tested with my own cameras.
TFTP or Web update via the GUI
Telnet restored
Please remember this is a Ghost Firmware and does not change the region of the camera.
Your Chinese camera is still Chinese, but works like a US/EU model.
If you update to another firmware it will be Chinese!
All the normal warnings use at your own risk.
Big thanks @wzhick Downgrader.rar?dl=0
Updated with EN and CH version so you don't have to use any tools.
Dropbox - Custom downgrader
Enjoy and Enjoy for Free

Please post what cameras you used this on to help others
UPDATED: Now with 4 Lines Intrusion detection 02/10/15
with Thanks to @DemonicHawk for this addon Downgrader 4lines.rar?dl=0
If your camera has a firmware sticker below 5.2.5 (not including), you don't use this one. If you read the posts you will understand.
For Versions 5.3.0
NOTE: This is not for 2cdxxx0 or xxx5 models
Allows Chinese region Cameras to become English to work with your NVR without the region mis-match issue.
Tested with my own cameras.
TFTP or Web update via the GUI
Telnet restored
Please remember this is a Ghost Firmware and does not change the region of the camera.
Your Chinese camera is still Chinese, but works like a US/EU model.
If you update to another firmware it will be Chinese!
All the normal warnings use at your own risk.
Big thanks @wzhick Downgrader.rar?dl=0
Updated with EN and CH version so you don't have to use any tools.
Dropbox - Custom downgrader
Enjoy and Enjoy for Free

Please post what cameras you used this on to help others
UPDATED: Now with 4 Lines Intrusion detection 02/10/15
with Thanks to @DemonicHawk for this addon Downgrader 4lines.rar?dl=0
If your camera has a firmware sticker below 5.2.5 (not including), you don't use this one. If you read the posts you will understand.
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