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  1. Mikk36

    What's your Blue Iris Setup like? (List Specifications)

    You shouldn't worry about ambient temperature as long as your spinning drives don't get too hot (below 45 C / 113 F). Everything else in your computer can handle much higher ambient temperatures.
  2. Mikk36

    Unable to view clips from Firefox

    I think it's been about one to two weeks since I've been unable to view the live stream / clips from Firefox (release, developer edition). I get this message in the DevTools console: Cannot play media. No decoders for requested formats: video/mp4; codecs="avc1.64003c" This seems to indicate...
  3. Mikk36

    What's your Blue Iris Setup like? (List Specifications)

    That's boost, it's all ok since it's determined by the motherboard and thermal limits automatically. Also, it's been done way earlier than You think. For example, an i7-8550U CPU in my laptop has a TDP of 15 W, but I've seen it report power usage of around 35 W for short spikes.
  4. Mikk36

    Urgent Updating

    Andy linked to this thread in the 2231RP-ZS thread, so I would assume that it is also affected.
  5. Mikk36

    New router need help please!

    Do not use the 9.x.x.x range, this is not meant for private use. Is your current 10.x.x.x using a subnet of or something else?
  6. Mikk36

    Loud hard drive noises once a week, whats it doing ?

    Just checked, 10% free space, 0% fragmented. File size limit is 20GB. Drive is WD60PURZ (6 TB).
  7. Mikk36

    5.0.9 - January 28, 2020

    HA can also stand for High Availability.
  8. Mikk36

    Blue Iris 5 stopped recording for unknown reason

    Another option is to force a DB rebuild from the status window. That way you don't need a restart of BI.
  9. Mikk36

    Video Tearing in Recorded Files in BI5 and Push to Talk Issues with Blue Iris App (Android)

    You can check that a camera is using HA by checking the Status window. HA-enabled cameras have a hashtag (#) prefix in the Pixels column.
  10. Mikk36

    Blue Iris 5 stopped recording for unknown reason

    Note: yes, You technically can set each camera to record directly to the "Stored" folder, but that introduces another variable, that has to be changed for each new camera You set up, so it's better to set the "New" folder to be saved to the proper destination.
  11. Mikk36

    Blue Iris 5 stopped recording for unknown reason

    You're still saving new recorded items onto the SSD. Stop thinking about the "Stored" folder at all, you don't need it, because you're not moving files off-server (over network to somewhere else) or onto an external drive. Only use the "New" folder and that's it (set the option to "Delete")...
  12. Mikk36

    Blue Iris 5 stopped recording for unknown reason

    Don't use the "Stored" folder at all. Only set it up to use the "New" and save that directly on the WD 6 TB drive.
  13. Mikk36

    No cameras showing in Blue Iris (or when troubleshooting SmartPSS)

    I'm not sure how You misunderstood me. The user wants to have cameras in the subnet. Cameras are currently in the subnet. I instructed the user to manually configure the cameras to one of the two options: use DHCP (router's DHCP service will serve addresses in...
  14. Mikk36

    No cameras showing in Blue Iris (or when troubleshooting SmartPSS)

    You can assign the static mappings once you configure the cameras to use DHCP. By default, they use a static IP configured in the camera itself. Course of action: disable your secondary NIC. Assign a static IP to your Windows machine (main NIC) to be in the 192.168.1.x subnet (mask...
  15. Mikk36

    No cameras showing in Blue Iris (or when troubleshooting SmartPSS)

    You need to change the IP's on the web interface of the cameras directly. Or set them up to use DHCP and set up static IP mapping from the DHCP server (your router?).
  16. Mikk36

    Question about upgrading to Version 5

    You can continue to run V5 after your support ends, but you won't get any updates for it, correct?
  17. Mikk36

    Dahua Cameras

    Higher MP for indoors, where there's always light. You get much better detail of stuff happening with those extra MP's (remember, 8 MP vs 2MP equals 3840x2160 vs 1920x1080, 4MP is only 2688x1520, so not that much improvement). Just remember to choose storage accordingly: 2 times the clarity, 4...
  18. Mikk36

    Camera on different network.

    You're right. If it's a network that you must access over WAN, you need to make sure you have a secure line connecting the two networks.
  19. Mikk36

    Camera on different network.

    If you can access the camera (web interface) from the BI computer, then yes, you can.
  20. Mikk36

    Trying to get my head around BI hardware setup

    I'm not sure. It seems to somewhat support it (hardware does support it, software is questionable). There are talks of some newer firmware being maybe released at some point that would support VLAN tagging better. Currently it looks like it supports VLAN for a single LAN port, but it's set up...
  21. Mikk36

    Video Tearing in Recorded Files in BI5 and Push to Talk Issues with Blue Iris App (Android)

    Either typical site-to-site VPN or a direct BI server to the main site VPN connection. Neither of these expose anything to the internet. If you then need to view the camera streams (UI3?) on your cell phone while on mobile connection, yes, you would then also need a VPN connection to the main...
  22. Mikk36

    Video Tearing in Recorded Files in BI5 and Push to Talk Issues with Blue Iris App (Android)

    Outbound VPN can provide security, if you can also connect to that remote VPN site from the viewer (or are at that site) and viewer can connect to BI server from there. One use-case for that would be a remote site BI installation.
  23. Mikk36

    Dahua day/night switch utility - DahuaSunriseSunset

    No option in BI to send ONVIF commands on schedule.
  24. Mikk36

    Video Tearing in Recorded Files in BI5 and Push to Talk Issues with Blue Iris App (Android)

    Except if you want H.265 for the space savings. Power usage isn't a big deal for me, since the rooms are heated anyway. Yes, it's not as efficient on heating, but it isn't all going to waste either.
  25. Mikk36

    New Blue Iris PC

    You've already got one SSD in there, why would you want another one? Windows aint doing anything active there besides maybe update scanning, BI does almost no IO with the database. Use the extra slot for another storage drive. Do you need many display ports (are you planning on displaying live...
  26. Mikk36

    Video Tearing in Recorded Files in BI5 and Push to Talk Issues with Blue Iris App (Android)

    If it's just the two cameras with the i5-6500, why bother with the hardware acceleration at all, if it's only causing issues? Yes, you get nicer and faster fast forwarding with playback, but that's just about it. I'd drop h/a or go for more power with an Nvidia card if you want less issues.
  27. Mikk36

    New Firmware for IPC-HX5X3X-Rhea_Eng_NP_Stream3_V2.800.20190807

    I can also confirm that the IR setting is applied to all profiles, not just the selected one.