Search results

  1. J

    Dahua Camera IP Address

    Cool. So no need to assign IPs to the cameras. Do I need to reserve any IP addresses at the router? Also, does this setup (NVR only, no PC) still allow me to remotely view my cameras via OpenVPN on my iPhone? Thanks, guys!
  2. J

    Dahua Camera IP Address

    Tony, can you offer any details? Here's why I ask. I'm in the same situation as @camguyutah. NVR address and router address. Cameras show up as 10.1.1.xx. When I run Config to change the camera IP addresses, it says I successfully changed them, but they continue to have 10...
  3. J

    Google WiFi pucks behind Asus router?

    Thanks, SouthernYankee. Let me confirm that I'm understanding you correctly. Asus router: Ethernet only, with everything that doesn't require a wireless connection connected to it, including NVR, network printers, other computers, etc. If I need more ports, then I add a switch to this...
  4. J

    Google WiFi pucks behind Asus router?

    Hello all, Thanks to the generous information contributors here, I'm making slow, but steady progress on installing my system. I'm working on updating my home network now. I have some cameras to test, but won't plug them in until my network is right. I've installed an Asus AC86U, configured...
  5. J

    Residential system installer recommendations in Phoenix, AZ?

    Appreciate the offer. After some of the comments above, I'm leaning towards continuing to read up here on the forum, then tackling the install myself. I may reach out to you if I hit a snag. Talking with Andy about camera options...
  6. J

    Residential system installer recommendations in Phoenix, AZ?

    Thanks. That's a great point about future troubleshooting and possible lack of post-installation support. Last thing I want is for my system to be down while I'm waiting for someone to come out to fix it.
  7. J

    Residential system installer recommendations in Phoenix, AZ?

    Agreed. Incredible amounts of information here. Time is the challenge for me. Time to learn, time to install...then time to fix my mistakes. (Ha!) If I can't find a skilled, trustworthy installer, it's the route I'll have to go.
  8. J

    Residential system installer recommendations in Phoenix, AZ?

    Hello - Long time lurker, first post. I'm finally ready to put my research in motion and proceed with installing a video surveillance system at my house. I've corresponded with Andy for my hardware needs, but still need a good solution for the install piece. Can anyone recommend a good...
  9. J

    Hi Andy, I sent an email to and it was bounced back due to your mailbox...

    Hi Andy, I sent an email to and it was bounced back due to your mailbox being over its quota. Do you have another email address? Thanks!