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  1. X

    alerts tab and "all" tab notifications not lining up

    I have been having this issue for a couple week were if i click on an alert or "confirmed alert" notification on the console itself it will take me to a time ahead of the actual alert. on my iphone the alarts send me to the incorrect time as well. If i go to the "all" notifications it takes me...
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    driveway sensor relay to trigger BI camera

    So i am planning on getting a driveway sensor that detects when a car drives over the sensor. The receiver unit has a relay (NO or NC) output and 12VDC connections that trigger when a car activated the sensor (see attached picture). I want use this relay to trigger a camera in BI so that i...
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    SD5A425GA-HNR PTZ5A4M-25X Audio Microphone

    Thank you! I will give this a try!
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    SD5A425GA-HNR PTZ5A4M-25X Audio Microphone

    Hi guys i know this camera doesnt have a built in mic. I was trying to figure out how i could add a mic to the unit. Currently the unit is on a tree that has a POE cable running to it. i dont have any other easy access for power for a powered mic but i do have an extra POE cable in the same...
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    Storage issue

    Thank you so much. I just changed a bunch of stuff around..reformatted the drives to 1024K. I will see how it goes. I appreciate the help!
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    Storage issue

    Thank you! Actually the newest update seems to have fixed the issue but i did just change the folder names. I also used drivepool to make one large drive to store the files in one place. I am not using stored now..just the NEW folder and the alerts folder.
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    Storage issue

    Hi, I have been having issues where when i look at the storage space in blue iris it says there are no BI files taking up storage but there are. i am not really sure how to explain whats happening. It basically seems like blue iris thinks there are no clips stored in the new folder even...
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    Question on Nellys 4K-PTZDT cam

    Thank you! I will reach out the raysharp directly as well and see if i get anywhere.
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    Question on Nellys 4K-PTZDT cam

    anyone have any incite?
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    Question on Nellys 4K-PTZDT cam

    Hi, I just purchased the 4k-ptzdt cam from nellys for the siren and lights it has. I am trying to figure out a mqtt command to active the lights and siren from BI. Does anyone know what commands there are, or a way to sniff the command from the iphone app. The iphone app rxcamview can...
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    DS-2DE2A404IW-DE3 built-in microphone?

    Thank you very much for clarifying Bob!
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    DS-2DE2A404IW-DE3 built-in microphone?

    I purchased a bunch of DS-2DE2A404IW-DE3 cameras the other day. Per the specs on the website: DS-2DE2A404IW-DE3/W|Value Series|Hikvision . They list the cameras as having a mic line in, line out and "built in mic" . I am on the current firmware and when I go to the configuration settings...
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    Blue Iris Rich Notifications not working over LAN -- Work fine on Cellular

    I did not update either one on my own since they are on autoupdate. I looked into it and the iphone app hasnt been updated for a year but my server software is on the latest "stable" update which was sometime thing month.
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    Blue Iris Rich Notifications not working over LAN -- Work fine on Cellular

    Oddly enough, I have a unifi USG, and i manually port forwarded port 81 instead of using UPNP for BI to my server and all of a sudden the gifs started to come through. I dont know if this is a fluke or the developer updated the iphone app or pc app.
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    Blue Iris Rich Notifications not working over LAN -- Work fine on Cellular

    From the developer himself: " This is somewhat of a "known" issue as the WAN address is used to fetch the image or GIF, and most routers don't allow you to use your WAN address while using your LAN/WiFi. You can possibly turn off WiFi on the device, or we do plan an update over the summer for...
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    Blue Iris Rich Notifications not working over LAN -- Work fine on Cellular

    I am having the exact same problem. This is on my iphone. When Im home i dont get a GIF or a picture, i just the notification. When i am off my LAN i get the gif as i should. I will reach out to the developer and see if he can look into this. He has been very helpful in the past!
  17. X

    New Motion Zones - Are they actually functional?

    I will give that a try. I think i have it working now. I was trying to use the zones more as line crossing i.e. i draw 2 thin lines and someone would have to "break" both lines and the recording will start but I guess thats not how the BI zones are ment to be used. I will play around more...
  18. X

    Issue with multiple Reolink cameras and BI causing image corruption/smearing

    I actually tried that. There was no change unfortunately
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    Issue with multiple Reolink cameras and BI causing image corruption/smearing

    Im not exactly sure but it seems to be a BI issue honestly. The cameras work find in their reolink software and they also work perfectly in Sighthound software that i was testing. I plan to contact Ken and ask for some help. He has been very responsive in the past.
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    Issue with multiple Reolink cameras and BI causing image corruption/smearing

    Ive been having the same issues with these cameras as well. Reo-link has been helpful but the problem is still there. It greatly appears to be related to the fact that you cant change the iframe count. Even putting the resolution down to 1080P and the encoding at "baseline" and the FPS to 12...
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    New Motion Zones - Are they actually functional?

    After rereading the you guys mean that the zones themselves have to over lap. Like part of the A rectangle zone should overlap part of the B rectangle zone?
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    New Motion Zones - Are they actually functional?

    Even doing something like A-B or A>B doesnt work for me. I made solid bars across the screen and i went out and walked through both zones and nothing was triggered. Additionally, when i went back to look at my zones today..some were gone on certain cameras and some were still there. I think...
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    New Motion Zones - Are they actually functional?

    I am having the same issues. I just have it set up with A-B and Im walking past the lines and it will not trigger.. i have the make time set to 0.0 and the contrast and size all the way to the left to make it as sensitive as possible but nothing is working for me either. I think its still a...