Storage issue

Jul 4, 2015

I have been having issues where when i look at the storage space in blue iris it says there are no BI files taking up storage but there are. i am not really sure how to explain whats happening. It basically seems like blue iris thinks there are no clips stored in the new folder even though there are active clips being stored there. i tried a database repair, delete and regen, and i even deleted the entire DB folder in the blue iris folder location and let the system rebuild it. I am still having the same problem. I am on I just checked and it appears that there is a new update to that im going to try out but i dont know if this is the problem.

I am attaching pictures but i can add whatever anyone needs to see.


  • bistorage.JPG
    71.5 KB · Views: 9
  • BIDatabase.JPG
    15.2 KB · Views: 10
  • BINew.JPG
    73.7 KB · Views: 10
  • BIStored.JPG
    76.9 KB · Views: 11
  • BIalerts.JPG
    76.4 KB · Views: 9
Per the helpfile, you cannot rename the ALERTS, NEW, and STORED folders and it must go into folders named NEW, STORED, and ALERTS. It will mess everything up and you are seeing some of it here.

You have NEW going to D:\BI without a NEW folder.

You have STORED going to E:\BI STORED without a STORED folder

Further, you really shouldn't be moving NEW to STORED on two drives in the same box.

Instead spread your cameras across the drives so in the event one drive goes out, you still have some coverage.

Only use STORED if you are going to a NAS.
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Reactions: TonyR
Thank you! Actually the newest update seems to have fixed the issue but i did just change the folder names. I also used drivepool to make one large drive to store the files in one place. I am not using stored now..just the NEW folder and the alerts folder.
From @SouthernYankee ==>> here and below:

My Standard allocation post.
1) Do not use time (limit clip age)to determine when BI video files are moved or deleted, only use space. Using time wastes disk space.
2) If New and stored are on the same disk drive do not used stored, set the stored size to zero, set the new folder to delete, not move. All it does is waste CPU time and increase the number of disk writes. You can leave the stored folder on the drive just do not use it.
3) Never allocate over 90% of the total disk drive to BI. Leave at least 50GB free.
4) if using continuous recording on the BI camera settings, record tab, set the combine and cut video to 1 hour or 3 GB. Really big files are difficult to transfer.
5) it is recommend to NOT store video on an SSD (the C: drive).
6) Do not run the disk defragmenter on the video storage disk drives.
7) Do not run virus scanners on BI folders
8) an alternate way to allocate space on multiple drives is to assign different cameras to different drives, so there is no file movement between new and stored.
9) Never use an External USB drive for the NEW folder. Never use a network drive for the NEW folder.
10) for performance do not put more than about 10,000 files in a folder, the search and adding files will eat CPU and disk performance. Look at using a sub folder per camera (see &CAM in bi help)
Advanced storage:
If you are using a complete disk for large video file storage (BVR) continuous recording, I recommend formatting the disk, with a windows cluster size of 1024K (1 Megabyte). This is a increase from the 4K default. This will reduce the physical number of disk write, decrease the disk fragmentation, speed up access.
From @SouthernYankee ==>> here and below:

My Standard allocation post.
1) Do not use time (limit clip age)to determine when BI video files are moved or deleted, only use space. Using time wastes disk space.
2) If New and stored are on the same disk drive do not used stored, set the stored size to zero, set the new folder to delete, not move. All it does is waste CPU time and increase the number of disk writes. You can leave the stored folder on the drive just do not use it.
3) Never allocate over 90% of the total disk drive to BI. Leave at least 50GB free.
4) if using continuous recording on the BI camera settings, record tab, set the combine and cut video to 1 hour or 3 GB. Really big files are difficult to transfer.
5) it is recommend to NOT store video on an SSD (the C: drive).
6) Do not run the disk defragmenter on the video storage disk drives.
7) Do not run virus scanners on BI folders
8) an alternate way to allocate space on multiple drives is to assign different cameras to different drives, so there is no file movement between new and stored.
9) Never use an External USB drive for the NEW folder. Never use a network drive for the NEW folder.
10) for performance do not put more than about 10,000 files in a folder, the search and adding files will eat CPU and disk performance. Look at using a sub folder per camera (see &CAM in bi help)
Advanced storage:
If you are using a complete disk for large video file storage (BVR) continuous recording, I recommend formatting the disk, with a windows cluster size of 1024K (1 Megabyte). This is a increase from the 4K default. This will reduce the physical number of disk write, decrease the disk fragmentation, speed up access.
Thank you so much. I just changed a bunch of stuff around..reformatted the drives to 1024K. I will see how it goes. I appreciate the help!