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  1. V

    How to hack 5.1.2 firmware on China region cameras to English

    If I understand correctly, there's no public way to switch from Chinese to English with the firmware 5.2. The only way is to pay CBX to get his patch. Which bother me a bit. Not at all because I would need to pay CBX. Searching for an answer to this problem for the last 3 hours, I can see that...
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    Hikvision 5.1.2 Firmware - All in Chinese, how to fix video

    For those, like me, who think the telnet feature is not in the 5.2 firmware, think twice :), After going around and translating everything into english through google translate, I stumble in a tab where it's written Telnet IN ENGLISH :), and I was so happy to see that, I got happier to see a SSH...
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    Hikvision 5.1.2 Firmware - All in Chinese, how to fix video

    Ok, I check with an other camera, in my 5.2 firmware for the DS-2CD2532F-IS, there is no enable button in the gui for Telnet. I only have enable IR Light. What can i do?
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    Hikvision 5.1.2 Firmware - All in Chinese, how to fix video

    5.2 into english would be great, I'm just not finding how to start. A lot of the time, people say to telnet into the camera, I just don't know how. Seems pretty easy, but it just doesn't work for me. telnet
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    Hikvision 5.1.2 Firmware - All in Chinese, how to fix video

    I found the 5.1.2 on the europeen site, but when I try to downgrade, it tells me (in chinese) Status upgrade fails with a yellow triangle and an exclamation mark in it...
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    Hikvision 5.1.2 Firmware - All in Chinese, how to fix video

    I upgraded to the 5.2.0 and everything is in chinese... now I'm looking for the 5.1.2 to go back to english, even though the NAS is not working.....
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    nayr's home automation build out...

    I almost went with the sainsmart relay card, but decided to have fun and bought the relays by themself for almost nothing :)
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    Connect a sensor to alarm input of Hikvision NVR

    Hi, I'm trying to understand the set up for the alarm input. (My camera arrived without documentation)... So, I see on the alarm input connector some annotations ( 1/0/gnd/A ). Anyone could tell me how I should connect my wires coming from the PIR (well, actually coming from a relay...
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    @nayr have relay board for the beagleboard :) (click board) arduino also have them. They are called shields <-- Here's an inexpensive one And of course, raspberry pi has the same kind of add-ons called plates (sainsmart 8 channel for example) To many options, don't know which one to...
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    Lol, sorry @nayr, I just got what you were saying :). No, I need 2 outputs. I want the video to start every single time there is some one at the door. But I want the light to go on only at night and if someone is at the door. (Education myself on arduino/beaglebone/raspberry pi now) sounds...
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    This look pretty, anyone started to look at that? It's not cheap, but look interesting anyway :)
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    yes, correct, the motion will trigger both. It's for my front door, I want the light to turn on at night when I'm at the door at night so it is easier to open the door, but i also want the video to record in case it would be someone else. Of course, after that, I want face recognition, with a...
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    Hi, I'm looking for a good PIR with 2 alarm output (one for the light, one for the camera). There's a few thread on that subject, but couldn't find what I'm looking for. I love those, but couldn't find them in the US. Any recommendations?
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    nayr's home automation build out...

    Love it!!! It's awesome, it's part of what I want to do, and now I feel so far behind ;(
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    I/O ports and lens size q's

    I love those PIR, to bad I couldn't find a reseller for the us
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    I've been robbed, need a video camera asap

    Hi Jimmyt, I love it. My setup is very simple. Just one camera (well, the second one just arrived but is not set up yet). I'm using the video camera setting to upload videos in the cloud when there is some motion that has been detected. It's working great, the best setup for me since I did not...
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    Hikvision DS-2CD2532-I(S) Unboxing (with pictures!)

    Well, I ordered the 4mm, so I'll let you know. But from my research and based on the configuration of my front door which has a 4 feet 'corridor', I hope it will be fine. I'll post pictures
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    Hikvision DS-2CD2532-I(S) Unboxing (with pictures!)

    For the front door, the 4mm will be better I believe. I ordered it on ali express, we'll see...
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    Hikvision DS-2CD2532-I(S) Unboxing (with pictures!)

    Because they only have the 2.8mm
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    Hikvision DS-2CD2532-I(S) Unboxing (with pictures!)

    Ok, So I guess I'll have to get it from Amazon for $220 :(...
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    Hikvision DS-2CD2532-I(S) Unboxing (with pictures!)

    @fenderman: Could you tell me why a 4mm would be better than the 2.8. I did some research and it looks like for a front door, you would want to see the people close to the door, so wide angle. Which looks like I need a smaller lens. Unless, the 4mm is already wide enough for close up object...
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    Hikvision DS-2CD2532-I(S) Unboxing (with pictures!)

    I was looking for a camera for my front door, this one looks like the one... since I don't know anything about video camera, can someone confirm it would be a good fit? @milkisbad: can you send me a pm for this camera? Thanks Vin
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    new iVMS 4500

    Hi, Did anyone tried the new iVMS 4500. There's a cloud option, I wanted to try to compare to what I'm building but I can't complete the register process. Did anyone had more luck? Vin
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    Hikvision format

    Hi, I'm trying to understand the hikvision format when using the nfs feature. Besides filling the nfs mount with 256MB mp4 files, when it start recording on motion detection, it adds a picture per mp4 files and record to that file till it gets to the 256MB and switch to the next one. There's 4...
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    NAS (NFS) configuration problem

    I see, basically, they prebuild 256MB file (.mp4) and file out the disk with 186 of them per datadir folder. Then they use it to record. I don't know why they would do that instead of just creating a new mp4 file every single time there's a motion with the time stamp in the name. There would be...
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    NAS (NFS) configuration problem

    No worries Milkisbad. I love the camera, but since I'm a software engineer, I'm just trying everything I can with different software. Now that I have absolutely everything working (no internal Smart card to lower the price, automatic motion recording directly in the cloud, so no nvr). I can get...
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    NAS (NFS) configuration problem

    Yeah, everything is working great now. It looks like the camera cannot really manage big size disk (1TB). I tried with 200G and no problem. I'll probably do a few test and see if it can support 500G without problems. Thanks, Vin
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    NAS (NFS) configuration problem

    @icerabbit: Thanks, but I'm not sure it's what I want/need. I don't want to look at it (hopefully never) unless something happen, and in this case, looking at 4 cameras through ffmpeg is not a problem. I understand for a surveillance system the need of such software, but for me, I'm not sure...
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    NAS (NFS) configuration problem

    @milkisbad: Hi, I'm already recording (not on motion) with the camera, using openRTSP. I'm also taking picture on motion and putting them on my tfp server. All that is working fine. What I'm trying to do now is to record the video on motion. It's a feature of the camera that does not (or...
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    NAS (NFS) configuration problem

    state "Normal" for a few minutes, and then went back to "uninitialized"...... Trying again....