Have been using cctv for a few years but now haing an NTP problem so looking for advice.
I'm using CMS and happy to buy better software if that's my problem.
I'll post more details in the correct part of the forum
Does anyone know any CMS software for a hi3535 board (Owsoo) which does not contain Trojan or virus?
It's like EVERYTHING from China contains a sketchy backdoor
I'm looking for an IP camera with a web interface (like a router) and/or telnet access to set it up as a streaming server in my LAN. I would record rtsp output with a Raspberry. In other words I don't wish to have to use CMS applications, smartphone apps, Onvif apps etc. to access to camera...
I have purchased a handful of IP cameras from ebay all claiming to be ONVIF compliant. I was hoping to find a single lightweight viewer for all of them. That's where my learning curve started.
It appears that these ebay cameras come in two primary flavors. Those that work with CMS and...
I have purchased a handful of "ONVIF" cameras from ebay hoping for some sort of standardization and compatibility. Of course I have discovered that nothing is ever that simple. The basic capabilities of the cameras are similar but they seem to come in two "flavors" My escam and a few others...
Hi everyone, I have 3 cameras at home connected to router, and software running on pc called CMS. The cameras are cheap chinese ones, I don't expect too much, but I still would like to access it remotely.
I've got ddns, port forwarding on router (3 cameras on http 3 ports port 80,81,82, media...