
  1. Silat_Krav

    Blueprint or your help

    Hi Guys, I'm not very familiar with this kind of forum, so in first apology if I not use the right codes. Ok I've got a HIK DS-2CD2155FWD-I a component is dead, a capacitor if I'm right. A friend can swap it but he need to know the "capacity" or tech. spec of this one and isn't readable on it...
  2. C

    Yunch YC-110AR WebComponents

    Greetings all, I am looking for the most up to date Yunch YC-110AR WebComponents. or can I use a different company WebComponents?? I am so frustrated getting the camera to view on my pc browser.... Any and all information will be greatly appreciated. Ciao~ BH
  3. A

    Mac OSX Hikvision webcomponets

    since I have had no response from hikvision in about a month, I have decided to post the version I was given for testing back in Oct. It should help all those of you have issues with safari and hikvision. to be clear it fixes the issue with TCP streaming. <?xml version='1.0'...