100% DeepStack timeouts after BI update (including reverting to earlier versions)


Pulling my weight
Jan 8, 2016
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I decided to upgrade BlueIris from a version before any of the CodeProject work had been done to a more recent version. I did NOT even attempt to install CodeProject.AI because I had read somewhere in these forums that BI would use whichever was installed. When I launch BI (I went ahead and upgraded all the way to todays, the log shows that DeepStack's AI was started and is responding ok but all calls to it report "Alert cancelled (AI: timeout) 100xxms". I do see the normal temp files being created in the AppData\Local\Temp\DeepStack folder which are the images being processed.

I have tried rolling back BI, and tried installing numerous other intermediate versions, but none get anything other than a timeout when calling DeepStack. I have not touched anything about the DeepStack install. It seems that something purely about installing a more recent version, which has support for CodeProject.AI, has broken the ability to use DeepStack, even after rolling back.

My next step will be to try to re-install DeepStack, and if that fails obviously I can try to install CodeProject.AI, but is anyone still running DeepStack on a more recent version of BI? Is it even possible, or will I be wasting my time. I saw in the release notes that there have been database changes, so I feel that going back much earlier may not be the wisest move at this point.

Is there any good/easy way to capture the exact requests from BI to DeepStack, with the hope of replaying it in some manner that generates a detailed log to explain why it is now failing in 100% of all requests from BI?

Any other thoughts or comments, other than the obvious, "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" and that I shouldn't have attempted an update until I really wanted to move to CodeProjectAI? I was hoping to wait for the pending 2.0 release. Ooops. My bad.


Pulling my weight
Jan 8, 2016
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I did two things at once so I'm not sure which solved the problem, but I deleted all the redis temporary dump.rdb files (which had dates on them) and I re-installed DeepStack. With the benefit of hindsight, I wish I'd just done one at a time, but it's working.

Does anyone know if the presence of older dump.rdb files can impact performance?

Semi-related, I still get an ever-growing list of files/images in \Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Temp\DeepStack. I now have a scheduled task deleting them each day, but is that a problem? Should it be considered a bug in either BI or DeepStack itself that one of them isn't cleaning up after itself properly? Or is this standard behavior and an external script always has to clean up that folder?


Pulling my weight
Jul 6, 2020
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Suffered the same thing "AI timeout" after updating. I tried what you did = I deleted all the redis temporary dump.rdb files,

and so far seems to have corrected the problem.

I did not reinstall DeepStack, I only removed the dump.rdd file and then restarted BI. (I saved the file so I could put it back if things really went south by my doing so, I wasn't real sure which one to remove!)


Pulling my weight
Jan 8, 2016
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That's a great data point, and may indicate the true root cause. Thank you!


Pulling my weight
Mar 10, 2014
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I had the same problem. Updated BI and DS stopped working, err 100. Did a couple of computer restarts with no success. Rolled back to prior BI version and still no success (had been working with this version). Was going to do a DS reinstall but instead did a computer shut down and left off for a few minutes. When I restarted all was working. Upgraded to latest BI version and had the same problem again. Tested with a restart and no luck. Did another computer shut down and all worked again with the latest BI version.


Pulling my weight
Jul 6, 2020
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Yup did all the same steps, stop start BI stop start windows, stop start DS, separately and all three in order etc. Revert to previous working version then back to latest again, pick one in between there try that.
When I do update, I do not go beyond the critical/highly stable release.

Results of all that mucking about only served to screw up my DB, in the end had to delete (move) "alert" files to come back from that dismal failure for me.

Figured heck maybe I'm not the only one so I checked here in the forum for a fix, right off found this thread by

Deleting alerts correct the DB issue, got everything back to 10-1 clips and alerts both, and the suggestion here correct the DS issue.

All is well again, probably should have started here!!

I would add, yes usually a quick reboot corrects these little hiccups, not this time not for me.


Pulling my weight
Dec 27, 2016
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So what is going on with BI and DS? Is it reaching the end of life, such that we going to have to baby the assembly until something better comes along?

Two days ago i grabbed an image and noticed that there was a stable / critical BI version available, and there was a version later than that, so i manually updated to the latest stable/critical update (not the latest update), and once again the situation broke BI-DS recording. This time it appeared that DS was correctly detecting and starting alerts, but then after 5-15 seconds, timed out (as seen in the logs) and did not record the alert, over and over. So no alerts for the last two days

I did the usual restart BI, repair/regenerate database fix, reboot the OS, repeat, but no luck. I finally updated to the latest BI version, just in case it fixed this, but it did not, so i don't recommend that step. I looked here and interpreted the above to dig for a folder called "redis" and some temp files called dump.rdb. I found them in my root drive under the DeepStack folder and then deleted the file (not the redis folder) after first stopping the BI service. I then rebooted the machine (which restarts the service), and found that the issue appears to be temporally resolved (until the next update glitch).

So what do we think is going wrong with BI-DS updates and integration?


Staff member
Mar 9, 2014
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So what is going on with BI and DS? Is it reaching the end of life, such that we going to have to baby the assembly until something better comes along?

Two days ago i grabbed an image and noticed that there was a stable / critical BI version available, and there was a version later than that, so i manually updated to the latest stable/critical update (not the latest update), and once again the situation broke BI-DS recording. This time it appeared that DS was correctly detecting and starting alerts, but then after 5-15 seconds, timed out (as seen in the logs) and did not record the alert, over and over. So no alerts for the last two days

I did the usual restart BI, repair/regenerate database fix, reboot the OS, repeat, but no luck. I finally updated to the latest BI version, just in case it fixed this, but it did not, so i don't recommend that step. I looked here and interpreted the above to dig for a folder called "redis" and some temp files called dump.rdb. I found them in my root drive under the DeepStack folder and then deleted the file (not the redis folder) after first stopping the BI service. I then rebooted the machine (which restarts the service), and found that the issue appears to be temporally resolved (until the next update glitch).

So what do we think is going wrong with BI-DS updates and integration?
They're already at something better. Codeproject. Version 2 will be released to the general public shortly.


IPCT Contributor
Apr 28, 2019
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In fact, BI has started this CodeProject transition away from DS way back in June..., so the more recent updates are going to center around CodeProject and could break something with DS.

If you wanna stay with DS it is best to stay with an older version and only update when BI adds something you want or need, but at that point you may need to switch to CodeProject. Many of us run older versions. I am still back on 5.5.x something prior to when CodeProject was introduced.

Several threads on it:
