2nd Amendment thread

This saddens me. I like this guy and his videos. He does modern weapons but he does a lot of black powder revolver stuff which I enjoy. He used to write for “Guns of the Old West” and “Combat Handguns” magazine among some other gun magazines.

This sounds like some triggered goddamn liberal saw his videos and reported him, combined with a liberal asshole bureaucrat who wants to "teach these gun owners a lesson".

Had to look at the GoFundMe..... this warms my heart....

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We didn't have a team at my school, but we did have a gun club. Gun safety was taught at a room in the city library (in retrospect, because of it's location). Next door to it was an indoor range where only 22s were allowed.

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Got a co-workers son who got a scholarship to an Arkansas college from a Gun Club. He competes against other colleges...

Also, what about Baithlon...
Back in 1977-79 I was at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee and they had an indoor shooting range on campus. Every year the ROTC would sponsor a 'turkey shoot'- paper targets of turkeys. Top three winners got a turkey for the holidays.

I bet they do not do this anymore.
We didn't have a team at my school, but we did have a gun club. Gun safety was taught at a room in the city library (in retrospect, because of it's location). Next door to it was an indoor range where only 22s were allowed.

I remember plenty of pickup trucks in the HS parking lot with shotgun or rifle on the rack of the back window. That was normal in SC when I was in high school in the 80s.
Russian 7.62 NATO sniper rifle in use by Wagner ..

I remember plenty of pickup trucks in the HS parking lot with shotgun or rifle on the rack of the back window. That was normal in SC when I was in high school in the 80s.
Same in Texas in late 70s. I remember going to HS football games and trucks had them displayed in the back window. Don't remember hearing of any thefts either, that is of their guns.
Brace yourselves, the Democrat Party has gun control bills they want to pass, so expect more FALSE FLAG MASS SHOOTINGS!


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"The Biden White House immediately called for gun control.
White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre blamed Republicans in Congress for the mass shooting.
“How many more children have to be murdered before Republicans in Congress will step up and act to pass the assault weapons ban.” – Karine Jean-Pierre said on Monday."

I would NEVER EVER EVER have guessed that this would be the response from the Democrats! Wait, wait... what did I post just what... 3 or 4 posts up from here??
Let me give you SICK "leaders" a hint here on how to stop this stuff. QUIT MAKING SCHOOLS GUN FREE ZONES!!!