Known around here
If I were the king for the day: You'd have to have a license to breed. There would be a tax on stupid. Those on welfare would be given 4 hour daily work projects to wash cars, mow lawns or pick up litter for those who do pay income taxes.
^^^ okay, I keed, I keed but I can dream can't I?
I think part of the problem is that parents have their hands tied by society. Society says what you can, can't and must do. Is there any culpability of the same society/gubermint who makes the rules then passed judgement? If you can't spank your kid or take away their dessert/iPhone without fear that your kid is going to turn you over to the police State and your kid is being indoctrinated by the gubermint then who's to say the parent is fully culpable 1000%? Is society therefore the manslaughterer? If it takes a village then should the village be punished?
Some people are born psychopaths while others become sociopaths at a very young age. It's complicated unfortunately. I don't have kids but I can certainly empathize for those who have bred satan's spawn.
Okay, maybe I wasn't kidding at the top.
And as far as firearms. I'm sure there are a lot of people sitting in jail who say "I wished I never bought that damned thing".
^^^ okay, I keed, I keed but I can dream can't I?

I think part of the problem is that parents have their hands tied by society. Society says what you can, can't and must do. Is there any culpability of the same society/gubermint who makes the rules then passed judgement? If you can't spank your kid or take away their dessert/iPhone without fear that your kid is going to turn you over to the police State and your kid is being indoctrinated by the gubermint then who's to say the parent is fully culpable 1000%? Is society therefore the manslaughterer? If it takes a village then should the village be punished?

Okay, maybe I wasn't kidding at the top.

And as far as firearms. I'm sure there are a lot of people sitting in jail who say "I wished I never bought that damned thing".
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