2nd Amendment thread

Good analysis .. so many gun control bill attempts to setup for the election ..

Governor calls Gun Controller’s Bluff… The Truth Comes Out & They ARE NOT HAPPY About It…
Langley Outdoors Academy
519K subscribers

Feb 26, 2024
Governor calls Gun Controller’s Bluff… The Truth Comes Out & They ARE NOT HAPPY About It… In today's episode, we dive into all the gun control bills that are going into the House in VA. All of a sudden, the Gun Controllers are claiming they are going to lose and that they knew the whole time... WTF

Hmm, interesting. Kalifornian judge overrules billy club ban law by way of 2nd Amendment. Seems like an argument can be made about knives. But then again, I can see the libs then saying "you no longer need a gun since we gave you billy clubs".


Ed McGivern - Fastest Gun


Feb 20, 2024
Edward McGivern (October 20, 1874 – December 12, 1957) was a famous exhibition shooter, shooting instructor and author of the book Fast and Fancy Revolver Shooting.
Renowned as one of the best handgunners that ever lived. His Guinness world record for "The greatest rapid-fire feat" (set on August 20, 1932 at the Lead Club Range, South Dakota) still stands. He emptied two revolvers in less than 2 seconds. He set another record on September 13, 1932, shooting five rounds from a double-action revolver at 15 feet in 2/5 of a second, and covering the group with his hand. His accomplishments include "firing two times from 15 feet five shots which could be covered by a silver half-dollar piece in 45/100 of a second". His shooting was so rapid, timing machines would malfunction in attempting to record his shooting speed.
The Army's new Sig Sauer assault rifle... the semi-auto version sells for $8k Here's a look... kind of...since it isn't in the same caliber.
If you know your way around an AR, you will like this vid and the technical differences shown. This guy is also a funny smart-ass that is good for a laugh.

The Army's new Sig Sauer assault rifle... the semi-auto version sells for $8k Here's a look... kind of...since it isn't in the same caliber.
If you know your way around an AR, you will like this vid and the technical differences shown. This guy is also a funny smart-ass that is good for a laugh.

Ghey. Stick with what worked. All a money grab.
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I used to have a number of Sigs (before that tragic boating accident with @Ssayer ) and in particular their 516 AR. I ran that gun hard, starting with a 1500 round 3 day intermediate carbine class somewhere in the woods of NC, taught by some guys who might have been real deal tier 1 types, when it was 1 week old, with very minimal (0) maintenance. I can honestly say it ran trouble free and quite accurate its whole life. (pause while I wipe a tear in remembrance)
It was designed after the HK 416 which is a very well thought of rifle and built like a tank. It was heavy as well, but ran long after most DI guns needed a major tear-down/cleaning.
The 516 gave way to the >>>MCX and now the next iteration >>>Spear/LT.

I want to say I had $1200 in the 516, plus optics, and now the new Spear LT is $2500+ optics with the Spear 308 in the $4000+ optics range.

I'll stick with my 516, .....if I can ever fish it out of the lake
AR15+Semi Automatic Crisis: Largest Gun Ban in History Potentially? Supreme Court Garland v Cargil
Tom Grieve

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We in Amateur Radio have been fighting with these "lawyer/liar types" in DC for decades! The FCC
guys can not even turn on a radio. So, do you expect the A55holes at BATF to know which end of a firearm
bullet comes out?