4K starlight Series Firmware Update 20190404


IPCT Vendor
Nov 8, 2016
Just get the latest new firmware, guys can download and make a updating, this firmware has a huge update.

Here are the summary.



Add/optimize features:
1. Added security baseline V2.0 and new baseline 2.8 version features
You cannot save data when the database reaches the set upper limit.

3. The judgment of IPC PTZ intelligent preset point is changed from “smart rule” to “smart plan”
4. Solve the second-generation protocol without authentication to query device sensitive information
5. The number of front and back intelligent event alarms is inconsistent, and the number of intelligent linkage snapshots is 1
6. Solve the problem that the smart plan does not delete the preset point after the PTZ deletes the preset point.
7. Fixed the problem that the gDMSS APP could not receive the device push when the screen was off.
8. Fix the problem that the English device has a national standard interface
9. Fix the cgi command to cause device crash when the cai function is enabled.
10. Fix the problem that the admin user cannot modify the admin user group permissions.
11. Fix SD card encryption function can not use CGI problem
12. The English device tcp\ip default DNS address is modified to and
13. Repairing the failure of the gimbal cruise
14. Fix Gentect operation multi-channel device PTZ invalid problem
15. Fix DVRIP crash and fd leaks
16. Fix the problem of hot plugging the SD card during the process of automatically deleting the old file, and then inserting the SD card, the file in the SD card is still but the web will not be displayed.
17. Fix simple recovery default, login restricted configuration will be restored to default problem
Access information:
1. CGI testing tool version: V3.01.5
2. ONVIF testing tool version: V18.06
3. ONVIF: Supports ProfileG
4. MILESTONE testing tool version: Milestone XProtect Corporate 2018 R1
5. GENETEC testing tool version: Security Center Version 5.7SR1 (5.7.529.12)


See the following points for the update:

1. Do not disconnect the network, reboot and turn off the camera during update.

2. When upgrading with the false file, you need to reboot the device, otherwise some functions might be disabled.


@EMPIRETECANDY thanks for this. I’m hoping the 2 SD fixes mentioned in this release plus the DVRIP crash issue (also saw this on mine) will help with issues on my 2831’s. Is there any work done on raising the bitrate as I mentioned ? If not can you please ask Dahua to unlock the bitrate so we can at least use 15k bitrate like we could on the 7/31 firmware. Ideally would allow higher than that as its needed due to the noisy codec on the 1831/2831. Please let us k ow. Thanks
@EMPIRETECANDY upgraded 1 of my 2831's without issue. Unfortunately bitrate still at the lower rate. Hopefully we can get the bitrate updated in future though, capped in this release to 11264. I do see they moved from the 2.622 to 2.800 release now.

Thanks for posting this
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Have you tried turning on the Area of Interest setting (set to max quality), and just drawing the area rectangle over the entire video frame? I've seen this deliver bit rates far above the normal limit before.
@EMPIRETECANDY, no issues with the firmware but was wondering if a grayed out option on the profile day/night could be enabled? Reason being is I have enough light that it never needs to switch to night so it stays in the day profile. I'm wanting to have a day/night profile to get the best at both times and have the shutter at 1/30 priority at night or 1/50 to help with motion blur. I can't though as the options to enable auto/color/night are grayed out so it stays in day only. I can use the time settings and its ok but depending on the weather or season I have to keep changing it. So was hoping to use the day/night profile but can't as the options are grayed out when used.

Normal/Full Time/Schedule day-night.PNG Day/Night day-night grayed out.PNG
@EMPIRETECANDY, no issues with the firmware but was wondering if a grayed out option on the profile day/night could be enabled? Reason being is I have enough light that it never needs to switch to night so it stays in the day profile. I'm wanting to have a day/night profile to get the best at both times and have the shutter at 1/30 priority at night or 1/50 to help with motion blur. I can't though as the options to enable auto/color/night are grayed out so it stays in day only. I can use the time settings and its ok but depending on the weather or season I have to keep changing it. So was hoping to use the day/night profile but can't as the options are grayed out when used.

Normal/Full Time/Schedule View attachment 47352 Day/Night View attachment 47353
Is the older firmware can work well?
No more updates for this series?
Is it possible to downgrade from 2.800 to 2.622 with these cameras? If so, are there any specific methods to follow or is it just a regular upload?
Yes you can move between a 2.8 & 2.6 branch without issue. Just use regular firmware update method.

Is it possible to downgrade from 2.800 to 2.622 with these cameras? If so, are there any specific methods to follow or is it just a regular upload?
@stevob7, I've tried moving HFW1831E from 2.8 series back to 2.6 series, it did not work for me and I get a blocking message and failure. If you get it to work, please post back with how you did this.
@msquared thats weird you saw that message. I’ve completed this many times on 2831's without any problems moving between 2.6 branch and 2.8

@stevob7, I've tried moving HFW1831E from 2.8 series back to 2.6 series, it did not work for me and I get a blocking message and failure. If you get it to work, please post back with how you did this.
Well not on my 1831's. I went from 2.622 to the 2.8 series and regretted it since. The failure message I get is in one of my other multple posts looking for solutions to the issues I was experiencing, but I have only been able to move up in version, never backwards, even on the 2.8 series. I have not been able to revert from 2.8 series back to 2.6, nor have I been successful to downgrade any 2.8 series to a lower 2.8 series, say 200107 back to 190404.
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I have two newer versions here, I tried V2.800.0000000.5.R.200107 but it was not stable so I reverted back to V2.800.0000000.2.R.190404


Thanks for the info. I wasn't able to use any 2.6 series once going to 2.8, tried 20(2)00107 but saw no difference and also reverted back to 190404.