5.0.5 - October 22, 2019


Staff member
Mar 9, 2014
5.0.5 - October 22, 2019
The code-signing certificate used to verify secure binary deliverables has been renewed for
another three years and all executables have been re-signed.
The architecture used to create group images for streaming has been redesigned and coded
to allow for higher frame rate throughput. While it’s now possible to get 30 fps from a
group stream, this may still not be practical for most users with dozens of cameras due to
the CPU resources required.
Inter-process communication between service and console has been revised to allow the
service to better control the console when required.
The email alert configuration now isolates the “alert image” from the other image types
which may be attached.
The full log may now be downloaded from the Status/Messages page during remote
The push notification “rich push” and GIF options have been moved from the Settings/Web
server/Advanced page to the push notification alert configuration page. And for even more
flexibility you may now choose to use the camera’s current image instead of the alert image.
The grid lines between the video videos in the web UI are larger than what they used to be, is there a way to set that back?