5.3.9 - January 29, 2021


Staff member
Mar 9, 2014
5.3.9 - January 29, 2021
A new option on Settings/Other allows you to perform an encryption on all passwords
stored by Blue Iris (they are otherwise Base-64 encoded). Changing this setting does not
affect stored passwords until they are next loaded and re-saved. While this does provide
strong security for your passwords in the event someone will have access to your PC
registry, the major disadvantage of password encryption is that if you must transfer
your .REG settings to another PC, you will need to re-enter all of your passwords, as they
may only be decrypted on the PC on which they were encrypted—not ideal for a backup/
restore unless they are done on the same PC.
A new button in the Timeline view for “instant reply.” This will automatically begin
timeline playback 30 seconds back. You may click it multiple times to transport back 30
seconds at a time.
A new interface to the Sentry Smart Alerts system allows you to select person and/or
vehicle detection. Make this change by using the Artificial Intelligence button found on the
Trigger tab in camera settings. This may not be fully functional until
When switching from main stream decoding back to sub stream decoding, the main stream
frame buffer is now deallocated, returning RAM to the system. Previously once the buffer
was allocated, it remained until the camera was reset.
Despite the main stream frame buffer clearing thing, at least one of my cams still shows some old frames from the previous decoding session when I maximize it and it switches to main stream. So that bug is still there.
You made me go check, BP. The same here. One camera, the Annke cube, shows a previous frame before going to live in high res. The rest seem to transfer immediately although there is still a little lag as the resolution ramps up.
I thought it was both.

Ken has modified the help PDF to clarify for users the optimal use of preset override motion zone maps. The rewrite follows; the bold highlighting is mine.

Each preset may have its own motion zone map to override the one defined for the camera on the Motion Sensor page from the Trigger page. Keep in mind that these maps are resolution-dependent—if the camera image size changes, a new “Zone-A only” map will be created. If a custom preset map is in use and another preset is called without a custom map, the software will reload the map from the Motion Sensor page. The default map is also loaded in the event of a camera restart or profile changefor this reason you may want to disable the default zone maps when using custom preset zone maps. See the topic later in this chapter for instructions on defining motion zone maps.

Related this, Ken also added a new “special macro” %004 that gives the camera’s active zone mask name. Using this, you can now display the camera’s active motion zone mask ID on the camera feed. It resolves to a string like \PTZ\Presets\1 when a preset override map is being used, or \Motion\4 when the general motion zone map is being used (in this example, 4 means the map for profile 5 is being used).

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Ken has modified the help PDF to clarify for users the optimal use of preset override motion zone maps. The rewrite follows; the bold highlighting is mine.

Each preset may have its own motion zone map to override the one defined for the camera on the Motion Sensor page from the Trigger page. Keep in mind that these maps are resolution-dependent—if the camera image size changes, a new “Zone-A only” map will be created. If a custom preset map is in use and another preset is called without a custom map, the software will reload the map from the Motion Sensor page. The default map is also loaded in the event of a camera restart or profile changefor this reason you may want to disable the default zone maps when using custom preset zone maps. See the topic later in this chapter for instructions on defining motion zone maps.

Related this, Ken also added a new “special macro” %004 that gives the camera’s active zone mask name. Using this, you can now display the camera’s active motion zone mask ID on the camera feed. It resolves to a string like \PTZ\Presets\1 when a preset override map is being used, or \Motion\4 when the general motion zone map is being used (in this example, 4 means the map for profile 5 is being used).

View attachment 82039
Would you be aware if Ken has any plans to fix the &PROFILE Macro?
+1 for this tip. Trying to get BI to trigger to HomeSeer as well as HomeSeer triggering BI. Anyway, when the profile changes in BI I need HomeSeer to be aware so that the behavior in HomeSeer changes appropriately. I was unable to get &PROFILE to work, but %P did work right away.

Now when the BI profile changes a HTTP request is sent off from BI (on one computer) to HomeSeer (on a different computer). This call includes the profile number BI is currently being set to. That HTTP request is received by HomeSeer which sets the profile value into a virtual device. Then with that info being updated directly to HomeSeer, I can make HomeSeer behave based on BI's profile.

HomeSeer: HS3

Here are my 7 BI profiles now dynamically managed in HomeSeer