Regarding the one that isn't triggering when you changed it in BI, sometimes a delete of the camera and add it back to BI fixes it. Or a restart of BI.
Regarding the one that isn't triggering when you changed it in BI, sometimes a delete of the camera and add it back to BI fixes it. Or a restart of BI.
Ok, so I deleted the bush cam and brought it back on line and still no motion trigger with the IVS. Also, why does it wipe out the whole recording timeline when you delete and re add the camera? The driveway cam is also being a pain. I tried making a minimum size to not trigger at and it was still triggering for bugs flying past and sometimes nothing at all it seems like. Arrrrgh
At one point late last night I turned on on human and vehicle detection and it just kept alerting for stupid stuff. I didn't delete and and the camera back on until this morning. Before I took the camera down, I tried changing back to the BI motion detection and it was still giving alerts for external and ONVIF. What I might do is use the clones for those two cameras as wildlife alerting cameras. I also restarted the computer and bi and still have no luck on alerts for the bush cam with IVS. I've given up on the bush cam for alerting for anything but people or vehicles.
Sorry, not read the entire thread but what are actually trying to do?
I have this tripwire setup on one of 5442 cams and it works very well with BI only altering me if a person or car crosses the tripwire. Remember you need some space either side of the tripwire which is why I don't have it hard against the walls to allow the camera to detect the crossing between A and B.
My wife has been complaining with the car and person detection that she can no longer watch the cats and foxes but these settings for me have meant that I don't get inundated with false alerts due to shadows crossing the tripwire during the day and headlight glare during the night.
@IAmATeaf I'm just trying to get the IVS to work and not alert for bugs flying by the IR lights at night. Having issues with a issues with a 5442TM-AS not getting any alerts with IVS no matter what so far and I had a 3241ZAS working yesterday during the day sending IVS alerts for human/vehicle even though those boxes were not checked off. But when night fell it just started alerting for bugs and all sorts of other stuff even after checking off human/vehicle. That's pretty much what this thread has turned into from what it started as. Maybe it should be a separate thread, I dunno at this point. Also just want to say thank you to everyone who has helped so far.
@IAmATeaf I'm just trying to get the IVS to work and not alert for bugs flying by the IR lights at night. Having issues with a issues with a 5442TM-AS not getting any alerts with IVS no matter what so far and I had a 3241ZAS working yesterday during the day sending IVS alerts for human/vehicle even though those boxes were not checked off. But when night fell it just started alerting for bugs and all sorts of other stuff even after checking off human/vehicle. That's pretty much what this thread has turned into from what it started as. Maybe it should be a separate thread, I dunno at this point. Also just want to say thank you to everyone who has helped so far.
I just got a new 5442 series camera myself and trying to figure all this out. From what I can tell, you need to have "record" (and perhaps "snapshot") checked on the camera motion detection sections for it to limit the triggers. Like you, I was getting all sorts of alerts in BI for bugs, etc even though I was using the camera and smart motion detection to limit the alerts to cars and people. Checking the "record" and "snapshot" options caused the alerts to be limited to just the cars/people. I do not have a SD card inserted in the camera at this time, so I initially left those options unchecked thinking it was local recording. It must have something to do with the triggers however.
I'll have to do some more testing today to see if this theory is correct or not.
I've been following this thread and scratching my head for why grumpywilson is having so much trouble. I've got a few 5442s and use IVS, intrusion boxes, on all of them very successfully both day and night. The "bush camera" will probably take some tuning of the box due to the mounting location/viewing angle but it still should work with no problem. After reading the post by @The Automation Guy I realized I leave those two checked with no SD card as well. Maybe that's what's being missed here.
Alrighty then! Checking record and snapshot will be the next thing I do and then maybe I can report back with some success. Just thinking positive thoughts.
I don’t have those options enabled, see my screenshot above. Maybe it’s firmware related, my cams came with whatever Andy put in then which I think is Oct 2020?