A Lost War: Victor Davis Hanson and H. R. McMaster on Afghanistan’s Past, Present, and Future


IPCT Contributor
Jan 17, 2017
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A Lost War: Victor Davis Hanson and H. R. McMaster on Afghanistan’s Past, Present, and Future

Hoover Institution

Recorded on September 17, 2021

General H. R. McMaster and military historian Victor Davis Hanson are both senior fellows at the Hoover Institution. In this frank, no-holds-barred conversation, they discuss the United States’ mission in Afghanistan: how it began, how it was conducted, and its ignominious end. McMaster and Hanson debate what worked and what failed, how social issues in the United States may have influenced our mission in Afghanistan and our decision to leave, and whether or not the United States should have continued to maintain a presence instead of leaving in a matter of weeks, abandoning thousands of Afghans loyal to the US mission there (as well as an unknown number of US citizens) after 20 years of military operations in the country.



IPCT Contributor
Jan 17, 2017
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".. the other aspect of .. the warrior ethos that is under risk is the idea that .. in war there is no substitute for victory there is no substitute for winning .. what has crept into our lexicon .. were terms like responsible end .. ideas that these wars are unwinnable .. what was winning in Afghanistan was a sustainable political order that was hostile to the jihadist terrorists .. and with Afghan security forces that with a very small amount of our support could sustain that effort and bear the brunt of the fight against enemies of all humanity .. " - General H. R. McMaster

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