Well that's unlikely being that b&h are already selling it, and you are not yet. But beyond that, I just asked them to tell me where to buy any of their door stations, and they simply said they only sell through resellers, but couldn't tell me who those resellers were.
Notice all the caveats B&H put on it. It looks more like a pre-order. They do not have any in their hands, whereas Andy does.
Keep in mind Andy got it out here first for review and sample:
Review-Dahua/EmpireTech new doorbell cam Db6l 5mp
We have a brand new Doorbell cam to check out from @EMPIRETECANDY in exchange for a fair and honest review. At this juncture some details are not yet available, I will add them here as they become available. I don't believe this model will be available to purchase until sometime in January, if...
You could test who sells it first for us and purchase one from B&H and one from Andy and see which one you get first LOL....