Acusense DS-2CD2386G2-ISU/SL (Turret Camera) - Initial Impressions


Pulling my weight
Aug 8, 2016
I just installed my first Acusense turret camera which replaces a 2CD2385FWD-I (8MP) at the front of my property.

The reason for the update from the very capable 2CD2385FWD-I was primarily for better night time vision. The 2CD2385FWD-I has a wonderful image in good light but this deteriorates quickly under low light and night time viewing.

I have previously updated to the 2CD2385G1 turret however, it had to go back to the vendor due to some odd color aberrations down the entire left hand side of the frame. Whilst the 2CD2385G1 was a step above the 2CD2385FWD-I in terms of night time performance a couple of minor niggles stopped me from buying another.

The 2CD2386G2-ISU/SL is the microphone/speaker and digital input/output variant of the range in a turret format. The pigtail comes pre-molded with 4 separate connectors, Ethernet, DC power, audio line/out, alarm input/output.

I was initially concerned about how I would fit all the connectors through the 20mm pre-drilled hole where the previous camera had been mounted but fortunately, Hikvision were thoughtful enough to make sure that no single connector was larger than the original Ethernet socket meaning, they could be individually passed through the original 20mm hole. I'd hesitate to say though, that if you were trying to get the connectors through the same hole in a brick wall or similar, it might be a significant challenge. In my case, it was a thin 5mm thick cement eaves sheet so no great drama.

I did some bench testing prior to installation and was initially concerned by what appeared to be horrendous noise on the image. small objects and people in the distance appeared to have leading and trailing digital noise and objects that were crisp and sharp on the 2CD2385FWD-I were blurry and smudged.

After upgrading and downgrading the firmware and trying a combination of different bit rates which seemed to result in only marginal improvement, I had a moment where I realized that the problem was actually of my own doing. Whilst bench testing, I was holding the camera such that it pointed out of a window but even the smallest movements caused by my less than steady hand was causing the entire image to move which the internal software was trying to desperately compensate for. After mounting the camera firmly in its' final position, the noise all but disappeared.

Now to the initial impressions. The camera has the same fixing points as the previous 2CD2385G1 turret that I'd tested which was great since I didn't need to create new holes. The face of the camera is fitted with the same black plastic cover that I really disliked on the G1. I disliked the plastic for three reasons firstly, there appears to be an air gap between the plastic cover and the camera housing which is likely to become entrained with dirt. Secondly, the black plastic has a high gloss finish which will be easily scratched during periodic cleaning of the camera face. Thirdly, the plastic was in my view responsible for light aberrations when vehicle headlights approached from far left or right of frame. The light reflecting off the plastic cover would create flashes of light that were prone to triggering false alarms.

Finally, whilst the body and mounting base are die cast metal, the gimble frame inside the mount that secures the camera is plastic, something again carried over from the G1 design.

Looking at the face of the camera reveals the lens, white LED illuminator, IR Led and a small hole behind which the in built microphone sits.

On the bottom of the camera is the removable cover used to access the microsd card slot which also punctuated with holes for the internal speaker. Putting the speaker on the bottom of the camera was a smart move since the speaker will not hold water when getting wet.

Once installed, I configured the cam from it's web interface rather than my 7608NI/I2-8P since my NVR is not Accusense aware.

I configured with H.265+, 4096 average bit rate and 8192 max bit rate. Video and Audio was on for the main stream. I turned off both the audio alarms and flashing light since its not needed in my case.

What was interesting was the choice of alarm prompts. By default the alarm is a simple siren but after dropping down a selection box I found that there was a number of pre-defined vocal alarms which included such favorites as :

"Warning, this area is under surveillance"
"Danger, do not enter"

It is also possible to add your own audio file as the alarm prompt but I've not tried.

There is also a volume control. The audio level was quite good for what is probably a small speaker. I would expect people could easily here audio prompts from 5 meters away without any trouble depending on background noise.

One of my key concerns when updating from the 2CD2385FWD-I to the 2CD2386G2 was the increased FOV using the same 4mm lens. The 2CD2385FWD-I has a 79mm horizontal FoV at 4mm whilst the 2CD2386G2 specs report 87mm at 4mm.

With the 4mm lens on the 2CD2385FWD-I I could resolve stationary vehicle license plates at around 20-25 metres from the camera. That was ideal since it was the distance between my camera and the park across from the camera where vehicles frequently park and occasionally some completely irresponsible person would decide to empty the rubbish in their car on to the park grounds. With the camera able to resolve number plates at that distance, it was a simple matter of handing over a screen capture to the local authority and an infringement could be issued.

The 8 degree wider FoV would make it challenging to resolve license plates at 20-25 metres but I was pleasantly surprised that I was still able to do so, primarily because the far superior WDR of the 2CD2385G2 actually made license plates much more legible by having improved contrast which more than compensated for the loss of pixel density.

In fact the improved WDR of the 2CD2386G2 made everything much clearer and easier to see, particularly in the shadows cast by the large trees. The 2CD2385FWD-I would struggle to show any details in the shadows during daylight. The G2 does a marvelous job of cutting through the shadows, revealing a surprising amount of detail that would have been lost previously.

Finally, the night time testing. Whilst I have nothing to compare in terms of a low light camera other than my 2CD2335FWD-I which reports 0.008lux at F1.2, the 2CD2386G2 produced an outstanding image at night. In fact, on initial testing over the last couple of nights, the camera has refused to switch into IR/Black&White mode at night, instead providing full colour video images that are clear and full of detail. Even changing the night sensitivity to its highest setting is not enough to get the cam to switch to night mode.

The only illumination outside is a single street light fitted with an 18 watt fluorescent lamp that is about 10 years old. It's very dim and well past the end of it's useful life. So whilst we are not in complete darkness, the street light provides very little useful illumination.

Under the same conditions the 2CD2385FWD-I would produce very grainy images. Anything moving would be a blur/smudge and this was with a 1/12 shutter speed. Anything higher would make the scene too dark.

Its' actually a little odd to look outside my window at night and be unable to see much further than say 10metres but open up IVMS4500 on my Ipad and it looks like someone has switched on a flood light, illuminating the entire scene.

I am very impressed with the performance after only two nights of testing.

I also continue to be surprised when I call up the camera on my Ipad on IVMS4500 and immediately hear background noises such as birds chirping in the distance.

I am starting the think the 2-way audio could be very useful in the right applications such as near a doorway or access gate to a private property and in fact a cheaper solution than some dedicated video doorbells.

I think the 2CD2386G2 has been a worthwhile upgrade to my 2CD2385FWD-I and honestly, I am very much tempted to replace all my existing cams with the same.

I plan to add some representative snapshots in the coming days when I get more time.

The 2CD2386G2-ISU/SL sells for AUD $300 compared to the previous gen 2CD2385G1-I it replaces which still sells for around AUD $270. The extra $30 for the extra functionality the G2 provides is a bargain.
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What’s the difference between that cam you have and the DS-2CD2386G2-IU which my supplier is selling? The cam I stated is coming up as a 50m IR.
Thanks for this review. My complaint with the colorvu models was the lack of IR, and this looks to "fix" that issue and has a large image sensor for an 8MP cam at 1/1.8". I also have a few darkfighter 2335's and some worse 2042 models (I think). I will order one of these to see how it compares.
I also want to change my camera's (DS-2CD2385FWD-I).
I thought the better sensor (1/1.8) of the DS-2CD2386G2-IU would give me a better camera.

But before I want to order, I want to be sure if this DS-2CD2386G2-IU is really better than DS-2CD2385FWD-I
Can someone please confirm that? I see a lot of topics now, that the quallity of the video of the DS-2CD2386G2-IU is bad since the latest firmware.
I also want to change my camera's (DS-2CD2385FWD-I).
I thought the better sensor (1/1.8) of the DS-2CD2386G2-IU would give me a better camera.

But before I want to order, I want to be sure if this DS-2CD2386G2-IU is really better than DS-2CD2385FWD-I
Can someone please confirm that? I see a lot of topics now, that the quallity of the video of the DS-2CD2386G2-IU is bad since the latest firmware.

The 2386G2 is a far superior camera. The 2385FWD-I is a few years old now and was directly superseded by the 2385G1-I which was itself a decent upgrade. The 2386G2 is better still - larger sensor, better low light performance, version 2 motion detection and AcuSense human/vehicle filtering. There are occasionally issues with bad firmware but that's the same for all models and it's usually sorted fairly quickly - I wouldn't let it put you off upgrading.

One thing to keep in mind is that the new ColorVu G2 cameras are out in a month or so. They will have better low light performance than the previous ColorVu G1's and include AcuSense as well. Though these will only be available in 2 or 4 megapixel as before.
The 2386G2 is a far superior camera. The 2385FWD-I is a few years old now and was directly superseded by the 2385G1-I which was itself a decent upgrade. The 2386G2 is better still - larger sensor, better low light performance, version 2 motion detection and AcuSense human/vehicle filtering. There are occasionally issues with bad firmware but that's the same for all models and it's usually sorted fairly quickly - I wouldn't let it put you off upgrading.

One thing to keep in mind is that the new ColorVu G2 cameras are out in a month or so. They will have better low light performance than the previous ColorVu G1's and include AcuSense as well. Though these will only be available in 2 or 4 megapixel as before.

Thank you for telling me that 2386G2 isa superior upgrade.
What do you mean with ColorVu G2 camera's? Is the 2386G2 such a camera? Because this camera is 8MP
Thank you for telling me that 2386G2 isa superior upgrade.
What do you mean with ColorVu G2 camera's? Is the 2386G2 such a camera? Because this camera is 8MP

No. I only mentioned the new ColorVu as it also has AcuSense human/vehicle filtering as the model you mentioned. It's a full time colour model with no infra red illumination and has (optional) white LED illumination but won't be available in 8MP.
No. I only mentioned the new ColorVu as it also has AcuSense human/vehicle filtering as the model you mentioned. It's a full time colour model with no infra red illumination and has (optional) white LED illumination but won't be available in 8MP.
Ah ok, so ColorVu is the thing I don't have to concentrate me on I understand :)
Thanks for sharing. I am also upgrading to G2. I do have a few G1s as well which have been pretty good too. Also there are new colorvu coming out which will be 4k and varifocal options too.

Thanks for sharing. I am also upgrading to G2. I do have a few G1s as well which have been pretty good too. Also there are new colorvu coming out which will be 4k and varifocal options too.

The new ColorVu G2 with AcuSense will only be available in 2 and 4 MP. That press release is for the HDTVI models - not IP
A bit of an update on my experiences with my 2CD2386G2 8MP cam.

I am very much liking this cam, primarily for its night time performance which in my case has allowed me to have the camera set in full colour mode at night without significant loss in quality and also the audio recording.

However, the benefits have not come without a lot of issues that are yet to be resolved and I've since had to go back to the Hikvision distributor for help.

In my setup I have the 2CD2386G2 connected to a Hikvision 7608NI-I2/8P NVR. The cam is running .150 firmware (the latest) and the NVR is running the latest (4.40.016) firmware.

Issues I'm having are:

1. Digital trails and motion blur when objects (specifically people) move across the scene. Recorded footage is unwatchable in IVMS4200 or IVMS4500.
2. Corruption of the motion detection polygon. Reverts from a 6 sided polygon to a square after a period of operation or when the NVR is reboot.
3. NVR recorded footage is missing footage, stuttering and dropping frames. Only occurs on the channel with the 2CD2386GS connected.
4. 2-way audio is extremely poor. Audio breaks up and cuts out when 2-way IP audio is enabled.

The interesting part of Item 1 is that the motion blur/pixelation mostly occurs when people walk across the scene. A car passing the same scene does not have issues. I'm tempted to say that that software/hardware that is doing people detection is somehow corrupting the video stream. When watching recorded footage, its usual to see the entire image "flicker" momentarily when a person enters the scene. Its at that point that the video starts to deteriorate.

Item 3 above occurs after a few hour of operation. At some point the NVR can no longer process the incoming video stream which results in hours and hours of stuttering, freezing and other video defects.

I had always successfully used the RTSP stream for quick access on my desktop PC and this worked well on my other G1, R0 and R6 series cams. But the G2 video stream frequently loses sync with the whole image turning to garbage. More evidence that something in the camera processing is corrupting the video stream.

The combination of all the above issues has basically made this device useless as a security camera.

Right now, I'd have to reverse my original recommendation and say that unless the cause of these issues are identified and resolved by Hikvision that I'd stay away from this camera. Once fixed, I'd consider recommending this device again.

I'd be interested in hearing from anyone that has had similar issues and managed to resolve them.
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2. Corruption of the motion detection polygon. Reverts from a 6 sided polygon to a square after a period of operation or when the NVR is reboot.

Spoke to Hikvision support the other day about this - they weren’t aware of the issue. I had one of their engineers connect in via Team Viewer to look at my setup to no avail. I sent him diagnostics, config and logs to look at but explained to him that it happened randomly.

3. NVR recorded footage is missing footage, stuttering and dropping frames. Only occurs on the channel with the 2CD2386GS connected.

I have same issues and have been doing some testing. It NEVER happens when the camera is in night mode, it can be just as bad when there’s no activity on the affected channel or other NVR channels (I’m only using 71 of 160 meg incoming bandwidth), seems to be a slight improvement if you force the text to white (could be imagining this).

Do you have more than one disk in your NVR? I had two but had left them with all cameras recording to both disks in quota mode. I’ve had huge improvements by setting group storage mode and putting the two 2386’s on their own smaller disk.

4. 2-way audio is extremely poor. Audio breaks up and cuts out when 2-way IP audio is enabled.

I also had this problem- it’s actually an issue with the NVR firmware and there’s a separate build of the 4.40.016 on the UK portal that immediately resolved it. I’ll add a link to this post when I find it.

EDIT: The firmware you have will likely be 4.40.016 build200803 but there is another newer version 4.40.016 build200902 titled "I series NVR firmware with two way audio failed issue on Hik-Connect for Acusense camera" You can download it here:

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A further update on the issue I've been having with my 2CD2386G2. Hikvision suggested factory resetting the camera and starting with the default settings.

After a full reset and reconfiguration it appears that both the motion trails and the NVR dropping frames has resolved itself.

Not yet confirmed if the motion detection polygon corruption issue is resolved. Will need a perform a few NVR and Camera restarts to verify the polygon does not become corrupted.

Will monitor for a week and report back on whether it was successful.
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I've just purchased a 2CD2386G2-ISU/SL as well and it's my first camera with a mic/speaker, so it's all a bit new to me. I'm running my cameras off a switch, connected to my PC running BI.

I'm playing around with trying to get the 2-way audio up and running without much luck. When running the BI app on my phone to test the camera's mic/speaker, I can only get the microphone or the speaker to work at the one time, not both at the same time. I can get the microphone working nice and clear by itself, but the speaker by itself is pretty average quality. Image attached is the specs of the camera.

Should I be looking to upgrade the firmware to what John Williamson linked above - Firmware/Back Ends/NVR/[76 77 96 NI-I]/I series NVR firmware with two way audio failed issue on Hik-Connect for Acusense camera

Also what audio settings are you running for the camera and which encoding are you selectingcamera info.JPG:
I've just purchased a 2CD2386G2-ISU/SL as well and it's my first camera with a mic/speaker, so it's all a bit new to me. I'm running my cameras off a switch, connected to my PC running BI.

I'm playing around with trying to get the 2-way audio up and running without much luck. When running the BI app on my phone to test the camera's mic/speaker, I can only get the microphone or the speaker to work at the one time, not both at the same time. I can get the microphone working nice and clear by itself, but the speaker by itself is pretty average quality. Image attached is the specs of the camera.

Should I be looking to upgrade the firmware to what John Williamson linked above - Firmware/Back Ends/NVR/[76 77 96 NI-I]/I series NVR firmware with two way audio failed issue on Hik-Connect for Acusense camera

Also what audio settings are you running for the camera and which encoding are you selectingView attachment 81751:

There have been a couple of firmware updates since 5.5.131 so it would be worth updating it but NOT using what I previously linked to as that was NVR firmware. The latest camera firmware for the G3 platform (cameras ending G2) is 5.5.150. The firmware I referenced that dealt with an audio issue was NVR firmware - the audio issue was with the camera but actually caused by the NVR. As you are using Blue Iris and not a Hikvision NVR that firmware is no use to you.

You can get the latest camera firmware 5.5.150 here:

I think (but I'd have to check) that I only get 2 way audio when using the Hik Connect app. If I use the iVMS-4500 app I believe it's simplex audio as you describe (activating the speaker disconnects the mic)
You can get the latest camera firmware 5.5.150 here:

Thanks for setting me straight and providing the link to the FW. I'll update that and see how I go.

I tried it with the Hik-connect app and still have the same issues/quality (or lack of), so hopefully the latest FW will do the trick