Advice needed for outdoor cam without huge pigtails ...


Getting the hang of it
May 22, 2015

First post here on the forum ... :-)

Started looking for some outdoor IP cams (1 dome, 2 'bullets') about a week ago and read lots of reviews so far.
I was thinking about buying Hickvisions, but what has put me off is the huge pigtails they got.

All locations where the cams will be placed (all brick walls) have a tiny little hole in em through which the POE ethernet cable is fed.
However, there are a 'bunch' of other connections on these cams which I really don't need. I do not want to make a bigger hole just for the excess of connecters.
A junction box is also a no go as I try to minimize the visual impact to my house.

So I am looking on some recommendations for camera's which don't have all these connectors. I simply need a POE connection, thats all.

Some help would be really appreciated ! ;-)

Grz from Belgium,
Welcome to the forum..sadly you are going to have to pay a pretty penny for this feature...look at vivotek and axis..they may also have started to use pigtails...
It is not worth the extra expense...
Two options
1) make a larger hole
2) Buy hikvision and cut the pigtail off and solder the wires to your ethernet...there is a schematic in a thread here.
Hi Fenderman, thanks for your reply !
It crossed my mind to cut the pigtail, but that ofcourse would immediately void my warranty :-/

I don't mind makeing the hole a bit larger, but it has to be a lot larger in order to get the pigtail through.
Hi Fenderman, thanks for your reply !
It crossed my mind to cut the pigtail, but that ofcourse would immediately void my warranty :-/

I don't mind makeing the hole a bit larger, but it has to be a lot larger in order to get the pigtail through.
If you intend to buy the cameras via aliexpress you have no warranty to begin with..
If you are buying from US sellers that offer a warranty then yes...regardless it would still be WAY cheaper than buying the expensive brands....its is very rare for hikvision cameras to fail in their warranty period.
EDIT: I see you are from Belgium..where are you buying the cameras ?
Here is what I did about that devastator...






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Thanks for your replys !
Don't know yet where to buy, but probably from a dutch webshop (not AliExpress, I need an invoice ...)

If I understood correctly, Axis cameras don't have those huge pigtails ? Will be looking at that too !
Thanks for your replys !
Don't know yet where to buy, but probably from a dutch webshop (not AliExpress, I need an invoice ...)

If I understood correctly, Axis cameras don't have those huge pigtails ? Will be looking at that too !
You will be paying 5-10 times more for an axis camera...its not worth the premium..furthermore there are certainly axis cameras with pigtails like the mini you would have to ensure the model you get doesnt have it..I have seen the cameras in quite a while so I they may all have them now...Its best to call them and find out, though I would not spend the premium..

Also note that you will get an invoice if you order from aliexpress..same as anywhere else..though you will not get any support or cannot get axis camera on ali though..
Id just do a junction box. Would look better than a sheet of plywood and would be waterproof. You won't even notice, your already gonna have an ugly camera there :)

I think cutting out a sheet of steel or aluminum would work better than plywood since plywood will rot eventuallh
I tuck what I can of the pig tail in the unit itself and then in my external installs I have the camera stood off a half inch or so from the flat surface it mounts to with a hollow base inside, within which I can put the rest of the pigtail.
Yeah, I am not sure about which lens to use, but it will not be 12 mm so I don't know how big the issue is then ...
Looking at the grabs from NetworkCameraCritic, things look ok ?