Alerts / Motion Detection


Mar 30, 2016
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Hi all, new to the forum, been reading lots of useful info , thanks for that. I have a question. I currently have my front camera watching over the driveway and also covers the steps and the front door. I have the motion zone setup to record when there is motion with my drive and in general in front of the home. I setup another profile with 2 motion zones I kept zone A the way I have it, and created a Zone B (which is right in front of my door). I setup a trigger for when Zone A crosse sinto B (essentially when someone is coming upto my door (I will play with it for coming and going). My issue is I want to keep getting the zone A motion recordings AND be alerted ONLY when someone in Zone A-B cross. The way I read the help file it seems I must have an alert set for the active profile. If I setup profile 2 as the active one, then I am assuming I will ONLY get recordings on A-B cross overs. So in short I want to keep getting y motion clips for the entire A zone but get an ALERT (SMS / email) only when there is an A / B crossover. Would this require me to add my camera as a "second camera" and run both profiles? A bit confused would love some help. Thanks!


Getting the hang of it
Apr 15, 2015
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I don't know how much this feature is being used, and I am not sure that I understand it fully myself, but you might be able to set the recordings up like you have currently and set the Alerts tab up to send alerts based on motion zones. You would choose a zone in alerts, like zone B, to fire only when in certain profile. Not sure you even need to mess with changing of profile or not since I don't fully understand your use-case.



Mar 30, 2016
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Here is zone A which records on motion currently in the area I want


Now in this next picture ZONE B. I have shaded by the front door. Essentially I want my original zone A recordings to continue as follows but I want an actual ALERT when zone A>B basically lets me see someone went up the steps to my front door.

I can't seem to find a setting to actually leave the recording the way I want but to add "ALERT ONLY" type alerts. It seems alerts go off when camera is triggered so unless I change it to only record when A>B crosses I can't seem to get it done. I am going to try adding my Front door camera again as a second camera and just uncheck recording and setup the zones to see if it will give the alert. Not sure if thats a waste of computer resources , I would assume so.


Staff member
Mar 9, 2014
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@nycevan Cloning the camera will not result in a noticeable increase in cpu consumption. Make sure to hide the duplicate camera from the screen. Blue iris will pull only a single stream from the camera.


Mar 30, 2016
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@fenderman - I did clone the camera and unchecked record, but setup the motion zones as indicated and the alert. It does not seem to be triggering the alert at all, when I tested clearly going form Zone A to B and B to A, no alert triggered. Not sure what my issue is getting this alert.
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Getting the hang of it
Apr 15, 2015
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Are you certain that your Alert settings are for the active profile while testing. If you are running a profile different from the one you are trying to test the Alerts from, you won't get the alerts.


Apr 16, 2017
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Instead of starting a new thread I thought I would try asking y'all in this thread in regards to the Motion/Alerts.

So I have basically the same requirements as nycevan. I have an outdoor Camera setup with two motion zones:
A: The front door
B: The street/Sidewalk
Both are setup for motion recording on a single camera.
I want to still record on B: But I don't care for all of the alerts on B. Just want the alerts on A. I would think that setting up the Motion zones to to gire when camera is triggered but only on Motion Zone A I would only get alerts on A, but I continue to get alerts on B.

Based on what I am reading it sounds like it's best to duplicate my front door and just setup the alerts on one of those cameras that is also grabbing the motion from the area I am interested in. In this example 'A'.
Can you advise if that is what y'all did to get it working correctly?
Also can you advise what the point of the selection of motion zones is then. I don't understand it from the help if this is the case.




Jan 21, 2019
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So I have basically the same requirements as nycevan. I have an outdoor Camera setup with two motion zones:
A: The front door
B: The street/Sidewalk
Both are setup for motion recording on a single camera.
I want to still record on B: But I don't care for all of the alerts on B. Just want the alerts on A. I would think that setting up the Motion zones to to gire when camera is triggered but only on Motion Zone A I would only get alerts on A, but I continue to get alerts on B.

Sorry to resurrect an old thread but it seems like this would be a very common thing to want to do but here it is 2019 and it still doesn't seem like something Blue Iris is capable of without setting up multiple camera nonsense.
Is this a bug or user error?
I'm trying to do the same thing and having the same results. I want to record motion on A & B but only Alert on A.


Staff member
Mar 9, 2014
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Sorry to resurrect an old thread but it seems like this would be a very common thing to want to do but here it is 2019 and it still doesn't seem like something Blue Iris is capable of without setting up multiple camera nonsense.
Is this a bug or user error?
I'm trying to do the same thing and having the same results. I want to record motion on A & B but only Alert on A.
its 2019 and users still blame their error on the software. It works as specified for your basic situation. The op has different requirements as it includes zone CROSSING and they is why cloning is required. Cloning a camera is not nonsesne, its a powerful function. If you are not happy with it email support. Otherwise direct us to software that is up to your 2019 standards, we would all love to check it out.