Analyze FPS limit like in ZM?

Nov 20, 2015
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Is there any way to limit the analyze fps like you can in ZM? In ZM I'd set that to like 3 fps & it would use next to no resources at 30 fps. In BI, I could never get the CPU usage under control so I went back to ZM for the last 6 months but I am now trying BI again since it has sound & I had bought BI & a few addon apps awhile ago.

The problem is, I have 4 Samsung smartcams & they are either at 1.5 fps or 30 fps @ 1080 no in between no i-frame settings. So the CPU usage is crazy high at 30 & the video is to choppy at 1.5, they also don't work well with direct to disk, causing ghosting & skipping. They product great images but next to no settings other than the 5 built in profiles.


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Mar 9, 2014
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You cant and even if you could, it would likely not produce any significant benefit. You can try contacting support and see if he can get the camera working without ghosting and direct to disk. The samsung cameras are not designed to be used with 3rd party software.
Nov 20, 2015
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Well fudge. In ZM that one setting drops the CPU usage to like 14% total usage with 7 cameras all at 1080p & most of them at 30 fps. I went back to ZM cuz BI was eating my CPU alive & making all the other software I run on it choke. Mainly Plex & video re-encoding.

OH yeah... the timelaps recording with these cameras (triggered + periodically) records nothing was also a reason direct to disk didn't work. Just installed it on a computer to play around with it.
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Mar 9, 2014
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Well fudge. In ZM that one setting drops the CPU usage to like 14% total usage with 7 cameras all at 1080p & most of them at 30 fps. I went back to ZM cuz BI was eating my CPU alive & making all the other software I run on it choke. Mainly Plex & video re-encoding.

OH yeah... the timelaps recording with these cameras (triggered + periodically) records nothing was also a reason direct to disk didn't work. Just installed it on a computer to play around with it.
Why are you using triggered + periodically?
30fps is overkill. Thats the problem with the samsung, its very limited in the settings.
Nov 20, 2015
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I was using it to see stuff that was missed. It would fly by but I could pause it to see what happened. With direct to disk it never captures any of the periodic parts just the triggers.
Yeah I know in ZM I had em all set to 3 FPS analyze & 6 FPS record. In BI I have no control at all over the cameras so it's 1.5 or 30 only.


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Mar 9, 2014
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I was using it to see stuff that was missed. It would fly by but I could pause it to see what happened. With direct to disk it never captures any of the periodic parts just the triggers.
Yeah I know in ZM I had em all set to 3 FPS analyze & 6 FPS record. In BI I have no control at all over the cameras so it's 1.5 or 30 only.
Direct to disk only begins capturing on a new frame so if the iframe interval in the camera is set high you will miss it.
Nov 20, 2015
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Yeah it usually starts a second or 2 after the trigger even. It just doesn't work with these cameras I guess. I just let it run for 10 mins. The cars that go by magically appear about half past my house. LOL


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Mar 9, 2014
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Yeah it usually starts a second or 2 after the trigger even. It just doesn't work with these cameras I guess. I just let it run for 10 mins. The cars that go by magically appear about half past my house. LOL
You need to set the pretrigger frames 2-3 times you fps
Nov 20, 2015
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I did but it doesn't seem to work with direct to disk on. I was trying the direct to disk & trying to remember all the wonky things it did with these cameras.
Playing around with some of the new settings that's been added since I last used it over 6 months or more ago. I remember why I always used triggered & periodic now too. With the trigger set & the highest sensitivity birds at my fountain don't trigger even tho it's only 10ft away from the camera. :-/ But I see new zone options to try.
Nov 20, 2015
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I give up. Programs are getting smothered by BI's cpu usage of up to 70% on a I7 & 30fps. Cars can drive right past the camera at 1.5fps & not trigger an event sometimes dropping to only seeing .3fps. Even tried to use ZM to cut the frame rate but BI won't accept any of ZMs image feeds. So I'm stumped & forced to go back to ZM I guess.


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Mar 9, 2014
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I give up. Programs are getting smothered by BI's cpu usage of up to 70% on a I7 & 30fps. Cars can drive right past the camera at 1.5fps & not trigger an event sometimes dropping to only seeing .3fps. Even tried to use ZM to cut the frame rate but BI won't accept any of ZMs image feeds. So I'm stumped & forced to go back to ZM I guess.
You must use direct to disk or it will peg the cpu. You cannot expect motion detection to work at 1.5fps. You can have BI cut the frame rate but it will use cpu cycles and may not result in any significant drop. Record tab>alt framerate.
You can also limit the live display frame rate that does not affect recording. This reduces cpu. Blue iris options>cameras
You can also contact support to see if there is anything he can do. Ultimately, the samsung cameras are inferior missing basic functions available on even the cheapest ip cameras.
Nov 20, 2015
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With direct to disk, I loose the ability to do periodic & the date/time overlay. With out the periodic, BI misses small things I want caught such as someone breaking into the house across the street. I already have it set to 3 ftp max for display & all that. Even with direct to disk it's still 30-50% cpu use, while that's much better it's no where close to 10-20% with everything on but sound. :-/

I'm not about to just throw away over $800 worth of cameras either. They produce really nice images & only a couple years old. It's why I chose to use ZM for so long & just eat the cost of BI & the addons I bought. I thought I'd give this a try again but like I said I can't seem to get it to work with my "inferior" cameras.


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Mar 9, 2014
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With direct to disk, I loose the ability to do periodic & the date/time overlay. With out the periodic, BI misses small things I want caught such as someone breaking into the house across the street. I already have it set to 3 ftp max for display & all that. Even with direct to disk it's still 30-50% cpu use, while that's much better it's no where close to 10-20% with everything on but sound. :-/

I'm not about to just throw away over $800 worth of cameras either. They produce really nice images & only a couple years old. It's why I chose to use ZM for so long & just eat the cost of BI & the addons I bought. I thought I'd give this a try again but like I said I can't seem to get it to work with my "inferior" cameras.
Use the time overlay from the camera, that is how almost every NVR and VMS work. Periodic will not capture what you want since it only engages every X minuets for Y seconds.
If you were lucky enough to purchase the cameras from costco you can return them any time. Also note that its not 800 dollars worth of cameras, its about 320. A better camera such as the laview lv-pc902f2-w (hikvision) is routinely available for 80 dollars. Sell the samsungs on ebay.
The samsungs are in fact inferior if you cannot set a 15fps frame rate nor adjust the iframe interval - costing 200 dollars. Most cheap ip cameras can do this.


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Mar 9, 2014
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They are where about $200 & I have 4 of them... again, a couple years ago. Why you'd argue that is beyond me. <--current price $159
You completely missed the point. What you paid and what they cost today are irrelevant. If they can be replaced by a much better camera that only cost 80 dollars, the samsungs have a max value of 80. So sell them on ebay for 80 and buy true ip cameras that are not neutered by their manufactures.
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Nov 20, 2015
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Even tho I paid about $800 for them it's irrelevant? So... go out of my way to sell my cameras on ebay & get new cameras. The camera you mentioned is $109.99 on amazon but I guess "what they cost today are irrelevant". I loose about 30 degrees of view too for my trouble & nice light balance. Won't even go over remounting & all that.

Yes I guess I am missing your point. When I could go back to linux for free? And just eat the price I paid for BI couple years ago when I gave up on this back then.... & save my cpu for media encoding. If I remember BI was only $60 & the android app $10.


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Mar 9, 2014
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Even tho I paid about $800 for them it's irrelevant? So... go out of my way to sell my cameras on ebay & get new cameras. The camera you mentioned is $109.99 on amazon but I guess "what they cost today are irrelevant". I loose about 30 degrees of view too for my trouble & nice light balance. Won't even go over remounting & all that.

Yes I guess I am missing your point. When I could go back to linux for free? And just eat the price I paid for BI couple years ago when I gave up on this back then.... & save my cpu for media encoding. If I remember BI was only $60 & the android app $10.
Again completely missing the point. Wait for a sale. Buy them. How complicated is that. Even at 109 its 450 for 4.
You do NOT lose 30 degrees of view. You fell for samsungs scam marketing. They use a diagonal FOV to fool you into thinking its wider when its not. They claim 111 horizontal but I i doubt it. Look at comparison videos on youtube and you will see that a 2.8mm 1080p hikvision is just as wide if not wider despite samsungs false claims. Logitech played the same scam.
Yes you can go back to zoneminder but there is a reason you want Blue iris, audio. Well you paid for that function in the camera and now you dont have it. Blue iris is also way more customizable that zoneminder will ever be.
You suffer from the same problem many users here do, they buy junk cameras without doing the research then try to squeeze a working "system" out of it rather that admitting that the product is subpar and starting fresh. Its hard to admit you made a mistake, but at some point you have to do it. Good luck.
Nov 20, 2015
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Again this all runs perfect with 10-20% cpu use in ZM. I was asking if there is a setting like in ZM that limits the frame analyze or similar setting in BI to control the cpu use. Like in ZM, I can set that per camera to 3 fps analyze, 30 fps record & 6 fps display @ around 14% cpu use with 7 1080p cameras.

As for this way off topic from my question:

1st, I don't know why you think me taking down my cams, selling them on ebay, buying new ones, & putting the new "better" ones up isn't complicated. When software such as ZM has zero issues with my current cameras.

2nd, 128 degrees & it is noticeable on screen, but what do I know I obviously didn't do my research & samsung lies.

3rd, You're crazy if you think BI has more customization than ZM 1.29! Again one little setting fixes all my trouble in ZM. I can set up 26 zones on a cam & set one to monitor just 10 pixels if I want. I can edit every zone to do different things even. ZM has a crazy amount of customization to the point it's a lot more trouble to set up, but once set up is rock solid. I don't know why you are hating on ZM. It's just jpeg based instead of video with sound. BI does have a better android app & sound. There's all flavors of linux to choose from & they're really not that complicated to use compared to windows.

4th, You really don't need to be so insulting about such a simple question that's now way way off topic of me buying new stuff. Not to mention, telling me I should admit I have a subpar product & should start fresh is on these boards is a big WTF. You seem to be under the impression I just started running this this week or something. I bought BI a couple years ago & was using ZM before that. I went back to ZM because I never could get BI to play nice with my cpu. Won't even say how much more flexible ZM is...


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Mar 9, 2014
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Again this all runs perfect with 10-20% cpu use in ZM. I was asking if there is a setting like in ZM that limits the frame analyze or similar setting in BI to control the cpu use. Like in ZM, I can set that per camera to 3 fps analyze, 30 fps record & 6 fps display @ around 14% cpu use with 7 1080p cameras.

As for this way off topic from my question:

1st, I don't know why you think me taking down my cams, selling them on ebay, buying new ones, & putting the new "better" ones up isn't complicated. When software such as ZM has zero issues with my current cameras.

2nd, 128 degrees & it is noticeable on screen, but what do I know I obviously didn't do my research & samsung lies.

3rd, You're crazy if you think BI has more customization than ZM 1.29! Again one little setting fixes all my trouble in ZM. I can set up 26 zones on a cam & set one to monitor just 10 pixels if I want. I can edit every zone to do different things even. ZM has a crazy amount of customization to the point it's a lot more trouble to set up, but once set up is rock solid. I don't know why you are hating on ZM. It's just jpeg based instead of video with sound. BI does have a better android app & sound. There's all flavors of linux to choose from & they're really not that complicated to use compared to windows.

4th, You really don't need to be so insulting about such a simple question that's now way way off topic of me buying new stuff. Not to mention, telling me I should admit I have a subpar product & should start fresh is on these boards is a big WTF. You seem to be under the impression I just started running this this week or something. I bought BI a couple years ago & was using ZM before that. I went back to ZM because I never could get BI to play nice with my cpu. Won't even say how much more flexible ZM is...
There is a setting to have BI toss frames. I explained it. You didnt try it.
1) dont know why put better in qoutes. They are better. Can manually set frame rates and iframe interval, PIR sensor, POE.
2) Its not 128 degrees horizontal. You are comparing apples to oranges. Did you bother looking at the specs?
3) Motion detection is not the only thing you compare when looking at vms. BI has multi zone detection. BI keeps adding features on a monthly basis. No sound? lol. Terrible mobile app for ZM.
4) You started with the backhanded insults. " Why you'd argue that is beyond me." Seems like you enjoy dishing it out but cannot take it. This forum is not an internet safe zone. If you bought BI a couple of years ago then you may be using BI3. Are you?
Starting fresh is good advice. You cant handle it. So be it. On this board we are direct. If you want someone to reassure you that your junk cams are great, there are other boards for that.
Nov 20, 2015
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If you're talking about the framerate limiting compatibility mode, it made the samsung cameras skip around & ghost really badly & slowly get like way behind till it what I'm guessing is catching an iframe & makes a huge jump forward. If not, what setting are you talking about?

The arguing about nothing part:

1- Yes they have more settings. Does that really make the samsung cameras so bad that I should eat the cost of them tho? I don't think so. I did actually pay over $800 for them, what you think they're worth is moot.

2- I told you the specs. "128 degree ultra-wide angle" vs "[FONT=Arial, sans-serif]100 degree viewing angle" [/FONT]From the very links I posted before covering the prices of both cams. So yes... I bothered looking at the specs. If they are using diagonal instead of horizontal... it is wider than the cameras I had previously, so I've never noticed. Still not worth the hassle of taking them down & selling them. They do produce really nice images & I'm not throwing more money at this project.

3- Other things are important too, is so true! Things like cpu use comes to mind & oddly the topic I'm trying to be on, but sure lets go down that rabbit hole. You seem to have never used ZM by the things you're saying. ZM has crazy flexible features that BI can't even come close to. ZM hasn't even been updated much as far as features are concerned, but BI is still catching up to it's features.

So... just off the top of my head:
ZM has mobile apps like ZMNinja that can do crazy things like a montage view to watch all the recordings at once. It's actually more useful than the BI android app with some of it's features. I wouldn't call that terrible! It's really similar to the BI app, it just has some extra features that are pretty cool, not to mention really useful.

BI has a limit of 7 zones & 1 hot zone per cam vs no limit I've found of zones in ZM.

BI's zones aren't configurable other than shape & size vs ZM has each zone set independently of each other or you can link them to work together from each other or mix & match.

BI has 2 sliders for size & contrast, 1 setting for how long movement is detected, 1 setting for how long with a few tweaks that effects the whole camera vs ZM sets this in each zone independently. You control it down to single digit pixels or have major deference or have a mix of the 2 & anything in between. ZM sets the way each zone detects motion independently too & for how long. It even has zones to ignore areas & the like. These make trees & stuff super easy to deal with & lets you set up some pretty crazy setups. I've even gone crazy with 20+ zones at one point on a cam overly fine tuning it.

BI seems to have added a new feature lately for trigger if something goes from one zone to another vs ZM has always had this for as long as I can remember & you can set each one's setting complacently independent from one another as I've said before.

BI has some setting that don't seem to work with all cameras such as my own. ZM lets you limit the camera's analyze fps, cutting down on cpu on any source while still letting you independently set the recorded fps even if they don't match. You can also set the viewed fps for apps & such per camera.

BI has a few addons for it's overlays but in ZM you can use overlays with out restrictions of only if you don't use this or that feature.

All the rest of the features in BI... ZM has too. Just not sound. Again, it's a different engine using images instead of recording video & on a different OS. Hate on ZM all ya want. Even with out a lot of updates, BI is still catching up to a lot of it's features. Lets not forget it's free too!

4- You think that little comment is a backhanded insult? It was in response to you telling me I was wrong on what I paid for my cameras & telling me they suck & they aren't worth but $80 for some reason & that I should sell them out of the blue & off topic. Really?? Who was insulting who here? I was genuinely curious as to why you'd argue what I did actually pay for something.

While still not even close to being helpful or on topic. You then told me the price was irrelevant after I linked the current price. All while telling me that I'm missing the point of how I should just sell everything & completely ignore what I've spent on it as the right thing to do. All while managing to fit in little things of how wrong I am for using the hardware I do or the flat out hate for ZM for what ever reason that doesn't even seem to be founded on anything by what you've said about ZM.

Even with all that... what ever! I'm still just looking for a solution. Nothing I said was meant to be insulting & I was watching tv while typing it up so if I was, it wasn't intentional. Hadn't really given it much thought other than why you hate ZM or if you have stock in that camera. *shrug*

I think I bought BI around the time 4 came out. Release x64. Support has expired I believe & why I thought coming here for help would be helpful.