Another 'How to unbrick' a Huisun Mini PTZ V2 ...

Keep the Return or Space key pressed such that autorepeat occurs, then power on the camera.

Also - check that your TX from the serial TTL to USB convertor is properly connected.

So I had to keep the esc pressed at boot up that worked, Thank You

Next I did a sd init 0 then fs ls which showed the two files on the sd card which I renamed to match your example

dtb_part1 and dtb_part2 so far so good.

the I tried to read file fs read dtb_part1 0x3ac00 0

after I hit return I get no response back and cant enter or escape is kinda like it's frozen.

Any other helpful tips. I really appreciate the help.
The original problem was one day I noticed it in a reboot loop, It kept doing a self test so I rebooted by removing power and after that it was at the current point not working powers on but no self test the motors don't move. Different power supply and cables.
Here's the rest of what I get.

/ _ \ | \/ || ___ \ | |
/ /_\ \| . . || |_/ / ___ ___ | |_
| _ || |\/| || ___ \ / _ \ / _ \ | __|
| | | || | | || |_/ /| (_) || (_) || |_
\_| |_/\_| |_/\____/ \___/ \___/ \__|
Amboot(R) Ambarella(R) Copyright (C) 2004-2014
Boot From: SPI NOR
SYS_CONFIG: 0x3000404B POC: 101
Cortex freq: 600000000
iDSP freq: 216000000
Dram freq: 528000000
Core freq: 216000000
AHB freq: 108000000
APB freq: 54000000
UART freq: 24000000
SD freq: 50000000
SDIO freq: 50000000
SDXC freq: 60000000
amboot> sd init 0
'sd' is not a recognized command! Type 'help' for help...
amboot> sd init 0
running SD test ...
press any key to terminate!
total_secs: 62333952
amboot> show ptp
Help for 'show':

show ptb - flash partition table
show poc - power on config
show netboot - netboot parameters
show wifi - show wifi infomations
show usb_eth - show usb ethernet infomations
Display various system properties
amboot> show ptb

usbdl_mode: 0
auto_boot: 1
amboot> boot

pri image absent... skipping
sec image absent... skipping
Yes, the ptb data is missing.
Without that info, the device cannot boot.

With the availability of the SD card that should provide a chance to rewrite the data.
But the technique that's been used to do that does not seem to be working for you, but it's not clear why.
With the ability to see the console and issue commands - the port settings are fine.
So I fought with it for a while and was successful in getting it to boot,Sort of. It does boot up and gives a picture but the Image is so dark you can only see that its working when looking near a light. Also it does not go through the pan tilt zoom start up sequence. I followed the instructions here which allowed me to get to the web page. I flashed the firmware to the newest IPNC_S2l2.1.1_build20170314122826 but with the same results. Is it ready for the trash can or is there something else i'm missing.
Presumably you've trying resetting to factory defaults to see if that changes anything?
If no PTZ on startup, that is a bad sign, though I don't know of what.
I also need specialized help. I own a webcam model: DJ-IPPTZ503-A20-POE which badly malfunctions.
Using the PuTTY application, I managed to access the camera via the USB serial adapter> serial RX TX and found that the camera could be repaired by firmware reinstalling.
My prayer would be to deliver a firmware with the following components:
Program Version: V2.1.1 Build 20161229101557S
Control Version: MiniPtz_V1.0.2_build201601261457
Web Page Version: 1.1.1 Build 20161229
Plugin Version:
I would be grateful if you would send me a tutorial to implement this firmware through the usbdl, tftp internal command set, etc.
I'm waiting for your reply as soon as possible.
Best regards,


  • Captura webcam DJ-IPPTZ503-A20-POE.jpg
    Captura webcam DJ-IPPTZ503-A20-POE.jpg
    244.4 KB · Views: 13
  • Init.rar
    8 KB · Views: 6
I would be grateful if you would send me a tutorial to implement this firmware through the usbdl, tftp internal command set, etc.
The first step would be to try to determine the cause of the problem.
A common flaw has been loss of the partition table definition from flash memory.
To check if the 'ptb' is still intact, use the 'show ptb' command as below.
amboot> show ptb
bst: 0x5DD75A8D 1.3     (2015/11/11)    0x00000000 0x00000001 (2048)
bld: 0xCC5CD51D 1.3     (2015/11/11)    0x00000000 0x00000000 (153144)
pri: 0x0CAB7C00 0.1     (2015/11/11)    0x00208000 0x00000000 (1587400)
lnx: 0x00A6FF5D 0.1     (2015/11/11)    0x00000000 0x00000001 (12910592)

usbdl_mode: 0
auto_boot: 1

If there is no information - it may be possible to recover it by using the method shown earlier in this thread.
Thanks for your promptness, the cause of the failure was an electrical discharge on the audio port. I found data with your order. I'm interested in how I put it again, there I can not find anything.
amboot> show ptb
bst: 0x489D3636 1.3 (2016/12/29) 0x00000000 0x00000001 (2048)
bld: 0x82B96245 1.3 (2016/12/29) 0x00000000 0x00000000 (153264)
pri: 0x4DA5D661 0.1 (2016/12/29) 0x00208000 0x00000000 (1630992)
lnx: 0xBFAD9CCD 0.1 (2016/12/29) 0x00000000 0x00000001 (11075584)

usbdl_mode: 0
auto_boot: 1
amboot> show usb_eth
usb_eth0_mac: 00:00:00:00:00:00
usb_eth1_mac: 00:00:00:00:00:00
Mr Alastair, you are the only one to help me, this is the webcam: "香港挂牌正版彩图 / 香港正版挂牌 / 香港挂牌 / 香港正版挂牌彩图 / 香港正版挂牌之全篇网站- 官方网站" has SD card, POE and audio module IN and OUT, I sent an email to the manufacturer to send me an original firmware, but it did not answer me, and on their site I do not find firmware for this webcam.
Please make an effort to guide me to repair this webcam that I was happy with for her quality.
That ptb result looks normal, no problems there.

That looks like a 'MiniPTZ V1' camera.
I'm not sure if this attached firmware is for that model, but it does match what you are looking for.


Thanks for uploading files, but how do I put them on the webcam? I only managed to enter the IP address from TFTP server, IP address, Gateway, Network Mask did not succeed with the command setenv. Can you help me with a tutorial?
amboot> show netboot
eth0_mac: 00:00:00:00:00:00
eth1_mac: 00:00:00:00:00:00
auto_dl: 0
pri_addr: 0x00000000
pri_comp: 0
rmd_addr: 0x00000000
rmd_comp: 0
dsp_addr: 0x00000000
dsp_comp: 0

Command setenv not work
amboot> setenv ipaddr
Type 'help setenv' for help
Help for 'setenv':
setenv [param] [val]
sn - Serial number
auto_boot - Automatic boot
splash_id - splash logo id
[eth|wifi|usb] [0|1] [mac|ip|mask|gw]
- [device] [instances] [mac addr|IP addr|network mask|gateway]
auto_dl - Automatically try to boot over network
tftpd - TFTP server address
pri_addr - RTOS download address
pri_file - RTOS file name
pri_comp - RTOS compressed?
rmd_addr - Ramdisk download address
rmd_file - Ramdisk file name
rmd_comp - Ramdisk compressed?
dsp_addr - DSP download address
dsp_file - DSP file name
dsp_comp - DSP compressed?

Unfortunately, the INTERNET did not return my internal order responses to AMBoot Ambarella.
Mr. Alastair, Please make an effort to guide me to repair this webcam that I was happy with for her quality.
Please make an effort to guide me to repair this webcam
OK, here are some instructions that I made for one MiniPTZ V2 camera that I fixed where the kernel and root file system had been damaged or erased, but the amboot bootloader was still OK.
If I remember correctly, I booted the camera using a modified Hikvision root file system, to give the needed environment to do the recovery work.
It's hard to know if this will work for your MiniPTZ V1 camera, as it is an earlier model, which I have never had my hands on.

"Here I will try to provide some instructions to recover your Mini PTZ V2.

First - download the ZIP file from here

and save in a new folder on your PC. Unzip the contents into the folder.
Connect the V2 to the LAN, keep the power off, connect up your USB to TTL convertor, start PuTTY.
With the Escape key pressed, power on the camera, to interrupt Amboot.
Make sure the LAN light of the switch or router port the camera is connected to comes on.
If not - power off and back on again, with Escape pressed.
I found that the LAN does not always activate when powered on.

At the Amboot prompt, press Return a couple of times, then use these commands:
You can copy / paste them for each one.
(replace the tftpd IP address with your PC IP address)

setenv tftpd

setenv eth 0 mac 11:22:33:01:02:03

setenv eth 0 ip

setenv eth 0 mask

setenv pri_addr 0x208000

setenv rmd_addr 0x0800000

setenv pri_file hs_mtdblock3

setenv rmd_file my_initrd.gz

setenv auto_dl 1

On the PC, start (double-click) the tftpd32.exe program.

At the Amboot prompt, use this command:

tftp boot console=ttyS0 root=/dev/ram rootfstype=ext2 init=/bin/busybox sh

At this point, if all is well, the camera Linux should start and give a root # prompt.

cd /tmp
tftp -g -r mtdblock3
flashcp mtdblock3 /dev/mtd3
tftp -g -r mtdblock4
flashcp mtdblock4 /dev/mtd4
(or power cycle the camera)

Good luck!
I hope this works OK.