Anyone have a theory on why this cam triggered?


Known around here
Jun 30, 2018
Motion Detection and Smart Motion disabled. Only IVS enabled on this T5442T-ZE. No gust of wind blowing any objects in. No birds flying through the tripwires or intrusion zones. The truck shadow doesn't pass through any of the tripwires.

p.s. The truck is just passing by. It doesn't not pull into the driveway.



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The Sun reflecting off the truck? Do passing car lights at night set it off too?

You are looking at the actual trigger point. It's daytime and there are no lights on. The IVS is set for VEHICLES and HUMANS. We have Dahua cam AI triggering. Not so worried about it detecting a vehicle as that is what AI IVS is for. The question is why did it trigger to begin with?
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Do you have an SD card in the camera that you can playback and see why it triggered?

I do not. And I'm 500 miles away.
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Could it be a temporary lost signal that caused the camera to trigger and just coincidentally a truck was driving by.
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Maybe the system is haunted. I just notice on another camera that BI tried to save two segments for 3pm....a small 28K one then a 1.64GB one. All my stored videos are in 1 hour segments. I rolled back a few days and don't see this type of weirdness on this cam. Strange!

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I think a weird anomaly - I think it was BI generated versus camera generated - nothing crossed that IVS zone.
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I think a weird anomaly - I think it was BI generated versus camera generated - nothing crossed that IVS zone.

I here ya but it shows "external" trigger.
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I've read a bunch of times that the center of an object has to pass through an IVS line. My cameras have often behaved differently, where sometimes the object has to get only close to a trip line. With the corner of the yellow box crossing a line, I'd be suspicious of that.
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I'm still on a DS supported version so I can't claim I'm up to date with BI.
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I’ve seen it happen. Rare but it happens. My theory is reflection off the camera protective lens cover due to the sun position.
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I've seen these Dahua IVS triggers happen plenty of times with "nearby" objects that don't enter or cross trip lines or Intrusion boxes (usually with moving vehicles, not people): at this point I consider it par for the course. It means that you just need to adjust and move your lines back just a bit, and by doing so you can find ways to make these spurious detections stop. My suspicion is that the camera is internally creating a rectangular "box" around the moving object (much like BI's motion boxes) even if those are not always drawn in the GUI, and when one of those "boxes" crosses your IVS lines, it can create a trigger, even if technically the object itself didn't cross a line but simply came close.
Motion Detection and Smart Motion disabled. Only IVS enabled on this T5442T-ZE. No gust of wind blowing any objects in. No birds flying through the tripwires or intrusion zones. The truck shadow doesn't pass through any of the tripwires.

p.s. The truck is just passing by. It doesn't not pull into the driveway.

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In some Dahua cameras/NVR you can check the log to see the reason for a certain event.
Since, I assume you are not using a NVR, you can try your luck with the camera log (different firmware log different events, so, not sure you will find your event in the camera).
Try this:

Instead of "Event" select all and adjust the date and time.
It's not only the camera but seems BI is doing something weird as I alluded to above for the Doorbell cam. BI decided out of the blue to break up the stored video for the 9am hour on the Driveway_South cam. Lots of weirdness. It did not lose power at that time either.

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In some Dahua cameras/NVR you can check the log to see the reason for a certain event.
Since, I assume you are not using a NVR, you can try your luck with the camera log (different firmware log different events, so, not sure you will find your event in the camera).
Try this:

Instead of "Event" select all and adjust the date and time.

The log was empty for the date in question. I don't know if it's empty for the two days ago because the cam doesn't keep the log that far back or maybe I changed a setting on the cam and when I saved it the log was cleared. Beats me.
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