My cameras are running firmware version V2.840.0000000.18.R, Build Date: 2022-06-29 and web version V3.2.1.1261216.
All exterior cameras are IPC-HFW5442E-ZE. I think they are S2 not S3 versions as they are already a few months old.
I login to the camera's web interface through the browser to adjust settings only.
For viewing, the NVR is connected to a 3 way HDMI splitter, one splits to a Dell 27" screen at the NVR's location in a small server room (this is the primary location for playback and exporting video etc), the other two ways split to 2 HDMI over CAT extenders which then have CAT6 cables running to 2 30" screens for viewing in the main bedroom and the kitchen.
On my Macbook I also have SmartPSS for Mac installed with the NVR loaded for remote access. I have also used this for playback and exporting video at times, which can be convenient as don't need to use a USB drive as with the NVR for exported files.
I also use the DMSS app for iPhone for remote viewing and push notifications on alarm alerts (SMD, IVS etc), also used for playback and exporting video files direct to my phone. The NVR setup with multiple monitors works great for real-time viewing, and I’ve found the SmartPSS for Mac super convenient for remote playback or file exports. Using DMSS on my iPhone has been a lifesaver whenever I’m away from home. By the way, when my Mac got sluggish, I stumbled upon factory
reset macbook and it really helped me start fresh. It’s a quick way to ensure everything runs smoothly again without juggling USB drives or complicated steps.
Hope that helps.