Getting comfortable
I want to buy my first 5442 turret. No need for zoom or mic. Is this a ”real” 5442? It is made by Loryta:
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I want to buy my first 5442 turret. No need for zoom or mic. Is this a ”real” 5442? It is made by Loryta:
I thought they were dropping support for the cameras? Or is only some models?
Accessing UniFi Video after End-of-Support
On January 15th, 2021, UniFi Video will no longer be supported by Ubiquiti. Past this date, UniFi Video installations will no longer be remotely accessible via video.ui.com when outside of their l...help.ui.com
You cannot compare two different resolutions that on the same size sensor.... of course the lower MP outperformed the higher MP at night - the lower MP will almost always outperform a higher MP on the same sensor at night because the higher MP camera needs more light.
It is simple LOL do not chase MP - do not buy a 4MP camera that is anything other than a 1/1.8" sensor. Do not buy a 2MP camera that is anything other than a 1/2.8" sensor. Most 4k are on the same sensor as a 2MP and thus the 2MP will kick its butt all night long as the 4k will need 4 times the light than the 2MP... 4k will do very poor at night unless you have stadium quality lighting (well a lot of lighting LOL).
you can and should compare them. in the end you want a readable plate or good enough picture of faces and other body details. law enforcement or insurance company´s do NOT care about sensor size and MP, they only care about results.
Thankyou, that’s helpful.
Years ago (20?) I had a Canon digital camcorder (remember when tape was a recording medium!) and it had colour at low light....it’s exactly as you say, motion blur so bad due to slow shutter speed.
I saw the colorvu ones and thought technology had improved in those 20 years and watching videos online they look good....but now you mention it, I don’t think any of the videos I’ve seen show movement.