I always enjoy reading a hot topic thread on a Friday.

If one ignores the premise of this thread for a moment.
It should be very clear the vast majority of uneducated consumers like fast.
This view is affirmed & bolstered by the tens of millions of cloud based services and P2P smartphone applications that make it easy to connect to the internal network without any kind of networking knowledge.
There are literally millions of Arlo, Blinks, Wyze, Ring, etc.
Easy slap and go installation and connectivity. The entire (consumer) alarm industry is inundated with trunk slammers that have zero skill, knowledge, technical expertise to install a wired system.
Easy slap & go - Peel & Stick Wireless . . .
The entire video security market is also inundated with thousands of cheap hardware as seen depicted in this thread.
Regardless if it’s wireless / wired.
As others correctly noted you can’t fight physics as it relates to light. Never mind the correct sensor / MP ratio and all other factors such as shutter speed, gain, WDR, etc etc.
I should probably be surprised that any person / company in the so called video security industry would not know, understand, apply these basic concepts during a hardware sale / deployment?!?
The DORI specification has been around for twenty plus years. A so called professional would select and install the correct video security hardware to achieve any of the DORI requirements.
On a related topic there are billions of people making videos and making lots of money doing so. The vast majority of the content is utter complete shit!
If the only metric was likes, views, shares I suppose that defines a winner?!?
For years I would get calls to resolve video security and networking problems. All of these systems were installed by so called certified professionals.
Like any other industry name any. There are literally millions of people in the trades that are too stupid to live. Anytime you hear or read a person call out they are an Engineer?!?
Understand, you’re dealing with a fucken imbecile!
If you hear or read a person going out of their way to qualify their title prior to asking for help - Imbecile!
Everyday I am literally surrounded by imbeciles with a degree. Yet these so called smart and educated people can’t figure out why something so simple doesn’t work?!?
These are known in the industry as Paper Tigers . . .
They have the ability to dazzle you with bull shit, remember / cram in some knowledge.
But, rarely if ever are able to trouble shoot real world problems because they lack any common sense and the ability to use basic problem solving techniques well understood by the lay person?!?
At the end of the day I don’t begrudge anyone making phat stacks. If this guy can sell Joe Nobody on cheap shit - Rock On!
Because, ultimately they will wind up here asking for help. At which point they will increase sales for other hardware vendors.
Which directly translates to lower cost and increased R&D to produce better video hardware for all of us!
Peace . . .