hello, i bought a nvr DS-7608N-E2 /RTP on aliexpress.
I wish to know how make a backup of firmware before to try to upgrade it.
Present firmware is 3.3.4 Build150616, i can't find how activate telnet inside to do backup.
That is a sensible thing to want to do.
In the 3.3.4 firmware, Hikvision annoyingly removed the ability to start telnet from the web GUI (although it was still available within the specific Busybox installed) and also used 'psh', the 'protect shell' such that only a limited set of not-very-useful commands were available. Even via the serial console connection.
So, not possible with the stock firmware I'm afraid.
It should be safe enough to try via the web GUI - it's more likely to reject something incompatible than forcing it via tftp and getting into a boot loop.
I update my nvr with 3.4.62 version, the device has failed to restart. My NVR now 15 beeps and reboot
Do you know procedure to unbrick this model DS-7608N-E2
I try with TFTP.exe but i'm lost
this current version of the firmware upgrade using a TFTP server
Congratulations, you will be able to update the firmware from the hikvision website...
thank, finally i follow instructions of this thread https://ipcamtalk.com/threads/hikvis-ds-7608n-e2-8p-bricked-after-firmware-update.12845/ and also i use cross cable for TFTP
I use the attached Files from "Hitesh" and i success to unbrick and update my NVR in 3.4.6
Thanks for all yours ideas and helps than i have found in this great forum.
(sorry for my english, i'm french)
You did well to get that fixed.
The '15 beeps' is probably the message on the serial console that says something like "!!! You device is illegal !!! !You must contact factory!!! !!! You bought device in China!!!" that occurs when a CN region NVR has non-CN firmware installed.