Backyard trees and darkness

These cameras are usually not susceptible to the electrical interference like the older analog cameras were.

The cable testers (especially consumer ones) have shown to not be reliable in testing for the demands of surveillance cameras.

Good thing on the switch! It is easy to be tempted into the cheaper ones. Glad you can return.
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I have four of those POE switches just like you have. Two have been used for 4 years and the other two getting close to one year...haven't had a problem with any of them. Maybe revisit your ethernet cables. Probably the only thing that hasn't gone through formal QA testing. Avoid running your Cat6 next to powerlines or near noisey electrical wiring.
I have four of those POE switches just like you have. Two have been used for 4 years and the other two getting close to one year...haven't had a problem with any of them. Maybe revisit your ethernet cables. Probably the only thing that hasn't gone through formal QA testing. Avoid running your Cat6 next to powerlines or near noisey electrical wiring.

I bought it because you had it :)

I tried to avoid electrical wiring but near impossible going across the house.

I reset the Blue Iris Status. Hopefully the log will show the FPS history, it is mostly close to 15fps then sometimes goes down to mid 13fps or up to 16fps.
I've had a cable or two where I didn't do the best job crimping the connector. Get that connector real close to the to the twisted wire bundle.
A few comments;
Make sure that you do not have the box below checked:

Unless you spent some serious change, the cable testers that one gets only really shows if you have wires reversed, not the quality of the crimp. Crimps can be impacted by humidity and temperature changes. That can cause the connection to be flaky.

Running your ethernet cables near 120VAC would be the last thing I would worry about for a cam losing signal.

Cams dropping signal is usually bad crimp, poor POE power issues, or SC Card issues.

Poor POE power issues are hard to prove. Unless a port is totally dead, intermittent, low power fluctuations are hard to find, but they happen. That is why most of us will not use POE switches that we are not familiar with. Internal components can get a little hot and become intermittent. Environmental changes can cause cams to pull a little more power than normal. If there is not enough head room, then the cam reboots.

Log in to the cam and view the log. Is the cam rebooting when it went offline?

Do you have an SC card? Sometimes cams reboot when the SC card gets full, even if you have it set to overwrite. I have two that do this from time to time. When I notice that they have gone offline for a very short time, I log in and view the log, check how full is the card. I will then reformat the card and it is fine for a while. Sometimes they do it a few times in a week. Sometimes they are fine for months. I really should replace the SD card, but I really do not want to climb around to do it. - Lazy SOB.
A few comments;
Make sure that you do not have the box below checked:
View attachment 154209

Unless you spent some serious change, the cable testers that one gets only really shows if you have wires reversed, not the quality of the crimp. Crimps can be impacted by humidity and temperature changes. That can cause the connection to be flaky.

Running your ethernet cables near 120VAC would be the last thing I would worry about for a cam losing signal.

Cams dropping signal is usually bad crimp, poor POE power issues, or SC Card issues.

Poor POE power issues are hard to prove. Unless a port is totally dead, intermittent, low power fluctuations are hard to find, but they happen. That is why most of us will not use POE switches that we are not familiar with. Internal components can get a little hot and become intermittent. Environmental changes can cause cams to pull a little more power than normal. If there is not enough head room, then the cam reboots.

Log in to the cam and view the log. Is the cam rebooting when it went offline?

Do you have an SC card? Sometimes cams reboot when the SC card gets full, even if you have it set to overwrite. I have two that do this from time to time. When I notice that they have gone offline for a very short time, I log in and view the log, check how full is the card. I will then reformat the card and it is fine for a while. Sometimes they do it a few times in a week. Sometimes they are fine for months. I really should replace the SD card, but I really do not want to climb around to do it. - Lazy SOB.

I do have that box checked. I unchecked it. Thank you.

I am not using a SC card.

My cameras don't seem to be dropping signal. I was adjusting settings in the GUI and posted a screen shot of BI status. It showed one camera at 7fps. Here is where the FPS normally stays.


Sometimes a few cameras' FPS would drop as seen below.


I got a DM to change the Max rate setting below to 15fps, it was at 30fps. I only had the cameras set at 15fps via their GUI. Overall, the FPS of the cameras are not fluctuating as much now. BI than decided that Max rate should be 17fps. I think it's solved.

Maybe you dont have anything to worry about?
I just checked my logs and Cam 9 and 1 go loss of signal more often than others. and they run IR at night....well, I checked and the "monochrome ---loss of signal--Box was checked. So i unchecked that should reduce my loss of signal cam status.

tusScreenshot 2023-02-14 025120.png
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Okay, got cameras at the angles I think are good. Time to start messing with the shutter settings. This video was captured on default settings. at 11pm and he came back around 3am.

Driveway 20230216 191659 1 - YouTube
Hey all, it's been a long day. I thought I was grasping everything, but I ran into some roadblocks. I'm a little frustrated as I thought I was on the right track and am being told by the wife to get off the computer lol.

1) I found the posts on how to make BI switch to the cameras from day mode and night mode. Those are setup. As I'm about to post, I notice they aren't switching when I log into the camera (expect to see the profile on "night" and not "day". So here is what I did sorry for not giving credit.

1. In Blue Iris, go to Camera Properties > PTZ/Control tab.
2. Enable PTZ control (if your cam doesn't have motorized pan/tilt/zoom then just pick "Dahua New V5" from the dropdown).
3. Click Edit presets.
4. Type Day Profile into the description of one of the presets which you do not intend to use for anything else.
5. Click "On call" button, then add a "Web request or MQTT" action.
6. Configure the URL as user:password@[0].Config[0]=0, replacing user, password, and with your own camera credentials and address.
7. Repeat steps 4-6 on a different preset, but with the description Night Profile and change the 0 at the end of the URL to 1 like this: user:password@[0].Config[0]=1
8. Go to camera properties > Schedule tab > Events schedule. Add each event at the desired time:

The global schedule is "enabled" by default in BI.
Simple as clicking this? No that didn't work.

I thought I read you can't use @ in the camera passwords, that still the case?

2) I then looked at all the settings in the camera and looked them all up to fine tune.

I followed @wittaj 's starting shutter and gain suggestion for daytime figuring I'll tackle night when I understand more. I tried the driveway at night (it runs color on default at night - see Fox video in prior post) and didn't get great results so I reset it.

I can see the salesperson who just came to visit here, but it appears a bit blurry to me. Maybe it's my monitor. Maybe I'm not zoomed in enough. Maybe it's fine.

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Do you have the global schedule set up with a DAY and NIGHT profile that changes based on your Long/Lat?

@ in passwords can be problematic - look at that API string and it has an @ in it, so that can wreak havoc in trying to run that API as you would now have two @ in it. It is expecting to see an IP address after the @

You only select to override the global schedule for unique circumstances. Like a clone camera that you want it to do something different than what the regular schedule does.

What are you trying to accomplish with that field of view? Overview or IDENTIFY? That is still wide and will have trouble at that distance at night to IDENTIFY. That is still a within 10 feet of the camera IDENTIFY field of view.

You should optically zoom in to about the red square or tighter if you want IDENTIFY at that distance:

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No, I did not use the global schedule. The instructions I followed were per camera and BI has the sunset and sunrise times, it has the time correct on my cameras so I am assuming it's using windows. I do have @s in the password. I'll change that tomorrow to see if it fixes things, I thought that was for the duhua utility but my mind is full.

Okay, good to know the zoom is a start for the above situation. It's different when you read about it vs when you practice it.

Thank you! Bed time for the kids then time to unwind.
Okay, the night / day profiles is working. I ended up having to factory reset the 3 cameras when changing there password as I lost the substreamin BI. So if you are adjusting camera settings get the profiles working first (or save the profile)!

I just spent an hour writing up what I tried and snipping pictures of all the settings. The I copied and pasted the command into IE... I found out I was using Admin when the cameras have it as admin

Test your command in a browser first lol
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I got 7 cameras up. I'm done for now haha. Here are some installation pics.

A 3/4" conduit flex pipe that is 10 feet long was fed over concrete block punched through the foam insulation barrier and put in the attic. Then I tried to seal the foam gap in the attic where I had about 6 inches of clearance above my head. The cans didn't spray well I got more on my hands than on the area I needed to but I was able to shove the pieces that I had to remove back into place and the foam I sprayed acted like glue. I had to use mineral spirits to get that stuff off my hands and well my neighbors thought it was funny.


The 3/4" pipe goes into a fitting that I can remove if I want to run more wires. The fitting was blue, I spray painted it black. You can see a string there, it goes all the way back to my laundry room where all the wires are. It makes it easier to pull wires into the attic and then out the flex pipe.


The 1/2" sprinkler line goes across the screen enclosure to the back. It attaches to a T where I can disconnect it if I run more wires to guide them. I sealed the unused T up with silicone tap and covered that with electrical tape. You can also see the zip ties I used, which I posted whre to buy somewhere in this thread.


I got a 6"x6" piece of aluminum for free from a place that deals with metal, and they had scraps. I painted it black. I went through the mounting bracket into the aluminum plate with screws into the enclosure. I put dielectric grease on the o rings, used the water seal that came with the camera, used silicone tape, electrical tape and all the goodies. Clear silicone caulk around the plate to mount and mount to camera.

For the previous picture and this one, the fittings took more trips than I can count to Home Depot to get the correct fit. My first choice for the thread into the mount was actually the piece you screw into the bottom of sprinklers, but I couldn't get the L shape to go up the way I wanted. So you see the stainless steel hose clamp.

I can easily get 2 more wires ran through this system for items to go on the enclosure (IR light or another camera) but I need to attend to other projects and wait and see how this setup works.

Now that it's down. Direct burial would have been so much easier to a post but there is a garden bed below the camera. It is about 7-8 feet off the ground too.


The rest of the cameras are mounted like this one. Everything in the attic.


My BI machine. It's on a tray table. I'm pretty sure the plan is to get a unit with 2 shelves (top for machine and switch, bottom for monitor) and clothes hanger on bottom for drying from easyclosets. That would put the BI machine closer to the ceiling and I can pull wires back up in the attic and zip ties them. Make everything look pretty. I bet that is a little ways down the road so I'm posting it now.


Here is where all my low voltage comes into the laundry room. The shelf unit would be on the left and all the black wires are camera related. You can see that brown string here that was outside, it goes about 100 feet through that conduit pipe. I have another rolled up on empty toliet paper cardboard that would get taped to the next wire that is ran so I also have the string at both ends to assist with the process.


I need to finalize the view on the camera on the enclosure but will definitely post anything I catch.

This thread went from thoughts about setup all the way to completion of the project - at least phase 1!