Barrier Gate Guidance


Sep 21, 2021

I hope you can help me.

I have a Hikvision DS-2CD7A26G0P ANPR camera that is integrated via ISAPI with our software (we have a listening server that is capturing all images and detection details).

I would like to buy a Barrier Gate so that it opens automatically with the license plate detection.

But I don’t know where to start. Which model of Barrier Gate I need to buy? I don’t understand the NO, NC, A <- 1 terminology. Do I need special cables for this?

Thank you
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You would need a digital output with relay out. ON the relay for 1 second. The barrier would open.
When the car passes the barrier, the inductive loop would signal the barrier to close ( down).
Best brand I know is magnetic control but they are expensive.
Nice from Italy and others from China works too.
Get something like Nice for home use.
NO = normally open
NC = normally close
dont know yr context.
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@jrecasens I do not have experience with that camera but the spec sheet says that it has alarm inputs and outputs. I use Mighty Mule for my gate opener and it has auxiliary inputs. Your output could be wired via any two wire conductor. At <1amp, I think that even cat 5 would work. You said that you wanted the gate to open with license plate detection. That sounds like you want the camera to recognize an acceptable license plate and open. Not sure how that would work. Seems like you would need to load a white list of plates to the camera and it would have compare to the capture and provide an alarm contact output when it recognizes the right plate. I have no info on that.
If you use a LiftMaster or Chamberlain WiFi gate operator then you could integrate it into HomeSeer automation, along with Blue Iris.
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