I didn't say this, but I am now attempting this via Wifi, through a Unifi AP. So my laptop is:
Laptop -> Unifi AP -> unifi Switch -> USG
I got this working, thanks for your help. I can now access across VLANs is all set. Blocking internet all set.
Do I need to block IP cameras from seeing my LAN now? I want to RDP blue Iris for configuration. I'd also like to be able to view blue Iris streams on wifi devices. How do I accomplish both without breaking the blue Iris part which is working currently?
Any wisdom here? Any Unifi and Android dudes out there?
Hi Nick,
I noticed that my Android (via T-Mobile) had started to warn me a while ago that the VPN connection I use from UniFi is not secure. It is an annoying message, but in my case I can still connect okay.