Known around here
Why don't we just ban physics? It's always getting in the way of things
We should, we have already banned Biology 101Why don't we just ban physics? It's always getting in the way of things
Really inspires confidence in the future EV 18-wheelers that will be delivering our country's commerce, doesn't it?And another fail for EVs. A fully charged F150 Lightning has the same range as an F50 gas powered truck when towing. What a joke!
'What a Joke': Man Tries to Tow with His Electric Truck - Shows How It Was a 'Total Disaster'
A popular automotive aficionado decided to test out an EV truck's towing capacity. The experiment ended in
Hoovie is using a "Standard battery package" The other guys are using the "MAX range towing package and claims to have a bigger battery" and coolers So not comparing apples to apples here If I'm understanding both videos.I watched most of hoovies videos, and I found that one the most puzzling. It just doesn't line up with actual independent tests and reviews
Video: The Electric Ford F-150 Lightning Takes On The World’s Toughest Towing Test – The Ike Gauntlet
It's time to put the all-new 2022 Ford F-150 Lightning on the Ike Gauntlet™ - the world's toughest towing test. This time we compare the new Lightning EV
Note the California tag....probably on his way to TX or FL or ???
And another fail for EVs.
What looks at first glance as contradictory statements are both correct. The root problem is the greenies, governments, and woke corporations forcing EV technology where it doesn't belong, causing a lot of problems, pushback, and resentment. This does contribute to keeping the sheep divided and battling each other.Conversely, people claiming that a proper EV like a Tesla are not good for the environment are either plain stupid or ignorant.
You could very well be correct. On the other hand, sometimes these obvious things don't work out. Example:electric car is the future
I'd like to see at least 2 terms / 8 years in a row of conservative POTUS de-regs (like Trump) to get the reactors back online and proliferating all over the U.S.You could very well be correct. On the other hand, sometimes these obvious things don't work out. Example:
In 1954, the Atomic Energy Commission chairman predicted that within 15 years nuclear power would make electricity “too cheap to meter.” That quote, at the time, did not seem so outlandish.
What happened to electricity becoming “too cheap to meter?” - AAF
Absolutely correct. My next car likely will still be ICE, but I don't get upset seeing EV drivers on the road.The root problem is the greenies, governments, and woke corporations forcing EV technology where it doesn't belong, causing a lot of problems, pushback, and resentment. This does contribute to keeping the sheep divided and battling each other.
That should do wonders for the water table / aquifers in the vicinity...oh, Green New this going to be a problem? Would it be better to not bury it in water but instead let the toxic smoke dissipate into the atmosphere? Better set up a committee and award a multi-million dollar grant to a college lab to determine the best resolution....but we need a decision and answer NOW, not 5 years from now !.....the best recommended method for extinguishnent is digging a pit, putting the car in and filling it with water to submerge it.