BIG Owl on my Trail

Coyote With Injured Front Paw, 11/13/24

Traveling in a group of 3, so if s/he's lucky, the family will share food.
Coyote With Injured Front Paw, 11/13/24

Traveling in a group of 3, so if s/he's lucky, the family will share food.
Coyote With Injured Front Paw, 11/24/24

This is 11 days after the injured coyote first showed up on my cameras, so clearly it's surviving. It doesn't look emaciated, so it's eating. I doubt it can hunt like that, so are the other helping it with food?
Ground squirrel?

Coyote With Injured Front Paw, 11/13/24
Coyote With Injured Front Paw, 12/20/24

It's been 5 weeks since this injured coyote initially crossed my cameras, and for the first time s/he seems to be putting a little bit of weight on it. I cut ~30 seconds of dead time between the two animals, but these two are definitely traveling together, and I see the injured one with 1 or 2 companions very regularly.
Coyote with Rabbit (?)

Looks like a rabbit to me, but I could be wrong:

Also, do you have your triggers on motion sensor? Do you get a lot of false triggers? Thanks.
Right now I'm triggering strictly on motion, and alerting on triggers, so I get a ton of false positives:


I tried installing CPAI a while back, but it was really unstable, so I uninstalled it. I may try it again, and using it to Alert only on animal/human detection.
One of "my" coyotes died a few weeks back, and I found it on a trail about 1/2 mile from my cameras:


A lot of folks around here consider them a nuisance, and I consider them a danger to my own cats, but it's hard not to feel sad when you've been watching them daily. I didn't turn it over or examine the body, but I didn't see any obvious trauma, and it's clearly not a starvation death.

County picked up the carcass, and I've asked if they checked/recorded the gender, and whether or not they tested for poison, but I doubt they'll get back to me, since they're overworked and understaffed. TBH I'm surprised they actually picked it up, given that it's not on a public street or a hazard to anyone.

I am still seeing 2 adults (instead of 3) nightly on my cameras, so I'm wondering if this was one of the mated pair, or their offspring.