BIG Owl on my Trail

Coyote with Squirrel on Thoroughbred Trail 05/16/24

At least it looks a lot like a ground squirrel, based on the tail.

Thoroughbred Trail Up 2024-05-16 AM.jpg

This is at 1/120th shutter speed. I'm going to crank it down to 1/250th and see if that improves things.
This is at 1/120th shutter speed. I'm going to crank it down to 1/250th and see if that improves things.
Here's 1/250th. Noticeably less blur in the coyote, at the expense of significant noise in the background. Look at the wood pile and fencepost.


I'm guessing 1/500th would be unacceptably noisy, but I'll try that tonight, for science,.
Loud Coyote Puppies on Thoroughbred Trail, 05/20/24

I think the smallest of the first group of 3 is a yearling, and not this season's pup, but I'm not 100% certain.

But we've got 5 healthy pups, for sure.
Coyote Pup on Eastvale, 05/27/24

Pup on the loose! I've never seen a coyote this young out on the street before. They usually stick to the trails.
Coyote Plays with Rat, 06/16/24

And after all that, he doesn't even eat it. ‍:idk:
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Coyote Family of 8 on Thoroughbred Trail, 06/19/24

Looks like 2 parents, 1 yearling, and the 5 pups that we first saw on 05/20/24.
Coyote Family of 8 on Thoroughbred Trail, 07/06/24

It looks like two parents, a yearling, and 5 pups, though it's getting hard to tell because the pups are so big now!

They go up the trail and come back down a few hours later.

This was preceded by the Coyote Cacophony, a few minutes earlier:
Coyote Cacophony, 07/06/24

Nothing to see here, but lots to hear here! Volume UP!

A few minutes later the entire family of 8 ran by.
Hurricane Coyote, 07/09/24

How many coyotes do you count? Hard to tell with them swirling around like a hurricane. The group makes 3 passes across the cameras.
Coyote with Prey, Thoroughbred Trail, 07/11/24

It might be a cat, but it looks more like a raccoon. It also looks too big to be cat. Raccoons are fierce! I'm surprised that a coyote was able to catch one.
Tail-less Raccon on Thoroughbred Trail, 07/15/24

Two chonky raccoons strolling by. The second one seems to have lost its tail, possibly to a coyote. But it doesn't seem to bother them.
Coyote with Rabbit, Thoroughbred Trail, 07/16/24

Another coyote with prey. This time I'm pretty sure it's a rabbit, based on the ears.
Coyote with Prey, Thoroughbred Trail, 07/27/24, 1

The ears and long legs look like a rabbit, to me.

Coyote with Prey, Thoroughbred Trail, 07/27/24, 2

The tail on this one looks like a raccoon, but a small one.

It might be a ringtail.
It does look like it, doesn’t it? But I live in suburban Los Angeles, and I’ve never heard of a ringtail being seen here.

Doesn’t mean it can’t happen, though.
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Coyote Family of 5 on Thoroughbred Trail, 09/18/24

I see them run by in 1s and 2s literally every night, but I haven't seen them together like this in a few months. I see at least 5 distinct coyotes, but there might be 6. Hard to tell with them whirling around so much. This was over a 2.5 minute period, with the dead time edited out, so watch the timestamps.
Middle Coyote Missing Tail, 09/27/24

Three coyotes go by, and the middle one appears to have lost most of its tail. I cut out 18 seconds of dead air between the first and second coyote, but there was no edit between 2 and 3, so they're definitely all traveling together.

We saw the family of 5 just a few days ago ^^

and three of them appeared to be adults (contrary opinions welcome!), so this may have been a recent injury.