Blue Iris 4 - Clips and Archiving question

so when I set to use the local drive the move worked. OK so it is something with the mapped drive. I have BI running as a service, and I am using a service account not local system. thoughts?
so when I set to use the local drive the move worked. OK so it is something with the mapped drive. I have BI running as a service, and I am using a service account not local system. thoughts?
This may help...from the help file...
"These folders do not need to be located on the same hard drive or PC as the database. Note however, that if you are running Blue Iris as a service, you may not be able to use the "LocalSystem" account if your Stored clips folder is located on a network drive; instead, you must use a named user account, and give that account rights to the network resource."
This may have been asked and answered but I'm having trouble getting to the bottom of this: My goal is to have a BRIEF clip recorded upon motion activation via a hot-spot. EX: If someone passed by the camera it would begin to record for a predetermined mount of time and then stop. If they pass by again or stayed within the frame (moving around ) the camera would continue to record until the action stopped. For some reason I am getting very long clips (over an hour) and cannot seem to find a way to shorten their recording time. Also, in the RECORD tab for a camera I don't understand the line "10:00 Min for 5 Sec." nor can I change these as the drop-downs for MIN and SEC do not function, therefore I cannot change them just in case this might help to fix my clip length. I admit that I am brand new to BI4 so there may be a setting somewhere that I am missing.
This may have been asked and answered but I'm having trouble getting to the bottom of this: My goal is to have a BRIEF clip recorded upon motion activation via a hot-spot. EX: If someone passed by the camera it would begin to record for a predetermined mount of time and then stop. If they pass by again or stayed within the frame (moving around ) the camera would continue to record until the action stopped. For some reason I am getting very long clips (over an hour) and cannot seem to find a way to shorten their recording time. Also, in the RECORD tab for a camera I don't understand the line "10:00 Min for 5 Sec." nor can I change these as the drop-downs for MIN and SEC do not function, therefore I cannot change them just in case this might help to fix my clip length. I admit that I am brand new to BI4 so there may be a setting somewhere that I am missing.
Dont use hotspot, it will trigger way too often, setup proper motion settings. Blue iris will keep a trigger going as long as there is additional ensure you dont miss anything set the BREAK time to 30 seconds.
You likely dont have long clips but rather a bunch of short clips that are combined...check you combine and cut settings.
You dont want or need to adjust the "10:00 Min for 5 Sec." this is only available when using the periodic record options. Dont use it, if you dont understand those settings you will miss recordings..
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Fendernam, thanks. I was under the impression that the hot spot (red box) is what triggers the motion detection in a given area and that the mask brush creates the areas to ignore. How should I be creating a "trigger" area within the frame?
Fendernam, thanks. I was under the impression that the hot spot (red box) is what triggers the motion detection in a given area and that the mask brush creates the areas to ignore. How should I be creating a "trigger" area within the frame?
The hot spot makes the area extra sensitive and defeats the sensitivity settings. All you need to do is mask the areas you dont want triggered and the remaining area will trigger motion.
Is there a way to create a new folder for archiving? I have a fairly large array that needs to be stored for a long time. Trying to make it easy as possible on myself.

the length of the clops is irrelevant to folders.
Look man, I am not here to argue. I have a shit ton of cameras that will be recording 24/7. Therefor a folder for each camera would be Ideal. The reason I mentioned clip length is in terms of organization, It was an attempt to elaborate how worried I am about having to sift through extreme amounts of clips to find what I am looking for. Then again, sifting a 10 hour clip is not ideal.

Thank you for your help, a simple "no" would have been just fine.
Look man, I am not here to argue. I have a shit ton of cameras that will be recording 24/7. Therefor a folder for each camera would be Ideal. The reason I mentioned clip length is in terms of organization, It was an attempt to elaborate how worried I am about having to sift through extreme amounts of clips to find what I am looking for. Then again, sifting a 10 hour clip is not ideal.

Thank you for your help, a simple "no" would have been just fine.
A folder for each camera is silly...there is no reason for it unless you specifically have different retention requirements for each iris has a database, all the clips are easily sorted within blue iris itself. Stop with the OCD...if you want more folders email support and ask for dont have to sift through a 10 hour clip, that is what motion detection alerts are for...then you can easily scrub the timeline to find what you are looking for.
I find all cameras in one folder to be convenient - all footage is in the one location, limited only by disk size.

I tried setting up a cascading folder structure based on now+X days where X was a different range for about 5 folders, but it just became disorderly.

In the end I just set larger durations for the recording periods and now at worst I need two files per camera if an incident takes place across an end of file marker. Grab the files, stick them in a new folder for the incident and work on them there (usually in a seperate instance of BI so I don't mess with the server - remote playback console, anyone?).

File naming for me is camera name first, which makes navigation of the file storage area easier. Modification time or via a command line is useful for grouping files by other properties.
Hi I have, same issue.
Please see attached photo, only alerts were deleted but not a clips but month ago all was prefect, I did not change nothing.


  • clips.jpg
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