Blue Iris appears to be recording most of the time even though I have it set to trigger When mode only


Getting the hang of it
Jul 10, 2016
Reaction score
Blue Iris appears to be recording most of the time even though I have it set to "When triggered". The timeline shows it recording almost 24 hours day instead of when triggered. See attached picture. Any idea's?



Staff member
Mar 9, 2014
Reaction score
Blue Iris appears to be recording most of the time even though I have it set to "When triggered". The timeline shows it recording almost 24 hours day instead of when triggered. See attached picture. Any idea's?
From the help file
"Timeline view and controls
The timeline view shows a horizontal time-based view of both clips and alerts together.
“Tracks” are created based on camera colors. As a clip may contain many video start/
positions, a timeline rectangle represents the entire time covered by one clip, but this does
not indicate continuous recording over the period represented. However, triggered alerts
are represented by a lightning bolt icon above the tracks and an orange band beneath the
tracks to represent the time during which the camera was triggered. If you are recording
only when triggered, these orange bands therefore will represent times during which video
was actually captured."

You also have an over allocation error - see bottom right negative storage.