Blue Iris conflict with display.

Blue Iris is the only program that changes my "Color depth" like that.
I uninstalled the program and reinstalled many times, but it seem like there was still something left in the registry somewhere.
(It must, to know how many times I installed it, to cut me off at a certain point)
It is more than compatibility mode.. The bold info is what you have to look for.. That person was also banging their head for many hours and did not try that part.

Go to the actual BlueIris.exe file (not shortcut)

Refer the steps below to disable the compatibility mode for BlueIris and see if it helps:
Close BlueIris> go to C:\path to BI install > right click on BlueIris.exe> click Properties > Compatibility tab > click ‘Change settings for all users’ at the bottom > under Compatibility mode, uncheck the box ‘Run this program in compatibility mode for’ > also uncheck the options under Settings > click Apply and OK.
If you want to see if it is there, you can run this from a command prompt (change the e: to a local drive)

reg export
"HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\AppCompatFlags" e:\appcomp.txt

Needs to be on 1 line. Then open the txt file and search for BlueIris

You might need to search for Blue or Iris or Blue Iris depending on how it is stored in there. If you find it in there, you will need to do the steps in my previous post, or edit the registry.

You may have to do the same thing for

reg export
"HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\AppCompatFlags\Layers" e:\layers.txt

You should have 1 entry there as below (different drive path)

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\AppCompatFlags\Layers]
"E:\\Blue Iris 3\\blueiris.exe"="RUNASADMIN"
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HOLY MOTHER OF GOD !!!! I can now go on with my LIFE !!!! THANK YOU !!!!
Problem was in the Blue Iris original exe file (the largest one)
Properties / Compatibility / 256 was checked along with Disable visual themes.
Unchecked them both - If I drank, I would be drunk right now.
I ordered another ssd drive which came today- because I did not think it was fixable. (did not want to take anything off this one because I have configured perfectly, in case I found the cure later)
I thought I had to start all over -- I'm already WORN OUT, messing with this thing.
Thank you to everybody lending a hand on this.
Honestly - This was almost as stressful as doing taxes.
BlueIris probably doesn't look at AppCompat in the registry since it isn't installed by BlueIris. So the uninstall wouldn't look there.

Glad it was resolved.

I wonder how many people are looking at that registry setting to see if a quirky app is in there. :rapture: